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Unity scale object without scaling texture

and it increases at the same rate that you would expect with multiplication. May 16, 2020 · If i attach texture (sprite?) it will scale with object as well - this is not what i’m attempting to do. Third (really not recommended) to create a complicated calculation to sort of inverse the scale of the parent i. Jan 26, 2011 · transform. Jan 31, 2012 · Hi folks, This is a follow up to my question here: I have been learning a little about shader programming since I asked that question, and now I’m wondering if its possible to solve this in Cg with a custom particle shader. if parent scale is 0. The y-pos must be positioned precisely by zooming in. The whole puzzle has a resolution of 1024 * 768 pixels. If the objects aren't moving, you can use worldspace coords rather than object coords for the shader. What I want is to have a plane with a tileable texture, and when I scale this plane for the texture to just repeat May 1, 2017 · I am also struggling to project the world points to screen points correctly. I would like for the texture to be uniform, regardless of the block size. 5; This basically offsets the texture to the centre before scaling, then scales it around that point, and finally re-centres the texture back to its original position. Now you can adjust the plane size however big or small you want (use Transform scale properties for x and z ). All the May 24, 2009 · We are migrating the Unity Forums to Unity Discussions. 0f; void ScaleResolution () { sprite. This is the same as calling Material. docs. 5f; Renderer rend; void Start() rend = GetComponent< Renderer > (); void Update () // Animates main texture scale in a funky way! You must scale the UV Unwrapped Geometry like this: See images and scale accordingly. Note that affecting the tiling is per May 9, 2014 · I wanted to make a simple material for prototyping that will stretch the texture based off the object scale so I can easily line up level geometry according to a grid. Currently, the block has a material with a texture applied to it. Hello, The easiest solution is: - Create an empty GameObject that will be on the current place of the tip. The object should be drawn at (0,0,0) regardless of where you move the game object. Later in the code, the objects have a scale transformation applied. If this determinant is negative, the object is flipped. I want to render a miniaturized version of it so I can see the whole thing at once, so I’m scaling it down, but the scale factor is small (e. DrawTexture. Because textures stretch to match the scale of objects, if you change the tiling to equal the scaling of the object, it will match it as intended. Shortcuts are same for scaling in UV Image Editor that is S. The job of the ARSessionOrigin is to transform "session space" (the coordinate system used by the device) into "world space" (a position, rotation, and scale in Unity). unity3d. Cube inside of the CheckForDefaultSize() function. In the other, where I manually changed the scale factor to 0. jvo3dc,Jan 4, 2019. As far as I know, the only way to solve this is to manually insert the mesh world scale into a vertex data channel before batching and use that in the Sep 12, 2015 · The easiest way to think about scaler is as a type of multiplication. g. renderer. What I would like to do, is scale my texture vertically by negative 1 when my particle is rotated May 24, 2013 · If you were to look at the docs you'd see SpriteRender. Wrap mode determines how texture is sampled when texture coordinates are outside of the typical 0. 5, 1 in scale. May 26, 2011 · There were a lot of shadowcasters, but disabling shadows didn't have any noticeable effect on the framerate. public Texture2D ResizeTexture ( Texture2D originalTexture, int newWidth, int newHeight) {. Instead use the vert, edge or face mode to modify the object. ) Jul 31, 2011 · If you need to scale the texture image data itself, and need the image data, you can use my Texture Scaler script. May 10, 2011 · You can set the tiling of a mesh renderers material in code. pos = mul ( UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v. B . I don’t have Unity open to test this out, but I think that may be an easy route to test. Jan 21, 2013 · 161. Scale Constraint component Feb 8, 2016 · In my code, I have game objects with an associated prefab. Once the text object has been generated, checking the fontSize of the text object will reveal what the auto-sizing ended up using to fit the container. However, I am not sure, what you exactly mean by Feb 12, 2017 · So this one way I have of accomplishing what I mentioned above is to have a Canvas set its "Render Mode" to "Screen Space - Overlay", and in the Canvas Scaler its "UI Scale Mode" set to "Scale With Screen Size". ( Applyed only when Texture dimension is bigger than Max Size ). The meshes also include linked duplicates. 0. B- if you have a parent game object and other particle systems are children of it (multiple particle system), set it to "Hierarchy" for all of children. I can change the blocks scale in all 3 dimensions during runtime. Jan 10, 2015 · WorldPositionStays - If true, the parent-relative position, scale and rotation are modified such that the object keeps the same world space position, rotation and scale as before. I’m editing / scaling a few objects and the texture scales & stretches with the objects. But this requires me to set the Tiling manually. Aug 3, 2017 · Here I've used a texture that's 16 x 16 pixels. wrapMode, texture assets. However, when I import it in blender, this happens to the root model. Nov 15, 2011 · I'm working on a piece where I'm having meshes scale in the Y direction (taller and shorter) in a custom editor, but rather than stretching the texture with it, I'd like it to retain its look and just repeat - it won't stretch as the object grows or squash as the object shrinksit will simply show more or less of that texture depending on how You would want to play with a shader that shrinks/grows the uvs in the texture space. And for the offset value, it is the coordinates of down-left corner of the scaling texture. The offending one in this case was 'Create Mip Maps'. In edit mode Options->Correct Face Attributes. I've found how to do a world space triplanar shader like so. vertex ); You can tell if you passed them in right by just setting the vertex = normal. Oct 28, 2009 · 507. In the shader its checking the XYZ normals to see if its 1 or -1 which means it will be facing either up/down/left/right and then it will scale the UV tiling to match the object Scaling render targets. Aug 17, 2013 · I wrote an article, Texture Tiling based on object Size/Scale in Unity, that goes over two methods to get this feature. With this method, you’re basically just taking the pixels from the texture and making them bigger to form the scaled image. How can I achieve it? Default Behavior of Video Player Component: In this mode VideoPlayer assigns some Texture to Material in RealTime (called "TempBuffer 1920x1080 in RealTime") and I can't set tiling/offset of Material in Unity Editor: they are Oct 22, 2021 · 0. It also makes dealing with local transforms very interesting, as they're not really following unity axis conventions. The materials I apply to a Plane mesh seem to always stretch rather than repeat. This may not be the answer you look for but if the children are scaling with the parent, you can to child. 2019. alternatively you could set both objects to be children of an empty object, then just scale your enemy down and the text should stay the same size since its using the scale Jan 24, 2012 · When mapping a 2D texture onto a 3D model, some sort of wrapping is done. 6 days ago · StretchToFill. And from scaling the object's transform, and I might just be doing everything wrong, it definitely affects the texture. If i attach texture (sprite?) it will scale with object as well - this is not what i'm attempting to do. I would make an Image on the canvas, set the canvas to ScreenSpaceOverlay, and the image to Preserve Aspect Ratio (to prevent strange stretching). then. Texture2D scaled = new Texture2D(800, 600, TextureFormat. You can then drag verts around in edit mode and the UV will be updated to match. The easiest way to determine this is by calculating the determinant of the 3x3 rotation/scale part of the transformation matrix. . 09 the textures all of a sudden become visible. 9, 0. Nov 6, 2015 · GameObject newObject = Instantiate ( objectPrefab, location, Quaternion. I need to scale the object AND keep the size of the sprite, basically it cuts the sprite in half or whatever the scale change. When trying this out, the texture is just broken all over the plane. When this happens, the texture increases in size to match. I thought that maybe there was something that I had done with that model and material so I added a basic Capsule object. The original scale vectors for both parent and children are (1, 1, 1). If you do this then scale of 0 will be regular size and 1 would be double, 2 would be 3 time the size, ect…. Material A on both objects should look the same, the cube on the right represents how it should look. Posts: 28. public class ScaleObjectFromRes : MonoBehaviour. Stretches the texture to fill the complete rectangle passed in to GUI. Apr 29, 2012 · if possible, instead of having one a child of the other, have both as children of a third, never-scaled object. Apr 29, 2020 · 39,410. It's 2022, if anyone knows a solution pls add this here, otherwise i expect unity devs to pick this up. Whilst I have something that works fine, the process of re-parenting objects is relatively slow. Whenever the object changes size, it will adjust the texture tiling automatically. I’ve looked for answers but I can’t seem to find a solution. Each tile has a resolution of 256 * 256 pixels (extra Aug 30, 2016 · METHOD 2: Parent the Cube to an empty GameObject. On July 15, Unity Discussions will become read-only until July 18, when the new design and the migrated forum contents will go live. localScale = new Vector3 (Size, Size, Size); Old_Size = Size; important part is “*= Old_Size / Size;”. SelectionGrid to make my own selection grid using textures. 009 (seen in the inspector on the right). If the parent-child relationship is required, an alternative is scaling the child by (1/parentScale) (so if parent scale is 2, child scale is 0. DaveA August 17, 2013, 5:39pm 2. Two possible solutions for quick (partial) success, depending ENTIRELY on how the geometry was made in the first place: - use a triplanar shader that maps in world space. The Texture2D class now has a GetPixelBilinear method to interpolate pixel colours at fractional coordinates. Just use any of these and select everything (first make sure that hidden selection is on) and then use the scale tool to make the whole thing smaller/ bigger while keeping the scale factor the same. mainTextureScale you can tweak tiling values. See in Glossary. In the Mesh Collider Uncheck the Convex Property and then change the scaling. Then in that Canvas I have my Image, of "Simple" Image Type and "Preserve Aspect" checked. Inside Unity, you can scale and move the texture using Materials. This method now has an image which May 7, 2020 · There should be an option to scale your imported model. You can set this to state whether Unity should scale this render texture A special type of Texture that is created and updated at runtime. If the ‘y’ size is near 0. I can't do anything with that either. Instead, I want to be able to stretch the object (long ways) arbitrarily, and have the Sep 11, 2020 · Hi, since you just want to scale a plane, using object scale will be enough and will be cheaper on performance than WorldAlignedTexture annotation_2020_09_11. Spoiler. Nov 26, 2013 · Even if you make an empty game object in the editor to be (1,1,1) as the child, and then make this as the parent of your prefab and apply this as your new prefab. Scaling normal & detail maps is especially useful. Dec 22, 2018 · Try the following; //Where 'uv' is your UV coordinates, and '_Scale' is your scaling amount uv = (uv - 0. May 5, 2010 · afshinunity said: ↑. Under tools (press n when you are in edit mode) is a option for it. Here is the code: Unity3d Texture Image Scaler - Pastebin. 9f1 is the version of Unity I am using. Hi so I’m not quite sure what to do, I’m trying to make an object Nov 5, 2017 · As mentioned, that only resizes the container. However, all of the elements in the selection grid are huge. Additional resources: mainTextureScale property, GetTextureScale, SetTexture. Jul 25, 2014 · Here is a bit of code for the third solution. Then: 1) create a cube, 2) size that cube to 4x4x4, 3) select the cube in the hierarchy, 4) Select RotateMesh from the Windows menu. In the Inspector A Unity window that displays information about the currently selected GameObject, asset or project settings, allowing you Instead of scaling a cliff mesh and its texture 40x in the scene, I could scale it 15x and have significantly less stretching. Read our full announcement for more information and let us know if you have any questions. GL. By default, Unity considers a texture with the property name name "_MainTex" to be the main texture. // Scroll main texture based on time. SetParent(newParent. 1 range. Nearest neighbor filtering is the simplest way to scale an image. Apr 30, 2017 · Nearest Neighbor Filtering. We wanted to make scale a first class citizen in ARFoundation, so I'd like to clarify how it works. In the picture you see that on the top face the texture repeat correctly and keep its original size but on the other faces it is streched. Idk the name, bag there are not many options. Z + platform. So, the code you want is: child. 1. Mar 2, 2017 · shlighter said: ↑. don't ever change the object scale if you wnat texture size to stay consistent. Thanks. Is there a way of making it repeat for example if I had a plane mesh. So long as you are only sampling from seemless textures you should be good. Helical February 1, 2015, 4:54pm 4. Height. Code (csharp): var szA = otherBounds. Helical version process the data on the CPU, while my script scales the texture on the GPU. Everything is destroyed. Create a an Empty GameObject. 5) Just to confirm to me this is the best solution. The most obvious change is to use PrimitiveType. ScaleAndCrop. To scale the texture you can use Graphics. You want reduce number of objects, where not necessary. If cropping the image is not an option, then you can downsample it in the y direction. Feb 26, 2017 · Just to clarify a detail. If the default point size is set to 36 and Auto-sizing range is 18 to 72. I am trying to scale up an object without scaling it's children. I was able to get my own prefabs showing and get it to scale based off the window size. #8. The scaling is done at runtime. Plane instead of PrimitiveType. multiply that by child scale and it will keep consistent size. newObject. private Vector2 targetResoultion = new Vector2(1920, 1080); //can be changed here or elsewhere. localScale = new Vector3 (scale, scale, scale); } answered Aug 31, 2016 at 6:04. Hi, I tried to instantiate a gameobject and registerd as some object’s child. May 1, 2014 · I have a model that got textured. Dec 2, 2011 · o. Again Check-On the Convex Property in the Mesh Collider and the Scaling applied on Mesh Collider will Aug 3, 2015 · SeaPeaMe. BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft. Sep 17, 2015 · have thought about right from the beginning). 2k34202291. size and as it states there, if your sprite DrawMode is set to Sliced mode then it has a size (scale) property which you can change as you like. azeem_ehsan August 24, 2022, 12:51pm 6. the right solution for this is: look for "scaling mode" on your particle system. - Move the tip at the same level on the hierarchy as the pole object. I tried adapting the script to a plane, although it seems difficult. transform. Dec 7, 2012 · Attached is a screenshot of the function used in a shader that's designed to keep textures scale invariant, with 3 of the same object at different scales nested inside each other to demonstrate. 0) - (originalSize / 2. Use the [MainTexture] ShaderLab Properties attribute to make Unity consider a texture with a different property name to be the main texture. But it’s also not acceptable for me. One solution is to set Clamp or Repeat parameter in the texture inspector. Okay so afer a bit of research I think that i found what I need, it's called an Object Space Triplanar shader, but i can't find how to do one. For tileable textures, I can just change the texture tiling by the scale factor, which works fine. #pragma strict. , . Jan 24, 2020 · I am trying to make two different objects with the same size of texture / same material, which should be repeating; Without making new material for every new object I create. - Moreover it shoved all objects to one corner of the terrain in a flat stack of uselessness. localScale = Vector3. Position, Rotation & Scale are properties of transform so you need to modify if as follows: public GameObject sprite; public float scale = 2. Naturally, when I scale the block, the texture stretches with it. The result will be a clone cube in which Dec 31, 2013 · So I saw that there were many optimizations that Unity does on imported textures. - Tiling = 1 / N. I’m not very knowledgable about textures so I apologize if this is very simple. Then at run time you know that you can instantiate and call: somObj. To import image and movie files as Textures and Sprites in Unity: Select the image file in the Project window A window that shows the contents of your Assets folder (Project tab) More info. E. Corresponds to the settings in a texture inspector. To use them, first create a new Render Texture and designate one of your Cameras to render into it. With dynamic resolution, render targets have the DynamicallyScalable flag. Basically you look for changes in scale and adjust the tiling accordingly. Unity can do this for you in the Sprite Editor, but you need a sprite with a central texture that’s tileable for a good visual end-result. Something like uvcoord * scaleFactor Need to do your own research on shaders but yea. How it works: Tiling determines how many textures are showing, so it should be the reciprocal of the scale. You may also want to look into using object or world space UVs instead of trying to use screen space UVs. A large percentage of them recycle the same small set of meshes (lots of rocks using the same mesh but with different scaling; capsule objects with different scaling etc). The problem is that when I set a max height/width, the size of the grid also changes Aug 7, 2021 · Spoiler. In my game, I need to keep a cube to it's scale, and it's children to their own scale, but when I create children in it, it makes the children change their scale to the cube's scale not their own. I think your best option is to manually edit the UVs of the model. For example: Here the texture is repeating a few times because I'm manually adjusted the Tiling. (The arrow, when playing, is the same scale as the cube. Most of the objects use the Standard shader. 5) * _Scale + 0. Z component to your platform. Then click on "Sprite Editor" and and enter the width in pixels for the left, right, top and bottom border like this: If you want to change the size of the indicator Mar 9, 2022 · To use the scale of an object in shader graph we need to modify UV values that we pass to the rest of our shader. Jul 2, 2013 · I have a 3d block. Sets the placement scale of texture propertyName. Thank you for your help. size; Apr 23, 2018 · Jul 7, 2013. For example, if I’m representing a 1km x 1km terrain, the actual size of the model is 1 km x 1 km. Is there a way to make the texture repeat instead of scaling with the object? Setup and Usage: Drag TextureTilingController. unity_yGmx9Z72YrAH5Q, Blackwizz67, IsoRegolith and 3 others like this. Oct 3, 2021 · Second you can use the Unity animator to create an animation that scales the object and adjust the scale of the child to counteract the parent scale. Nov 1, 2021 · 1. Oct 3, 2016 · I have a terrain mesh model. Alternatively, you may be able to store the collider details pre-scaling (bounding box, etc. 0003). ConvertTexture(source, destination), where resolution of destination is your target resolution. I want to scale an object, but when I scale it, it scales the sprite too. Below is an example of what I am trying to achieve. This isn't just in the scene view. Scaled on Z Axis with Texture. or for the texture to just repeat based on its size. It kinda hides the rest of the sprite. one; `. x, whatever. It even appears in the inspector. It make the texture tile perfectly, but if the cube is not perfectly aligned, the texture has an offset. 0, then it uses x and z. You can then edit how much it tiles by changing the tiling of the original object. 0) Alternatively, just put a parent gameObject at the corner, and child your GameObject to it, and apply the scaling to the parent instead. localScale, that is, the inverse of the parent's scale. material. I would also hold Alt + Shift, when I set the image's anchors, and I would select the far bottom right anchor option -- the Fill Entire Space option. jpg 1205×709 143 KB And since planes should be fairly low poly (you have considerably less vertices than pixels covered by the material), you can do those computations inside the vertex Jan 6, 2020 · Then go to the import settings of the texture you use to represent the select indicator, set "Texture Mode: Sprite (2D and UI)", "Sprite Type: Single" and "Mesh Type: Full Rect". Jun 21, 2019 · Hey guys, I am trying to learn about procedural materials&textures in blender and sometimes and I want to resize my objects without changing the size of the textures. So at the default 1:1 material scale, when the full texture repeats once for each Unity scene unit of space, it maps to 16 pixels per unit. Adjust the "Texture to Mesh Z" option to set the texture scale in the game world. private bool matchWidth = true; //0=width, 1=height used to maintain aspect ratio. Resize Objects in the Scene Tab. A basic AR scene has an ARSession and an ARSessionOrigin. The proportions and graphics are no longer true to the point the terrain only looks similar in the sense that it has raised areas in mostly the same locations. But generally speaking, even without scaling imported models in the import settings, you could in your situation place the art asset as a child under an empty game object that Jul 25, 2017 · 22. For example, Repeat makes the texture tile, whereas Clamp makes the texture edge pixels be stretched when outside of of 0. transform. I was able to place it in the scene, but I'm not able to move, rotate or scale it. Dec 7, 2012 · You're trying to get a "screen space texture" that also conforms to the entire object nicely you can't really have both. One of the scripts is a loader that creates a number of tiles (a prefab consisting of just a plane scaled to 1,1,1) and assigning a different texture to each. localScale = minimumScale; prevMousePosition = mousePosition; This now works, however there is still one problem, which is that the object immediately scales to a value of 10 on all axes, instead of waiting to scale when the dragging of the mouse begins. com. Jun 28, 2023 · I need all texels to be the same effective size in world-space). Jul 10, 2019 · Such as for terrain. I'm using 3rd party models. Hi I found the solution. It is designed to change the local rotation of a mesh, but it also resets the scale. Feb 2, 2016 · Code (csharp): Rect bounds = colliders [0]. When you set 1, that sets the texture at the same as you had in the first post. This is my setup - I use OnRenderObject () to call the DrawTexture: Code (CSharp): void OnRenderObject () {. It feels like it is, but I am having a hard time finding examples. GetTextureScale or Material. Sep 26, 2014 · One possible solution would be to disable the collider prior to the scaling, then re-enabling it after the scaling. Oct 10, 2012 · treasgu October 7, 2014, 3:38pm 5. But sometimes I want to resize my object while keeping the texture size same, thus reaching a Thx. com Unity - Manual: 9-slicing Sprites Oct 13, 2019 · Create a Script and attach it to every object that should scale based on the current resolution. bounds; foreach(var c in colliders) bounds = bounds. This is a set of meshes with a hierarchy. Put it in your Assets/Editors folder. Unless you are doing strictly plant simulator If you resize anything, what is not a texture, pretty much is a transform of the object anyway. 85. See to the animation below for more information. From the center of the scale handle, al the scales in the 3 axis are changed at once: So if you set a escale for example of (4,3,0) and handle the scel handle from its centre, the proportion is preserved. I found that the model looks fine to a . The result will be a clone cube in which May 9, 2019 · You mentioned you want to stay above the platform. It takes the scaling from the x and y size of the object. There are many free tutorials out their who covers Texture Mapping. Code (CSharp): public Material material; // set to the material you want to use (probably want to pick one that's unlit). RGB24, true); Apr 29, 2014 · First, if you can simplify object, by merging what you can, keeping desired effect. projectionMatrix); // without scaling modelView down, texture is rendered somewhere outside May 13, 2020 · 28. Jul 4, 2019 · mainObject. 2 will ensure that the texture maps to the UV twice. Dec 31, 2017 · Posts: 1,520. 1, 1. But my requires Unity 5. cs onto a Plane Primitive. - Create a script that will make the tip to be always in the same position as the tip. Your function takes material not texture2d, I have texture2d which I want to resize through script. Joined: Jan 23, 2018. But it's also not acceptable for me. In the above I have utilised that characteristic to achieve what I need. Rotated around x Axis by -90, and scaled by 100. I created a 2d jigsaw puzzle game. If the texture is being draw to a rectangle with a different aspect ratio than the original, the image is cropped. (standard cube added for reference) If we only want one pixel per unit, then we need to slow down our traversal of the texture space, so we stay on each pixel May 27, 2023 · 1. So as you see in the picture, i made a texture repeat on a rectangle (its size is 40,10,60) but it repeat the same amount of time on every face,so depending of the size of the face the texture is stretched. Click the Scale Tool at the top left of the editor. PushMatrix(); GL. Additional resources: Texture. float scrollSpeed = 0. 2. e. Default Mesh with texture. Jul 1, 2016 · I'm trying to find a way to cause my object's texture to repeat, instead of stretching, when I scale the object. localScale = 1 / parent. Jul 23, 2010 · Hi all, I'm new to Unity and I would like someone to help me out in this particular problem. I use SRP. So to keep the bottom left corner in the same position, you need to move the object up and to the right by: (bigSize / 2. More info See in Glossary to match the scale of its source GameObjects. Thank you, really understand what you're saying now. identity) as GameObject; // instatiate the object. In this video I will show you how to use Ob Jun 29, 2018 · Basically it's the same with the one provided by Volorf, yet simplified a little bit. This is called UV mapping and is done in your 3D modelling app. Attach the script to each object with the material. local space is the default, but it will go off of the scale of the parent so when the enemy shrinks so will the text. Try to attach the mesh collider to a empty, and scale the empty. Nov 20, 2014 · You will find an editor script called RotateMesh. A GameObject’s functionality is defined by the Components attached to it. 9 set the child to 1. May 6, 2016 · The only difference is that in one, some of the textures are not rendered when the scale is 0. localscale = new Vector3 ( whatever. Steps: A . Expected solution: add function to make Texture scale independent ob underlying game object. This is done by giving a pixel in the scaled image the same color as the nearest texel. When I try to scale the terrain , the inspector number changes but the object does not visually change to scale. 3 Thrice. transform, true); If you want to set the parent while only keeping its original scale - that is, not it Feb 18, 2012 · The process of re-parenting the attachment object automatically recomputes its position, rotation and scale so that it is local to the new parent object. This is simple enough to do with a hand-made asset of a given size - assign a texture of some dimensions and use a tool to scale the UVs based on a defined texel density in texels/unit. It's the same case in the player and on the HoloLens. z); // change its local scale in x y z format. Thanks for help! How it looks: How I want it to behave: What it actually does: Dec 23, 2014 · I created a custom editor window and used GUILayout. A Scale Constraint component resizes a GameObject The fundamental object in Unity scenes, which can represent characters, props, scenery, cameras, waypoints, and more. y, whatever. Possible "hacks" could be to limit how much the texture UVs are scaled, but you'll still get some element of warping. 5, 0. You could set the position. On July 12, the Unity Forums will become read-only. An object is flipped when either 1 or 3 axes have a negative scale. bounds); Then you can compare the size of the this bounds and the bounds of the box it's gotta fit in, and scale 'someParent' by that. It would make the texture repeat 1 by 2. A quick way to select this is to press the R key on your keyboard. In this tutorial we've been using Pro Builder and the specific version Feb 3, 2013 · By using Material. Scales the texture, maintaining aspect ratio, so it completely covers the position rectangle passed to GUI. You can check for example in a quad, how it changes from 4,3,0 to 8,6,0 and so on, increasing or decreasing. SetTextureScale with the property name Nov 20, 2014 · You will find an editor script called RotateMesh. You have to scale the terrain using the Resolution parameters of the Oct 10, 2005 · If you make a new Texture2D object at 1024x768, you can fill it with pixel data from the original texture using GetPixels/SetPixels. Can you see I have scaled the UV Map differently in both images. size; var szB = bounds. Dec 30, 2018 · The pivot of your object is at it's center. So normally, when I scale my object up, the texture is correspondingly scales up. If you want this in the editor, make the script ‘execute in editor’. So if I place two blocks of different size next to each other, I’d like the textures to match up Sep 20, 2018 · set the child's scale to world space not local space. Encapsulate( c. For example: IEnumerator DoScaleTex(Texture2D tex) {. Move the new GameObject to the position of the Cube then move the y axis of that new GameObject to the bottom of the cube. This will make scaling vectors appear on the selected object in the Scene View: You can click and drag on the red, green, or blue vectors (colored blocks) to grow and shrink the object along the Jul 14, 2020 · You need to set up the sprite for 9-slicing, since what you effectively want is the middle part to tile, and the corners to stay as they are. Good luck with it! 6 days ago · For Texture to be scaled down choose resize algorithm. With this unchecked the textures looked much better. I've managed to do this with a cube by using the following script. Posts: 92. Dec 1, 2013 · I need to set aspect ratio to video stream without changing of Scale (Transform) of Game Object. This is not helping me when I use a auto generated float variable in x position, it become zero Apr 21, 2017 · 605. A- if you have a single particle system, set it to "Local". If you can’t find it, it would help to know what extension the asset file is. Try looking for it in the editor. Note this is not a solution for 3D objects with non-uniform scaling. mainTextureScale = new Vector2(XScale , YScale ); Hey. LoadProjectionMatrix( m_currentCamera. Mind you, I didn't texture these meshes. Regards. This is normally a desired normal behaviour. Cube's scale: 1, 2, 1 Arrows' Scale: 1, 1, 1. 1 and etc ( Not Dec 31, 2009 · My terrain's design scale also changed, thus now everything is useless. ), then redefine the collider post-scaling. The actual size of the model matches the size of the actual terrain. You will lose precise control of texture offset, potentially. rz em tl xg rq vw io ig kq zc