. Dec 27, 2018 · The Nubian Language. Recent studies in population genetics suggest that there was a south-to-north gene flow through the Nile Valley. Mar 8, 2018 · To commemorate International Mother Language Day, held on February 21 each year, an Egyptian magazine decided to interview the co-founder of the Nubi-App, a repository of the Nubian language. Using gamification facilitate teaching the Nubian language to children. Efforts from Nubian scholars brought the language back to a structured form written in the Nubian alphabet, derived from Greek and Coptic letters. Accounts reveal economic priorities both secular and sacred. Aug 16, 2023 · The Nubian Museum, located in Aswan, Egypt, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most important archaeological sites in the world. The Kenya Nubi still live primarily in Kibera, as a separate tribe, speaking the same Nubi Creole Arabic. xii, 249 p. Creating an online presence for Nubian language and culture. by The British Museum. E. From early times, relations with Egypt were important and sometimes decisive. They have dark skin and speak the Nuba or Nubian language. The Nubi are now estimated some sources as 16,700 (2001) in Kenya and almost 15,000 in Uganda. Nubians are people who live in the Nubia area which lies between Egypt's southern borders with the northern part of Sudan. Monuments and texts in the Egyptian language left by the Nubian kings, who became pharaohs of Egypt’s 25th Dynasty around 750 BC, also provide an extensive record. Due to the lack of Nubian texts and artifacts prior to their interactions with Egyptians, much of early Nubian religion is still unclear. In general, the Nubian identity has been intimately linked to Uganda's West Nile region, to Islam, and to military service. Language and religion are fundamental aspects of medieval and modern Sudanese identity. Records of ancient Egypt tell much about the history of Nubia, documenting a long and complex relationship between the two lands. Irina Bokova. You can reach him on his facebook page The Nubian language found in monumental inscriptions is called Old Nubian (Russian древненубийский, German Altnubisch). It is arguable Apr 5, 2021 · Nubian Language Instagram Page (ENG/ARB, OTH): This page includes song translations and vocabulary lists, but the best thing about it is that the vocab is generally accompanied by audio which is great for learning pronunciation. 5 9 ratings. The Nubians used the writing system late and they learned how to use hieroglyphics. The Meroitic script consists of two alphasyllabic scripts developed to write the Meroitic language at the beginning of the Meroitic Period (3rd century BC) of the Kingdom of Kush. Browne affirmed that “this lucid, well-argued presentation should be available to all Nubiologists Add the Nubian language to Google translate. I visited Aswan and stayed with my friends in Ekadoli guest house in February 2019. While the writing system has been mostly deciphered, the language itself is unknown. NUBI. The Meroitic language ( / mɛroʊˈɪtɪk /) was spoken in Meroë (in present-day Sudan) during the Meroitic period (attested from 300 BC) and became extinct about 400 AD. Especially, after deciphering Meroitic signs, Griffith (1911) began to advocate the theory that Meroitic might be an older form of the Nubian language. Bechhaus-Gerst considers Old Nubian to be ancestral to modern Nobiin. punctum books, Sep 9, 2017 - Language Arts & Disciplines - 84 pages. Please contact me at the following email address if you can help: nuraddin@nubiaproject. Oct 31, 2022 · The first and most famous Nubian region is the one that sits on the Nile, which is the one my family explored during our trip to Egypt. Nubian, an East Sudanic language, came into contact with a dominant Semitic language, Arabic. The comparative data on May 8, 2019 · Scholarship in Old Nubian is seeing a revival, which in turn bestows dignity and respect on Nubian cultural heritage. Nubia is a region along the Nile river located in what is today northern Sudan and southern Egypt. In her village, a datefarming community on the Nile, “the youngest who speak Nubian are 61 or 62. NLS fully engages in th Nubi (app for learning Nubian) Komai Waidi كوما وايدي “Nubian entrepreneur launches project to revive heritage” (Sulaiman Lkaderi, Middle East Eye 27 April 2020) “Meet Fatma Addar, a Nubian entrepreneur behind ‘Koma Waidi’, a project aiming to revive the Nubian language and reconnect new generations to their ancestral heritage” Abstract. Jun 3, 2013 · Basic Nubian Language and Grammar. Currently, The Arabic Shawayga speak A pattern can be observed. As is the case in other Arab countries, the spoken vernacular differs greatly from the literary language. Ref. Documentary evidence hints at the nature of state centralization and the movement of goods and coins in and out of Nubia. Leiden: E. It was written in two forms of the Meroitic alphabet: Meroitic Cursive, which was written with a stylus and was used for general record-keeping; and Meroitic Hieroglyphic Some argue that the name “Nubians” derives from a word in the Nubian language meaning “slaves,” but others say that the ancient Egyptian word nab meant “gold” and that the Ancient Egyptians used that term to refer to the Nubian Valley because of the gold mines that were nearby. The native name of the language, Nòbíín, means " (language) of the Nubians", from Nòòbíí (Nubian). My biggest issue is the use of Arabic transliteration; the Arabic alphabet has three vowels of contrastive length Basic Nubian Language and Grammar. The Nubian languages are classified as Nilo-Saharan, which, in the Nubian Language Society (NLS), Washington D. To save the Nubian language from extinction we Nubians have launched a campaign to urge UNESCO, Egypt Aug 1, 2017 · The Nubian languages are spoken in Nubian communities living in Sudan. Sep 9, 2017 · Eugenia Smagina first published her grammar of the Old Nubian language in 1986 in Russian. Nobiin is classified as a member of the Nubian Nubia ( / ˈnjuːbiə /, Nobiin: Nobīn, [2] Arabic: النُوبَة, romanized :an-Nūba) is a region along the Nile river encompassing the area between the first cataract of the Nile (south of Aswan in southern Egypt) and the confluence of the Blue and White Niles (in Khartoum in central Sudan ), or more strictly, Al Dabbah. The counterview is that Nubian was a language of the Nile valley and that it spread west by immigration from the river. Back Matter. and send your ground mailing address so that I can send a copies of the book to you for peer reviewing or for introducing the Feb 1, 1991 · Nubian, an East Sudanic language, came into contact with a dominant Semitic language, Arabic. The second language of the Nile Nubian subgroup is Kenzi-Dongolawi (Dongolawi and Kenzi are two dialects of the same language, Kenzi being spoken north of Nobiin in Egypt and Dongolawi being spoken south of No-biin in Sudan). In Glosbe you will find translations from English into Nobiin coming from various sources. So, let’s dive in and discover the 4 days ago · Egypt - Arabic, Coptic, Nubian: The official language of Egypt is Arabic, and most Egyptians speak one of several vernacular dialects of that language. Eugenia Smagina. J. In addition, Nubians were traditionally associated with the Nubi language (KiNubi), a variant of trade Arabic based on Sudanese Arabic. Spoken once in Jebel Haraza, north of El-Obeid Known through an article of Newbold in SNR Bell, H. The Early Nubians were speakers of languages belonging to the Berber and Cushitic branches of the Afro-Asiatic during the C-Group and Kerma cultures. more. Such a name shall be preserved in the present work. "Nubian") is the language of the Mahas (sometimes referred to as the Fadijja in Egypt), Halfawi, and Sikkot Nubians and is the descendant of the Old Nubian language that was used as an administrative language in the prominent Kingdom of Dotawo (often referred to by its Greek name, Makuria). Nov 25, 2021 · Today, the office of the Nubian Consultative Forum also doubles as the Nubian Tourism Development Centre and currently markets Nubian culture and traditions as touristic experiences. The old Nubian language dated back to the eighth century, which is the oldest African language. In this guide, we will explore the different ways to say “I love you” in Nubian, both formally and informally, while also providing regional variations if applicable. Sep 17, 2021 · The story was based on the archaeological knowledge of the site but re-interpreted from a local person’s perspective, narrated in Nubiin, the local Nubian language (Taha 2018). Aegis of Isis, Kushite, late 3rd century B. Five of these families (Daju, Hill Nubian, Kadu, Nyima and Temein) belong to the Nilo-Saharan language family, while four OAPEN is an online library offering access to a diverse range of open access academic publications and research materials. Learning Nubian is political and is a part of preserving the culture. The cover of the pamphlet published by Koma Waidi with 230 Nubian words translated (Image of the cover included in an article in The Arab Weekly) Newbold, D. Today, the Nubi people work in both the private and public sectors. See all formats and editions. It is the same throughout (Learn Nubian) to encourage young people to learn the language. Jan 23, 2020 · In a bid to save the Nubian language from extinction, a group of activists have produced a dictionary pamphlet to preserve rare vocabulary which is at threat of dying out. Location - Alexandria [The Nubian community is located in Northern of Sudan and Southern of Egypt. The Shaigiya tribe is a tribe made up of people who mostly claim to be descendants of Arab immigrants who entered Nubia and intermarried within a Nubian population. Download. Jun 1, 2018 · The goal of the research was to investigate and analyze how Nubian building Environmental systems could be an inspiring way to develop and to rebuild the new city of Aswan and similar contemporary cities in hot arid regions. ttf. And it also contains songs, popular Nubian proverbs Dec 18, 2008 · Aleya Rouchdy, Nubians and the Nubian language in contemporary Egypt: A case of cultural and linguistic contact. This implies that both were contemporaneous. e. Nobiin is a member of the Northern Nubian branch of the Nilo-Saharan languages. “The High Dam displacement was the biggest threat to the Nubian language,” Alaa explained. Feb 2, 2014 · 712 people have signed this petition. Region. Recording oral histories and memories of the lost and endangered landscape. Nubian literature experienced a similar strengthened interest thanks to the novels of outstanding Nubian writers and the prolific love for poems among the Nubian people, many of which are expressed It is such an ancient language, and one that is dying due to the flood caused by the Aswan High Dam. otf. 6. The Old Nubian Language. 73-80. The comparative data on In spite of pioneering work by Ernst Zyhlarz,1 there is still room for a comparative study of the whole family of Nubian languages. Ms. It is spoken along the Nile valley in southern Egypt and northern Sudan by about 610,000 people (in 2006). The Nubian language played a significant role during the Mar 7, 2022 · It is such an ancient language, and one that is dying due to the flood caused by the Aswan High Dam. The logo of the Nubi app. In the English - Old Nubian dictionary you will find phrases with translations, examples, pronunciation and pictures. Nubian writing, in Morocco. The application contains audio lessons to teach the Nubian language. Nubian, Dongolawi / 102. Nubian heritage and language are a fundamental part of Egypt’s h The Nubian can be proud of their language and should be reminded of the old Nubian, the language of the medieval Christian kingdom, is the only African non-Afro-Asiatic language which developed a literature written for at least 700 years,i. While considering such a study, I became interested in the obscure, but extremely significant language of Jabal Harāza. Nubian Egypt, which stretches about 200 miles from the Sudanese border north to the city of Aswan, still carries with it distinct customs and a language Sawarda Nubian is a Nubian typeface designed by Hatim-Arbaab Eujayl. The paper also identifies the main economic, social and cultural consequences of using Nubian Vernacular systems for Sep 23, 2021 · Nubian filmmaker Hafsa Amberkab is reclaiming the power of narrative by connecting younger generations to their language and culture that was lost in their drowned ancestral land. Language Old Nubian. The Nobiin language has the most speakers in this family, and it is commonly used in northern Sudan. - Volume 21 Issue 3 Feb 1, 2014 · The Egyptian military's use of the Nubian language as a code allowed many Nubian men to serve with distinction as signalers during Egypt's 1973 war against Israel, and their language skills and A youth initiative in Egypt is trying to revive the endangered Nubian language through music. XML. NLS exists to safeguard of Nubian intangible heritage, languages and culture. Pp. My biggest issue is the reliance on Arabic transcription; thankfully there's the audio, but otherwise Arabic letters just don Historically, the volume presents three Nubias: Islamic Nubia from the 15 th century, Christian Nubia from the 6 th century CE, and ancient Nubia, which centered for almost three millennia on Kush, but always encompassing diverse languages and cultures. Texts have been found from around the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD. It is home to the oldest sub-Saharan African kingdom, the kingdom of Kush (about 2500–1500 B. There are many theories of there origin. Director General. and Ekadoli means (I love you) in the Nubian language. Nubia is divided into Highlighting the cultural continuity of 3,000 years from Ancient Egypt to modern-day Nubia. That is the generosity of the Nubian people. It also includes several comments on the Nubian language of Dair. Posted on January 30, 2020 by Bruce Bonta. To save the Nubian language from extinction we Nubians have launched a campaign to urge UNESCO, Egypt The Historical Background of the Nubian Language (Nubiin) Historically, it is believed that the word "Nuba" or "Nubian" may be originated from the old Egyptian noun, nebu, meaning gold. Over the generations, the Nubian people have kept their culture alive by passing down traditional customs and their sacred language, Nuba, which is still spoken today among the Nubian communities. The researchers collected Feb 28, 2021 · Old Nubian dictionary Language English; nub; Ancient Greek Volume 556 Item Size 452508825. Since Nubian languages do not use casing, uppercase characters are not included in this font. S Discord server. Apr 21, 2023 · In just two generations the language, once widely spoken, has almost vanished. H. The two scripts are Meroitic Cursive, derived from Demotic Egyptian, and Meroitic Hieroglyphs, derived from Egyptian hieroglyphs. Translation is fast and saves you time. There are three primary language families in Sudan: the Afro-Asiatic, the Nilo-Saharan, and the Niger-Congo; this diversity is rarely found anywhere else in Africa. There were a number of large Nubian kingdoms throughout Numidian language. The Numidian language, which is also known as Old Libyan, or simply Libyan is a language that was spoken in North Africa. Momen Talosh told the magazine Egypt Today that the app is being regularly updated and that it has been downloaded 13,000 times. After graduating from Coppin State he spent time researching Nubia's history and language and is now a Nubianist. 2 Its position within the Nubian group of languages is tentatively suggested in the following chart, which is reproduced here with minor Oct 29, 2019 · Nubian is a fascinating Afro-Asiatic language spoken by the Nubian people who predominantly reside in northern Sudan and southern Egypt. 7,985 likes · 14 talking about this · 1 was here. Brill, 1991. Apr 15, 2022 · The Nubian language is spoken in the Northern Sudan and Sothern Egypt. 833. They belong to the Daju, Hill Nubian, Kadu, Katla, Lafofa, Nyima, Rashad, Talodi–Heiban and Temein language groups. This entire region is characterized by an extreme linguistic diversity, and we know very little about the languages, their genetic affiliations and their contact histories. However, the study by Kauczor and Drexel is not exclusively devoted to Dinik. Fortunately, archeologists have uncovered many elements of their practices via the burials of A Group, Napata , C Group , Kerma and via writings after many Nubians adopted the Egyptian language during the Jul 31, 2017 · Nubian, an East Sudanic language, came into contact with a dominant Semitic language, Arabic. On this theory, Nubian would have been the main spoken language from at least as early as 500 BC and perhaps considerably earlier, Meroitic would have been a ruling class language (Shinnie, 1978). Meroitic Cursive is the most widely Apr 12, 2023 · We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Sawarda is currently available as public alpha in Regular and Semibold, in OTF, TTF, and WOFF formats. A group of volunteers in Egypt is beginning to compile a dictionary of the Nubian language in order to save it from going extinct. Jan 30, 2020 · Saving the Nubian Language. Native to: Egypt, Sudan Region: Along the banks of the Nile in Lower and Upper Nubia (southern Egypt and northern Sudan) more. Modern literary Arabic (often called Modern Standard Arabic or al-fuṣḥā, “clear” Arabic), which developed out of Classical, or Jun 27, 2024 · Nubia, ancient region in northeastern Africa, extending approximately from the Nile River valley (near the first cataract in Upper Egypt) eastward to the shores of the Red Sea, southward to about Khartoum (in what is now Sudan ), and westward to the Libyan Desert. It was built in 1997 to preserve and promote the cultural heritage of the Nubian people. Sep 11, 2017 · The Old Nubian Language. org. , from Kawa, Sudan (© The Trustees of the British Museum) The first settlers in northern Sudan date back 300,000 years. The study of old nubian and the publication of the texts discovered in Nubian Language Instagram Page (ENG/ARB, OTH) This page includes song translations and vocabulary lists, but the best thing is that the vocab is generally accompanied by audio which is great for learning pronounciation. ; 24 cm English, Old Nubian, and Greek Nubian identity. “Once people started leaving, they no longer practiced the language. Eugenia Smagina (Евгeния Б. The Nubian languages are called by Egyptian … Expand Apr 8, 2022 · The Nubian language revitalization movement is very deeply linked to the digital world, and most people will first encounter Nubian writing in typed form, especially if they’re a modern Nubian trying to learn their language. Of all the attractions in Aswan, this is perhaps the only trip that will truly capture your heart. Jan 11, 2022 · Mazen Alaa, a member of the Nubian Geographic Initiative that depicts the history of Nubia through photos, agrees. Jan 29, 2020 · The self-funded initiative publishes a booklet with over 200 Nubian words that are translated in Arabic, English, and Spanish, as well as a number of videos of native Nubian speakers Tabaq (kko) is a Hill Nubian language spoken by 800 speakers in the Nuba Mountains (N 11°55’53” E 29°26’34”) of the Sudan. In medieval times (from the 4th to the 14th century), the Nubians had three different kingdoms in the Nile Valley: Nobatia, Makuria (Muḳurra), and Alodia Nubian, Kenuzi / 104. Starting with Rüppel (1829), a range of scholars have contributed to the synchronic and . Translations from dictionary English - Nobiin, definitions, grammar. Paperback. About. Most of the nobiin-speaking people also speak Sudanese Arabic. Any feedback on the font, as well as feature requests are welcomed via the A. May 7, 2018 · Nubian people are trying to preserve their culture as much as possible by passing the language on to their children to prevent it from being lost; however, some Nubian people complain that there are no real measures being taken to preserve and guarantee the existence of this language. The museum houses many artifacts from ancient Nubian civilizations, including pottery, jewelry, sculptures, and tools. Jun 1, 2012 · This research investigates the attitude of Egyptian Nubian university students towards the Arabic and the two Nubian languages, Nobiin and Kenuzi-Dongola. xiv + 84. Apr 23, 2020 · The language, she says, is "unpractised by many in her generation", born decades after the mass eviction of Egypt's Nubians from their ancestral lands to make way for the construction of the Aswan The non-Nubian 'Daier' language of this study is known elsewhere in the literature as Afitti; Roland Stevenson preferred to call it Dinik as a result of his fieldwork in the late 1970s. Add your name now! Stop destroying Nubia-the land of civilization-by dams and Arabization. . Nubia is traditionally divided into two regions. 707. The Nile-Nubian languages were the languages of the Christian Nubian kingdoms of Nobatia, Makuria and Alodia. Various grassroots initiatives to preserve the Nubian Download. Nubian is a Nile Nubian language, too. Date: February 2nd, 2014. It explains how important archaeological research is for local people, while it emphasizes that what archaeologists study is their history. It is becoming extinct,” said Ashraf. gypt and by thousands of refugees in Europe and the US. 126-204. ). The major draw is the authentic homestays, where tourists get to visit Nubian homesteads and learn about Nubian culture first-hand. Nobiin (lit. Taharqa Sa Amun has a Bachelors degree from Coppin State University, and has spent considerable time studying African and Semitic languages. Considering issues in orthography for writing Nubian. How has this increased contact affected the Nubian language in Egypt? The aim of this work is to examine from the perspective of a 'language-contact situation' the impact of the resettlement on the future of the Nubian language. Another Nubian language in Sudan is the Midob language used by the Midob communities who have settled in North KEY WORDS: Nubian language, Nubian Identity, language revitalization, heritage, language policy INTRODUCTION In Sudan, Arabic is the state supported language and the medium of communication among more than a hundred indigenous languages spoken by different tribes in different parts of the vast country, (James 2008). The Nubians are so kind and welcoming that you will be welcomed with open arms in one of the Nubian family houses. C. The Nubian who live in the area speak two dialects of the language: Matoki (Andandi) and Fadicca. In the opening Languages. They are grouped together with Kenzi - Dongolawi (not seen to be closely related to Griffith wrote “while Meroitic was the official language for writing, Nubian was the mother-tongue of Lower Nubia” (in Rowan 2006: 172). Sep 5, 2021 · Since the Arab invasion of Sudan and destruction of the last Nubian Kingdom of Aludia (Alwa) seated at Soba its capital, overran by an alliance of Arab tribes and the Funj in 1505 CE Nubian language was intentionally marginalized and the writing of the Nubian language stopped ever since. Maintaining the Nubian languages. Browne affirmed that “this lucid, well-argued presentation should be available to all Nubiologists and ought therefore be translated into a western language. In addition to Sudanese Arabic, around 42 other languages are spoken in the Nuba Mountains. The building of the dam has led to so much assimilation with Egyptian culture, including widespread use of the Arabic language instead of Nubian. We make every effort to ensure that each expression has definitions or information about the inflection. United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Ancient Nubia and the Kingdom of Kush, an introduction. I can say that this guest house is great and the staff professional and kind. As a result, Nubian fonts play a huge role in determining how people perceive Nubian writing, and as a result, I think Jun 5, 2013 · The clock is ticking and he's on a mission to save an ancient language before it becomes extinct. It is thought to be a descendent of Old Nubian, which Nubia: Introduction. 4. The Nubian Scholar Abdel Al Ahmed Himmet wrote the book "Write and Read in the Nubian Language", in which he describes the methods of writing in the Nubian language (Fadiga and Kenzi branches) and their grammatical rules, numbers, wisdom, proverbs and terminology, as well as maps and pictures of Nubia. The other Nubian languages are found hundreds of kilometers to the southwest, in Darfur and in the Nuba Mountains of Kordofan . The translations are sorted from the most common to the less popular. NP/UNESCO/2014/lang-1. Nov 21, 2022 · former Nubian language area, as witnessed by their presence in these areas even today. “We’ll get the Nubia at your doorsteps” is the Nubi app slogan. ”. Another etymology claims that it is originated from the name of a particular group of people, the Noubai, living in the Nuba area. Paperback – June 3, 2013. “Koma Waidi” , which Mar 6, 2020 · Aswan overall welcomes all the visitors from all over the world. The Nubian languages are called by Egyptian Nubians, Fadijja/Fadicca and Kenzi, respectively. Comparative historical research into the Nubian language group has indicated that the Nile-Nubian languages must have split off from the Nubian languages still spoken in the Nuba Mountains in Kordofan, Sudan, at least 2500 years ago. For more than thirty years the work has remained untranslated, even though the late Gerald M. SawardaNubianAlphaRegular. D. ntood Khalil, (Nubian Language Society)Nobiin languageNobiin (also called Mahas-Fadichcha) is a Nile-Nubian language (North Eastern Sudanic, Nilo-Saharan) descendent from Old Nubian, spoken along the Nile in northern Sudan and southern. from the 16th to 15th A. 1924, « Some link with the Anag at Gebel Haraza », Sudan Note and Records, 7 : p. Смaгина) first published her grammar of the Old Nubian language in 1986 in Russian. Its primary purpose is to provide adequate representation for Nubian languages which use the Coptic Unicode character set. Egyptian Nubians are African descendants of one of the most ancient civilizations in the world. 1973, « An extinct Nubian language from Kordofan », Sudan Notes and Records, 54 : p. Sep 7, 2021 · Since the Arab invasion of Sudan and destruction of the last Nubian Kingdom of Aludia (Alwa) seated at Soba its capital, overran by an alliance of Arab tribes and the Funj in 1505 CE Nubian language was intentionally marginalized and the writing of the Nubian language stopped ever since. Help the Nubian community reach their mother tongue and let the whole world know about this ancient historical language. 360,000,000. Sophia Nubian is a sans serif, Unicode-compliant font based on the SIL Sophia typeface (similar to Univers). Magic reveals Nubia’s deep-seated hopes and fears. This reference grammar provides a novel and detailed overview of Old Nubian, an extinct Nilo-Saharan language written in the Nubian kingdom of Makuria between t Jul 20, 2021 · It is the world’s first font especially designed for the Nubian language and will be the sole font used in all four books the team plan to produce, to ensure that the Nubian script accurately This is a simplified language and grammar book intended for English readers who are interested in learning Nobiin language. Meanwhile Momen Talosh, a Nubian activist, has created a Nubian teaching app and an organization (NUBI) to promote the learning, usage, and safekeeping of the Nubian language(s), and by extension, the Nubian culture. Browne affirmed that "this lucid, well-argued Nubi App is the first Nubian project interested in the Nubian heritage and educating the Nubian language in its two dialects (Kenzi and Fadicca) using the technology facilities currently used in the world. Oct 1, 2022 · Visiting a Nubian village is a must when visiting Egypt. To me, they seem to be Nubians who adopted an Arab identity and abandoned their Nubian language. The Hill Nubian languages are generally classified as being in the Central branch of the Nubian languages, one of three branches of the Nubian languages, the other two being Northern ( Nile ), consisting of Nobiin, and Western ( Darfur ), consisting of Midob. ”Slavicist Jose Andres Alonso de la Fuente has Feb 1, 1991 · This research investigates the attitude of Egyptian Nubian university students towards the Arabic and the two Nubian languages, Nobiin and Kenuzi-Dongola. Nubian texts provide valuable insight into Nubian social and economic history. It was one of the earliest civilizations of ancient Northeastern Africa, with a history that can be traced from at least 2000 BCE, and home to one of the African empires. C. Eugenia Smagina first published her grammar of the Old Nubian language in 1986 in Russian. pf st va bl gz yp va dl dy hq