Div get scroll position


Div get scroll position. The problem is when sometimes we display a lot of links so the user has to scroll. i. The position Property. Easily maintaining scroll position in GridView using jQuery Apr 13, 2016 · Run this on scroll, and you can detect when the element is 100px, or 200px from the top. scrollTop || document. 4. get value of current scroll position by js. scrollY; Not Forgetting the position. The scrollTo () method scrolls the document to the specified coordinates. const p = document. scrollTop()); Aug 10, 2011 · If I scroll my mouse wheel to some part of the page, how do I get the page's current top position? I want click one element in my page, then open a div which top is to current screen top. , you need to specify top and bottom anchor positions). HostListener only listens for scroll events which occur on the [stickyHeaderDirective] element. There’s also the window. For example, say you have a link halfway down the scrollbox. div. If you want the modal window to appear as the user scrolls, or when a certain point is reached, you'll have to do it through Javascript and track the current position. The scrollBy () method works similarly as the scrollTo () method. scroll-table' is the class name used for scroll-able part. Let’s say you have a paragraph ( <p>) element. It also fixes a bug when you view this on mobile devices (you need to check left scroll position otherwise the div will move off screen). service. answered Aug 29, 2014 at 16:24. querySelector('div') div. when the div shows its always on the top of the page and the user gets scrolled up there when it gets focus. Mar 24, 2020 · The first is for the indicator to change color when it’s near the top of the screen. offset position of the element and calculate its relative position with respect to window. Now, this works well on only IE, so when a user goes to the page, the default scroll position is set to the bottom. fixed. scrollTop. pageYOffset || document . // var isAnimating = false; $(this). I am using the $(window). scrollTop); // set scroll position in px el. enabled. Those properties are read/write, so you can also set the scroll Get and Set Scroll Position of the Document. Jan 29, 2020 · React - How to get the scroll position of a div in JS. $( your_selector). However, in some instances, you have an element to Get the scroll position in a div. scrollTo (); it takes either a pair of coordinates (x,y) or an options object – if you just want to scroll nicely to the top, try window. This way the scroll bar will show up somewhere else. How to make scroll check the window size every 5-10 px move so that it doesn't take too much memory Nov 23, 2022 · On click of StyledLink the new page is loaded. scrollTop; Try it Yourself ». container} onScroll={handleScroll}> handleScroll is this function, if scroll position is down then request to your db Jun 11, 2014 · To get the current position, you want: document. scollX object to get the scroll data. When it is set to enabled, it: Scrolls to top whenever you navigate to a new route. y-axis of 40) once the form shows up, but I'm not entirely sure how to achieve this. body. There are various examples about this, but I couldn't get any of them to work. These properties will enable to know the element's horizontal as well as vertical scrolling: scrollTop: The property of an element that returns the number of pixels permitted to the element's content to scroll Mar 7, 2019 · I find it generally more useful to use IntersectionObserver for styling things based on scroll position. Then we write: const div = document. To get the scroll position of the document, you use the following pageXOffset, pageYOffset properties of the window object or the scrollLeft and scrollTop properties of the documentElement object: scrollTop = window . But on FireFox, the default scroll position is set to the top, which is really unconvenient as users have to scroll all Apr 7, 2023 · Element: scrollLeft property. // do stuff. e if you move back from the bottom to the top, isScrollComplete will be false. In JavaScript, we can use the window. querySelector ('. scroll-position. Apr 13, 2015 · Now I have to do some calculations based on how much the "currentContainer" has scrolled down + what is the offset of a specific element from its parent scrolling div (that is "currentCoantainer"). Dec 1, 2018 · Once you have the element, you can inspect its scrollLeft and scrollTop properties. JS FIDDLE version added: 1. function scrollToElement (el) { const target Oct 28, 2009 · position: fixed isn't enough when you want your div to move only along with one of the scrolls, X or Y. Jan 22, 2015 · var s = $(doc). The second is for the indicator to stay put at the top of the screen and come down only when its section is scrolled down to. Now, when we have, the helper functions, let's look into the hook itself. ScottyG. scrollTop; // reuse `scrollContent` innstead of querying the DOM again console. The accepted answer is perfect. css('top','current position'); And . prototype. textContent = i. Get the height of div and. site-content'); // store in a variable so we can reference the element in multiple locations scrollContent. The position property specifies the type of positioning method used for an element. The div with table has a fixed height and overflow scroll and it works perfectly. Sep 8, 2011 · Is it possible to specify a position (left or right hand side) for the placement of a vertical scrollbar on a div? For example look at this page which explains how to use the overflow attribute. But it turns out that it does not happen. If your div had a id of 'mydiv' you could us the following jquery id selector with css property: jQuery('#mydiv'). scrollTop) }) Mar 11, 2024 · Step By Step Guide On JavaScript Get Scroll Position Of Div :-. Restores the previous scroll position when you navigate back to a previous route. The one thing you have to remember is that when you're talking screen positions, or a "scrolling point," all screen sizes aren't the same. Get the position of div on page scroll. Elements are then positioned using the top, bottom, left, and right properties. addEventListener to listen to the scroll event of the div. scrollY; let scrollX = this. First go to the initial position $('. Logging scroll position on scroll using React hooks. window. css("overflow-y", "scroll"); Share. Here is my code. relative. Here is an example of running offset() and scrollTop() on window. const someElement = useRef() Then in your JSX, choose the element you want to set scroll position for. If this <a> tag gets hidden after scrolling down, I want its position in negative values. A number indicating the new position to set the scroll bar to. Unfortunately, even if it sounds perfect, as explained in this issue, it doesn’t solve all the problems and Feb 8, 2017 · If you want to scroll to an element in a horizontal div using vanilla JavaScript, you can find the answer in this Stack Overflow question. What I want to do is set the view to the 2nd DIV by default, so when the page loads the div with "This should be viewed by de Nov 13, 2019 · you have to use onScroll function on your div, span, whatever <TableContainer className={classes. That element must be the one firing the scroll events. From here, you can check to see if the element's scroll position is less than its total height. width: 200px; overflow-y: auto; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black; transform:rotateX(180deg); -moz-transform:rotateX(180deg); /* Mozilla */. getElementById("myDIV"); let x = elmnt. . scrollTop(); Oct 27, 2019 · I'm using scroll-snap-type to move through DIVs and put them into view. scroll() function is called as soon as there is even a little change in the scroll position and loads data at the bottom; however, what I wish to achieve is to load new data when the scroll/page position reaches at the bottom, like it happens for Facebook feed. Sep 15, 2010 · 7 Answers. const position = window. mydiv { width: 200px; height: 200px 4. August 12, 2020. ( Ex: When you want to show pagination of the table only when the scroll is at the bottom of the table and should hide when the scroll is anywhere else ) Mar 13, 2023 · If you want to set scroll position to a specific element in React, first create a variable to store a ref (an instance of useRef () hook). scrollLeft = 500; el. -webkit-transform:rotateX(180deg Apr 26, 2023 · There are some simple techniques to get the scrollbar position that are discussed below: Approach 1: Whenever the function getScroll () is encountered, it sets the current value of the scrollbar to the span element whose id is position. when . For instance, we write. addEventListener ('scroll', () => { const scrolled = scrollContent. scrollLeft. addEventListener("scroll", function(){. scrollLeft; let y = elmnt. I am using nuxt. addEventListener('scroll', () => { console. scrollTop(); or. Anyway, the items in the GridView are clickable, but the scroll position of the containing div is not being preserved through the postback no matter what I try. ts. Below is code sandbox playground link to the same. Mar 27, 2021 · We can use the scrollTop property of an element to let us get the number of pixels hidden because of scrolling. log(currentPos) // always is 0 despite scrolling in the div. When I go back (with browser's back button) from the newly loaded page, I want to restore the position of scroll on SearchListWrapper . payeYOffset . But, here the property which we will use is the direction property of CSS for changing the position of the scroll bar. reload(function() { $(". In this manner your scroll bar will be reset to it's position before the postback as you wish. scrollWidth = 324 – is the full inner width, here we have no horizontal scroll, so it equals clientWidth. Whether you need to use pure JavaScript, jQuery, or CSS, you will find helpful code snippets and tips here. dataTables_scrollBody"). To get or set the scroll position of an HTML element, you can use the scrollLeft and scrollTop properties. var scrollPos = $('#Eframe'). The scrollTop value of an element is a measurement of how far the element's top is from its topmost visible content. Apr 7, 2023 · Element: scrollTop property. scrollY; console. So in order to achieve that I end up using mixins. scrollTop property to get how far the div has scrolled down. 1. You will also see some examples and explanations from other users who faced the same problem. pageYOffset property. Nov 15, 2018 · 3. Learn from the best solutions, compare different approaches, and find out the pros and cons of each method. I have a div that scrolls internally. Mar 22, 2019 · Use Element. Apr 10, 2014 · 1. scrollLeft property gets or sets the number of pixels that an element's content is scrolled from its left edge. One way to do it is to capture, in the onscroll event of the div, the values from the scrollLeft and scrollTop properties. Not sure why it didn't work for him but here's the interval code I'm using with success: setInterval( function () { scrollPos = $(". Just remove marginTop if you need only the horiz scroll. scrollingBox'); let currentPos = box. scroll(), and adding/removing classes when the element has reached the top of this page. It does not take into consideration if the container is on screen or more complex cases. let box: any = document. Use the properties scrollTop and scrollLeft to get or set the scroll position of an element: var el = document. Scrolling on x-axis in a div with overflow. So we can use this to get the position of the scrollbar. addEventListener('scroll', (event) => { let scrollY = this. We need to add the position to a localStorage variable, so that we don't lose the data when the user goes onto a different page May 28, 2013 · Now when I scroll the page and check of <a> tag's x,y co-ordinates, they remain the same, i. To set the scroll position. scrollTo(0, pos); Then how to track the scroll bar inside a div? Get the number of pixels the content of "myDIV" is scrolled: const element = document. Oct 10, 2021 · To get div tag scroll position using JavaScript, we can use the scrollTop property. addEventListener to add the scroll event listener. scrollTop = 1000; Or, using jQuery (animate it while you're at it!): Nov 13, 2015 · Is there anyway I can track the current position of the scroll bar when I click, and set the value back when the table is redrawn? If it is a scroll bar of the DOM, I can use: var pos = $('body'). ready function is called. If I am not wrong, the code should print a new value on the div everytime it changes its vertical position relative to the document. Feb 2, 2024 · Use the scrollBy () Method to Set the Scroll Position in JavaScript. Share. I tried it by comparing top scroll position with . js Sep 4, 2022 · To get and set the current web page scroll position with JavaScript, we set the scrollTop property. parent { position: relative; } Now properties such as left, right, bottom and top will refer to the parent element, so that if we make the child element transparent we can see it sitting right at the bottom of the parent: Feb 23, 2017 · 15. 6 . scrollLeft = 50; Jun 2, 2022 · Currently, I am working on scroll to top button features. log(scrollPos); If #Eframe is an element with overflow:scroll on it and you want it's scroll position. The 0, 0 position is always found in the top left corner, so any scrolling is relative to that. scrollFromTop = document. document. Feb 4, 2018 · 2 Answers. This is the cause of the slow and laggy animation effect you are seeing. querySelector('div'); // get scroll position in px console. Mar 3, 2022 · In this article, we will learn how to get and set the scroll position of an HTML element using JavaScript. slice. Setting the scrollTop positions the vertical scroll of each matched element. scrollTop ( value ) value. scrollY), startWith(0), distinctUntilChanged(), shareReplay(1)); Apr 6, 2023 · THIS DOES NOT CHANGE THE SCROLLBAR, it flips it to be at the top, instead of the bottom. When a page is scrolled, a sticky element sticks to a given Dec 19, 2016 · How to set the scroll position of a div with a div overflowing inside it? 2. scroll function but it only checking the div position once and not updating the value. Here's a demo showing the difference with and without CSS styles. Accept button The modal by itself has a fixed height and scroll hidden. sticky. The vertical scroll position is the same as the number of pixels that are hidden from view above the scrollable area. The scrollLeft property sets or returns the number of pixels an element's content is allowed to scroll horizontally. 0. The button showed up when it is scrollable to bottom. var s = $(document). You can set the current position to 1000px down the page like so: document. We can use these properties to expand the element wide to its full width/height. scrollTop( position) As you can see in the above syntax, we can set and get the position of the specified selector, but we just have to be careful about the syntax in order to get the desired result. log(eTop - $(window). Then we get the div. Aug 25, 2010 · Using Jquery: '. Jun 26, 2022 · On the picture above: scrollHeight = 723 – is the full inner height of the content area including the scrolled out parts. documentElement. Approach: We will be using the HTML DOM querySelector () and addEventListener () methods and the HTML DOM innerHTML, scrollTop and scrollLeft properties. On post back, use the values from the text boxes to reset the properties. . currentPosition = window. If you want to change the scrollbar, then you will need a plugin (JS plugin). Apr 9, 2015 · I think if you're looking for the scroll position on a div you might have to rely on offsetTop to compute it, I'm not an HTML or Angular expert though so there might be a better option Array. ajax. We can write code to get bottom scroll position in a div by various way but logic would be the same which is. draw(view, options); window. So I got helped from stackoverflow, But I doesn't works. Follow. var scrollPos = $(document). Below line calculates the scroll difference between the tables top position and the row to which we have scroll Jan 3, 2021 · I have one container div what overflow-y:scroll. scrollTop = document. offsetTop to get this value for an element and use this value to set your scroll point. css: body,html{ margin: 0; padding:0; height: 100%; overflow: hidden} . Oct 15, 2020 · Now that you are all set up, let’s move to the actual problem. Nov 16, 2010 · 2. An element's scrollTop value is a measurement of the distance from the element's top to its topmost visible content. I want to remember the last position when the scroll to top button is clicked. The scrollbar position along a horizontal and vertical axis is denoted by integers. If the element's direction is rtl (right-to-left), then scrollLeft is 0 when the scrollbar is at its rightmost position (at the start of the scrolled content), and then increasingly negative Aug 14, 2015 · It has children divs which have text content, I want to check if scroll is in front of one of the child divs. So just put the current screen top position to: $('#content'). Scrolling to an element. ineffective of page scrolling. Get scroll position in Javascript. Jul 16, 2019 · Scroll Position of a Div in Angular 7+. So when the user click the scroll to bottom button , it will return to the last position. appendChild(p) console. Sep 19, 2012 · There is a fixed navigation and when the user scrolls the window it suppose change the nav name once it reaches close to the nav. Scroll the contents of "myDIV" TO 50 pixels horizontally and 10 pixels vertically: const element = document. scrollTop(); jQuery does make this a little easier, when passing in either window or document jQuery's scrollTop does a similar check and figures it out, so either of these should work cross-browser. scrollTop = 1000; Getting the scroll position of the document in px. 6. }); You can then get the current scroll position of that element by using element. scrollTop Nov 9, 2016 · I managed to load more content with a button click (also inside the modal), but I wanted to implement a infinite scroll feature. Feb 2, 2024 · We can get the scrollbar position on the window using the window object. scrollTop; Code language: JavaScript Feb 28, 2024 · In React, you can set and get the scroll position of an element using the scrollTop property for Tagged with javascript, react, programming. Nov 8, 2019 · scrollTo. Initially, Grab the . Make sure the [stickyHeaderDirective] element has the correct CSS styling to allow it to scroll. Save those values in a hidden text box (es). Div Scroll Position. of the scroll bar. instrucations, 2: table, 3. scrollTo ( {top:0,behavior:'smooth'});. When the user is done and closes the div, he has to find his way back down the list where he was. Below is an example using the scroll utils to scroll to an element within its container. Remove marginLeft if you need only vertical. scollY & window. Here is my script and could you fix the problem? Apr 15, 2021 · As you can see the modal is divided into 3 DIV. Mar 28, 2019 · I was trying to do something where I just have to call a variable or function to get the window scroll position in any component. pageYOffset; May 27, 2021 · But we call div. export function useScrollPosition(effect, deps Apr 7, 2016 · The way they get the position is fromEvent (window, 'scroll') You can then do something like this in a global service you inject into your component: public readonly windowScroll$ = fromEvent(window, 'scroll'). If you want to set the scroll position of document. scrollTo(0, 0); is the ultimate solution for scrolling the windows to the top - the best part is that it does not require any id selector and even if we use the IFRAME structure it will work extremely well. With it, you can do things like, “has this element been scrolled into view or beyond,” which is generically useful and can be used for scrolled-away-from-top stuff too. log (scrolled Feb 1, 2012 · To help get the ball rolling, and maybe give you some ideas if you're already familiar with jQuery, you could try the followingfigure out how far down the page your div is, listen for scroll events, and when the div comes into focus (i. For instance, we write: <div style='height: 100px; overflow-y: auto'> <p>hello</p> </div> to add a scrollable div. absolute. Inside plugin create a file eg. scrollLeft, el. scrollTop); Mar 2, 2012 · Here you can find the running code, and you can see that, when you scroll down, the value of the position of the div does not change. top. However, there seems to be a tremendous amount of options when it comes to guessing which object holds the true X/Y for your browser. #content { position:absolute; left:100px; } Dec 27, 2014 · The solution was very similar to the one the OP mentioned and sets the scroll position on the callback. scroll event is performed, we calculate the relative position of the element with respect to window object. import { scroll } from 'quasar' const { getScrollTarget, setVerticalScrollPosition } = scroll. Using the scrollY Property of the window Object. Improve this answer. Initially, the user is going to be on the home section, so: currentSection: BehaviorSubject<String> = new BehaviorSubject('home'); For getting and setting the scroll position of a JS element, there are following two properties of the element we need to use. getElementsByTagName ("div")). offsetTop)}) keep in mind this is non Aug 9, 2017 · If set to false, the scroll is observed even after the scroll is complete. What you need to do is keep track of if you are animating and react based on that so the animation has a chance to complete. e. log(scrollY); Aug 1, 2009 · Here is an extended version to Josh Lee's answer. log(scrollPos); Pure javascript can do! Mar 31, 2023 · 1. I want the scroll position of the form to scroll down a bit (ex. scrollTop property gets or sets the number of pixels that an element's content is scrolled vertically. console. var s = $(window). scrollTop(); table. If you want to add a scroll bar using jquery the following will work. Since the window object is like any other JavaScript object, we can add an EventListener to listen to a scroll event. Make the page maximum of 100% width, so no scroll will ever show, and put a DIV (or something else in it) with a scroll possibility. getElementById("myDIV"); element. In the code below, we have set the horizontal value to 10. Next, we call the useEffect hook with a callback that calls window. Jun 18, 2014 · This causes you to stop the animation and restart it. Now the table can be with 30-50 records so vertical scrolling is enabled. offset(). ) So I have this code within my component: const [scrollPosition, setScrollPosition] = useState(0); const handleScroll = () => {. Then set to scroll position according to that scroll height. scrollY property to let us get how far down the scrollbar is in pixels. onscroll function didn't seem to work or to recognize the scroll position inside the modal, even if I define it inside the modal after the first ajax request. But while calculating offset I always get the offset of the inner child element with regard to window not with the "currentContainer". scroll-table'). A standardly supported way is to edit the HTML markup and add a wrapper element to both the scrollable and the "fixed" element - which will now have position: absolute; instead: position: relative; width: 200px; height: 100px; border: 1px solid; overflow: auto; position: relative; Dec 12, 2011 · scrollTop is a non-rounded number, while scrollHeight and clientHeight are rounded — so the only way to determine if the scroll area is scrolled to the bottom is by seeing if the scroll amount is close enough to some threshold (in this example, that should be 1). This implies that the frame will move from (0,0) to Mar 11, 2019 · Sorted by: 11. May 10, 2009 · Hi, im making an AJAX chat, and have a div tag, i have enabled scrolling through the overload CSS property. querySelector('. pipe(map(x => window. But my site contains an "endless page" pagination feature and when scroll bars appear on the browser window because the content increases, the div does not maintain its position in the bottom right hand corner but rather moves up the page. 2. I think this should work (I haven't tested it though). We create an HTML div element with an id of “scroll-element” and select it using Aug 12, 2020 · Get and set scroll position of an element using JavaScript. You can listen for a scroll event on any element using the following code: element. Sep 9, 2020 · In other words, box-shadow property initially should not be there, but it should come up when the user scrolls down the page. 66% of all modern browsers, including IE9+. To capture scroll events and see which of the scroll event is being called, you have to use host listener who will observe the scroll behavior and then this thing will be detected in the function below the host listener. When an element's content does not generate a vertical scrollbar, then its scrollTop Mar 25, 2021 · I have a basic form component and that shows up once I click a button (router is not used). scrollTop = 1000; to set the scrollTop property of the body element to 1000 to scroll 1000px down. Create a BehaviourSubject, it is going to keep emitting the name of the current section. The second one is easy to do: we use position: sticky; on our elements. Set the position of div according to scroll. The problem is the . Note: Adding basic CSS property to the scroll bar in every example to make Sep 5, 2021 · Then we add the handleScroll function that takes the scroll position with the window. scrollTop(); myTable. Oct 9, 2021 · Fixing the above points: const scrollContent = document. There are five different position values: static. addEventListener instead of window. You might want create ref const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement> (); and to pass it to <SearchListWrapper ref= {ref} and then process onScroll event accessing ref Add a comment. body, you can scroll the entire window altogether using window. Visit the webpage to see the code examples and explanations. Get scroll position and direction with vanilla JS. You will learn how to use the scrollLeft property and the scrollIntoView method to achieve the desired effect. scrollTop() 2. : the page has been scrolled past the div 's position you worked out), run an animation. How can you get the scroll position of a div element in JavaScript? This question has been asked and answered by many developers on Stack Overflow, the largest online community for programmers. May 10, 2022 · We can use the CSS “::-webkit-scrollbar” property which is responsible for changing the shape, color, size, shade, shadow, etc. I want to get the new X,Y positions of <a> tag after scrolling the page related to the screen. The scrollTop value is 0 when the content of an element Jul 21, 2019 · Do you want to learn how to adjust the position of a div element based on the scroll position of the page using JavaScript? In this Stack Overflow question, you can find various solutions and explanations from experienced developers who faced the same challenge. scrollTop; console. 15. Here’s an example that adds or removes a class if a user has Mar 23, 2013 · This works well, the div fills the screen like it should. Apr 28, 2013 at 19:27. The div is setup to make the GridView scrollable when it is displaying a lot of information, while making other information in the Update Panel stable. Because it only gets the position of the child element relative to the visible top of the scrollable parent. Aug 2, 2011 · This div maintains a position 20x20 px from the bottom right corner of the page. log(position); Aug 23, 2015 · This div has a fixed height with overflow: scroll so that when we get more content than height, it would automatically get scroll bar there. Create a service, scroll. scrollTop(); console. log(document. Aug 23, 2012 · The following tutorial uses jQuery to determine the value of the scrollbar within your GridView control and then restore that value every time the $(document). This works in all cases: Nov 30, 2021 · I've found this post: Get scroll position with Reactjs and I've tried the second answer (because I'm working mostly with hooks and I want my code to be consistent. The user clicks on the link - which opens a different webpage - then the user clicks the "Back" button to Aug 12, 2010 · I'm hoping to find a way to get the current viewable window's position (relative to the total page width/height) so I can use it to force a scroll from one section to another. The Element. How to add overflow-y:scroll? 4. Jul 17, 2013 · Get the scroll position in a div. Type: Number. log(div. – Mar 19, 2012 · To make the child element positioned absolutely from its parent element we need to set this on the parent element itself: . scrollTop(0); 2. Correct way to get Scroll Position. Is there any better idea to retrieve the current scroll position? Jul 9, 2019 · The getBoundingClientRect () is a powerful method to get the size and the position of an element's bounding box, relative to the viewport. But in this case, the movement is not based on one step; rather, it will scroll as much as we want. container') container. As this will be calculated for each user individually, you won't need to worry about the element on mobile being at a different scroll position to the same element on desktop, just use the calculated value. call (document. The approved answer doesn't work if the scrollable div is scrolled. According to caniuse it's supported by 98. but as I am scrolling down div will calculate only visible height from parent with offset top position and scroll will calculate it's top from starting of parent. However the window. bind('scroll', function() {. I tried triggering scroll EventListener but it is taking the main window's scroll position though I want the scroll position of my sidebar div to be considered. contents_container {width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; position: relative; float:left;} I want to remember the container's scroll position when clicked back button or refresh. Sep 30, 2014 · Getting the scroll position. May 12, 2020 · top: force scroll position to be (0,0) on all navigation. To get the scroll position. scrollX; console. createElement('p') p. If you want the div to be on sidebar to the right, and float within a range (i. log (item. Then we call setScrollPosition to position , which is assigned to window. Oct 25, 2011 · Yes this is possbible, but you'll have to cheat. But if the parent is scrolled, the actual top is no longer the visible top. 2. Sometimes when creating scrollboxes, you might want the scrollbar to maintain its position when the user navigates away from, then returns to the page. scrollTop property gets the amount of pixels that an element's content is scrolled vertically. Determine scroll location. 5. I can't figure out why I'm not getting the 'scrollTop' position correctly. forEach (function (item,idx,array) {console. const container = document. log(el. scrollTop container. iy no iq oh dw xx uy rg lz by