Harry potter fanfiction molly harry sobbing. " Work Search tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos.

The suprise of the evening was when Harry was sorted into Slytherin. The baby Teddy Lupin gurgled happily in Harry's lap. Dear Harry, From the time I first saw you, when you were born, until 11 years later at Kings Cross Station, you were my 8th child. He was thankful there were no lessons happening in it this evening, or that any couples had come up to snog, because he would definitely be in trouble if he was caught. "Oh my, oh my!" Molly cried. Molly quickly took a seat and the rest followed her lead. His breathing finally evened out and the tears had stopped. Apr 2, 2023 · Head Auror Harry James Potter - Snape is calling forth a life debt owed to him by Genevra Molly Weasley. Harry only heard him because he was listening for a response. I just play in her sandbox. You go take care of your family. Escaping from Molly Weasley. "Ron threatened and blackmailed The next Saturday, Arthur and Percy met on the back stoop to discuss the goings-on at the Ministry. 'So Ron will certainly be sharing a dormitory with Harry Potter, but there will be other boys that dormitory too, Ginny. "How was your day?" "Fine, the office was a little rowdy but all is great. She scrambled over to Harry and grabbed him up into the tightest hug he had ever felt, and he squeezed back just as equally hard. Just the man I hoped to see. "My son is only 5. The worst year of Molly's life was when Ron went on the run with Harry and Hermione, the year Ginny was stuck at Hogwarts, a school Molly knew was no longer safe, when her twins were baiting an attack through their acts of rebellion, with Bill and Charlie being members of the order, being sent out for missions that they may not always return Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, or any of its characters or world. They are not little kids" said Sirius in a bored tone. After Harry had fallen asleep again, he knew his decision had been the right one. Featuring Harry Potter being completely clueless about high school hierarchy, but also enjoying it, Hermione Granger being Draco Malfoy's number one hater, Ron Weasley being hungry and angry, Pansy Parkinson being the queen of gossip, Blaise Zabini being the diva we all know he is and Draco Malfoy being a little shit, and also in love, and also Nov 18, 2012 · "Love potions – and an arranged marriage to one Harry James Potter. "Yeah, Ron… Hurt your hand there?" Harry joked. And when he didn't, when he tried to protect him, he – he -" She began sobbing again, hiding her face from Arthur's view. " Work Search tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. "Ginny said Molly found her and Harry asleep together down here last night, and all she did was cover them with a blanket. Sirius looked worried and angry, while Harry looked as though he had been crying. Though she held no illusions that this would be the last of her grieving. Harry pulled himself out of a sobbing Hermione's and an exalted Ron's embrace and pushed his way through the throng of revelers Disclaimer. Nov 18, 2013 · Harry Potter was abused. Molly is horrified at what she saw. I also wanted to give you a heads up on my story "Betrayal" my first attempt at Harry/Remus, with a former Draco/Harry in the past. While Molly held onto her bleeding head and Ron led his mother back to the house, Harry vanished along the path away from The Burrow. This will be the disclaimer for the entire story. He knew that Bill, Ron, Hermione, and Mrs. Molly was looking at him in shock, but now it had morphed into anger. It is the moment Harry and Cedric are portkeyed back to hogwarts, Cedric being dead. I'm sure that Ron and Harry will know each other and it would be nice for Ron to make some new friends. These stories will take place in Marauder-era, Hogwarts, and Next-Gen, as well as anytime in between. "The answer to that question is simple… This is a payback for all the teasing you've been doing to me… I've been suffering Molly, I had to masturbate thinking about you so many times!" Harry said before he laughed and increased the intensity of the movement of his fingers inside her Chapter Three. As Molly tucked Harry back in when he was done, Harry spoke for the first time since Hedwig came. Harry frowned at this and exchanged a confused look with Hermione. 'I know that, Molly,' he said. " Molly Weasley persisted to James and Lily Potter. Angrily Severus mumbled under his breath about the golden boy and how he was probably just faking it for attention, but nevertheless he still went into his office and gathered potions he thought he might need. As she did with her children, she kneeled down beside the sick teen and rubbed soothing circles on his back. Jun 22, 2005 · Harry Potter and the Spiritus Crystalus Chapter 1. During the year 1992 Harry James Potter saved Miss Genevra Weasleys life at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, specifically in the Chamber of Secrets in which Miss Weasley has been taken. Molly couldn't hold out any longer and a sob escaped from her throat. "Oh Molly… you didn't do a blessed thing to cause this. And should the Ministry or Voldemort stand in his way? Molly Weasley (née Prewett) (b. -Harry's POV-I noticed vaguely I was at hogwarts again, outside the maze, but I couldn't care less, or maybe I could, I really didn't know. She finally let go and held his face in her hands. It was all so different, yet so similar at the same time. Trust Harry bloody Potter to get sick when he was acting the healer of the school. Tears involuntarily sprang to his eyes from his smarting face. Jan 11, 2022 · Rescuing Harry from the Dursleys is an important turning point in Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past (because he wasn't just locked up, but beaten within an inch of his life and then left to starve); the Weasleys become his legal guardians after that. Making new friends and new enemies, Harry must face betrothal contracts, and Ancient Houses all while navigating politics and still dealing with the threat of Voldemort. Dobby was of an excellent size. K. "7, Potter, and you're still lazing in bed like your good-for-nothing parents!" The back of his hand slammed across Harry's cheek, immediately leaving a slightly raised red handprint. Personal and Family. "And tell Harry Potter that he's famous even in far-away Romania. "H-h-h-Harry, m-m-m-my dear boy, you've won! You've beaten him!" Molly, matriarch of the Weasley's wasn't far behind, preparing to offer a hug to harry. Wasn't feeling well so I gave her a sleeping potion so she'd get some rest," Sirius Harry was a seventh son to the couple, and always would be. " Hundreds of miles to the west, the famous Harry Potter sat in his bedroom window looking out onto Privet Drive, watching Vernon Dursley packing up his car. She pulled the covers up a bit more covering the boy similar to her son and gave him a kiss on the forehead. The conditions of the debt are thus. She chuckled and he pressed his lips against her's. " Chapter Five: First Appointment. Harry had already been thinking himself weak for sobbing; he couldn't stand the thought of his reaction if he asked about his nightmares. Harry awoke when he heard the loud thud. A Boggart had unexpectedly taken up residence in her and Arthur's bedroom at the Burrow. 'Hello Harry Potter, my name is Kevin Cattermole. That is owned by J. May 9, 2020 · Molly had ignored Harry's bleeding cheek from where the ugly vase no one liked had smashed against the skin. Return to the Burrow… The Weasley Family, including one Harry Potter, waited out in the car park of Kings Crossing Train Station while Ron and Hermione said goodbye one final time. I'll look after things here. Mr. He smiled pleasantly when he saw Percy sitting on the bench. He turned the golden ball to one side and there it was, a black pebble, not a diamond, not a whatever a black gemstone was; Harry was no gemmologist. Harry saw her in the kitchen chopping up vegetables; he smirked evilly as he snuck up behind her startling her. "Harry I can understand why you're wearing it but just give Molly what she wants. "Good night Harry dear," Molly said as she stood up and walked towards the doorway. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter that pleasure belongs to J. Harry Potter's temper has always been rather dangerous, but it's not until things start bursting into flames that people realise exactly how fiery it is. "Can I?" he whispered almost inaudibly. "Two fucking years?" roared Arthur. Molly and Harry got to work in the kitchen, and soon, the smells and sounds of a huge Weasley breakfast were filling the Burrow. And now that the fire's been lit, Harry isn't all that willing to let it be smothered again, in fact he's all for letting it burn. Jun 4, 2024 · Molly tried to busy herself with trivial tasks—collecting plates, wiping the table—but she couldn't shake the feeling of Harry's eyes on her, following her every move with that same burning intensity. Harry decided to open the letter bearing the Hogwarts crest first as that would tell him what he would need for his fifth year. Molly smiled sadly as she watched Harry sleep; his arm wrapped tight around his little bear; after Dumbledore had left, she had allowed the children to play and get to know one another for a few hours as she busied herself about the house, hoping that they would accept the little boy who had suddenly appeared in their lives. It was only after her children claimed to have rescued The-Boy-Who-Lived from a locked room and barred windows did Molly find herself standing on the porch of 4 Privet Drive, smiling warmly at a petrified Petunia while offering baked goods. Potter, I'm pleased to announce that you have been made prefect. Don't blame Ron and Hermione, they didn't do anything wrong," Harry said, hanging his head. . Harry rushed over to comfort her, much to Ginny's chagrin. Fortunately, his parents had a contingency plan for when they died and Dumbledore shipped their baby off to Petunia. Chapter 12 – Goodbye Molly. Dobby, who had very little stamina, was soon finished with. Weasley?" Harry mumbled into her robe. "What is it?" asked Harry. "Thanks Mrs Weasley. "I was going upstairs right now for a change of clothes. Harry Potter was sitting alone at the edge of the Astronomy Tower, thinking. Lily missed her son and was anxiously waiting for the years to pass so that she could hold her son once again. When Goblin Griphook finds baby Harry a living breathing breach of contract, something must be done! Harry had tried once with Petunia; she only walked out the door. Dedicated to all mums and dads, godmothers and godfathers, teachers and mentors. He knew it wasn't morning yet, and he could hear snores all around him. " Let me explain: It's forth year, Draco and Harry are seeing each other, and Cedric and Harry are really good friends. His fists become clenched and begin to turn white over how tightly he's clenching them. Harry was then met by Arthur Weasley, who ran to him and hugged him, half sobbing. Harry Potter tossed and turned in his bed in the hospital wing. Rowling, shame really but there you go. "What about Ron Weasley? Hermione Granger?" "After Ginny disappeared in her first year, Molly and Arthur pulled all the Weasley children from Hogwarts. " Contains slash/some ron and molly bashing harry finds friends family and love in the most unexpected people. It wasn't – and hadn't ever been – a mission that weighed heavy on her; it was self-assigned simply because of her belief that everyone should have a person like that in their life. "I've adopted Harry Potter," Molly repeated herself slowly, as if speaking to a small child. After a few minutes, Molly leaned against the headboard with Harry curled into her side. Molly had been rendered speechless at the chain of events, but Peter's sobbing seemed to snap her out of it, and she quickly turned to Harry, who was watching wide-eyed; "Harry, call off Teddy!" Molly said quickly, "Why?" Harry asked in a cold voice that shocked Molly, "He deserves it; he killed my mummy and daddy! He's the reason I was sent to 'Harry,' I told him. Harry was sick and couldn't get up from the floor. Please believe me. As Hermione Jane Granger waved her usual cheerful end of year goodbyes to her sixth year classmates and climbed slowly into the rear seat of her parents waiting car she was slipped a letter by one of the young first years from Hogwarts School. "Thank you lady Potter! You don't look so bad yourself!" Beside Remus (much to Molly's thrill) sat Percy, who wore a broad grin that nearly made Molly breakdown crying right there. " an:Please continue to read and review. And so Harry ends up in the care of another aunt, who loves him, and nurtures him, and helps to prepare him for a world where politics is a vicious game and magic is might. Ron looked forlorn when he finally turned away and returned to his family. , Harry P. It was a few minutes later when a tall man walked into the room. "How bad is it?" Molly sighed again. Chaper 3. Molly also knew that that fact had proven right time and time again, that was also a fact. Their cottage was small and very similar to the one they had died in. "I think it's time to tell them, Molly," he said, taking her hand. " Harry said sneering at Molly with a Snape worthy snear. A/N: So, here it is. Updated for January 2023. Molly then ended by saying "I'll make an appointment for you to see Healer Brown. The punishment would definitely be… not nice. Other than Harry Potter, he was very much scared of his Deputy, especially when she was angry. "Oh, Harry, thank goodness you're still here!" she was also sobbing. As usual I don't own Harry Potter, or any of the characters, things, or animals, that are mentioned in the Harry Potter books, I do how ever own the plot in this little venture into the Potter verse. It was Harry Potter, the boy she had seen only once before at Platform 9 3/4. Harry Potter/Molly Weasley. Albus jumped back at this. Harry went with a black coat, a white buttoned up shirt with black buttons, a white leather belt, black trousers, a watch from and, lastly, a black pair of leather shoes. Not for Molly Weasley fans! Oct 31, 2023 · Molly was late to Hogwarts which was not a suprise. Date of Birth: 31th of July 1980(age 11) Parents: James Nicholas Potter (27th of March 1960 age 31) and Lily Rose Potter neé Evans(30th of January 1960 age 31) (Both missing, location unknown) "I drove him there," she whispered. This fanfiction is for writing practice only and no money will be made. Aug 13, 2019 · Harry, unlike everyone else in the room, knew that both of those emotions could ever be put into a kiss at the same time. Harry J. - Chapters: 17 - Words: 28,166 - Reviews: 115 - Favs: 198 - Follows: 207 - Updated: 5/25/2011 - Published: 9/8/2008 - id: 4527159 Disclaimer. She had heard so much about him over the summer; about his tremendous bravery and the friendship between him and her son. Here is a list of the other prefects. Rowling, and all the people who she gave permission to have it make her rich. Jul 5, 2013 · asked Harry who was pointing his wand at Molly. "Oh yes! Harry! Harry! Harry!" Hermione decided to lay back and enjoy it. Molly said stomping her foot. Harry quickly lied and said "A little," even though the only thing that frightened him was vomiting all over the Burrow. And he knew exactly what Remus would have wanted him to say, "Would you like to call me Dad, Ted?" Teddy stopped sobbing and Harry knew he got it right. Jun 30, 2020 · WARNING: mentions of child abuse and self-harm. "I told him not to treat Harry like an adult. "Hello," he called, only to be answered by his father's voice, leading him into the kitchen. 'Everyone; let him sit down!' Mrs Weasley commanded, standing over by the oven as she began to spoon portions of Shepherd's Pie onto plates. "Two years," Molly whispered, hanging her head in shame. Harry's head spun with the information being presented to him. Harry Potter disappears the summer after the fourth year, but returns during his trial a changed youth, he's more mature. Harry Potter himself even recorded a few short endorsement commercials on the Wizarding Wireless. "Lower your wands right now, both of you" screamed Molly, while Ron went to his sister and helped her. "Now you listen to me Harry James Potter. Harry walked to the security desk and he was immediately arrested, wand removed and taken up to Level 2. She didn't seem to know what Molly was talking about either. Harry was hoping that the Potions Professor was convincing the Headmaster that going back to the Dursley's wasn't the best option for him. " Hermione braced for his reaction as she continued. A/N: This story was inspired by a scene written by one of my favourite authors, Kiera Marcos. "You didn't make us do anything, Harry Collection of my favorite COMPLETED Harry Potter stories! Includes: Time Travel, Dimension Travel, Powerful Harry, Independent Harry, Awesome Harry, Smart Harry, some Dark Harry, Etc! 2018-05-18 I'm adding some very good In-Progress stories that deserve honorable mentions. *Checks bank account* Nope, I do not own the rights to Harry Potter. "Hmm?" she answered sleepily. It was a fact that that she had known that Harry Potter was one of her children the moment she had ever laid eyes on him. Ginny slapped Charlie playfully on the arm, and sat down next to Harry, who enveloped her hand in his. Harry took a deep breath before beginning. 'Harry Who? You can't mean Ron's friend, Harry Potter?' There was an edge of surprise in his voice. "You wouldn't have gone if I hadn't made you follow me! I could have gone alone," Harry retorted. " He grinned. Lilly Potter was an amazing witch and tricked her goblin account manager into a clause requiring them to protect Harry Potter from all curses, compulsions, charms and legal constraints until his legal majority. "Ah! Percy, you're here. Nobody did. 30 October[1] 1949 or 1950)[2] was an English pure-blood[4] witch and matriarch of the Weasley family after marrying Arthur Weasley. So those healer's were very nice and helpful, and they are familiar with our family. " Reluctantly, with the care only a mother could possibly have, the newly graduated witch held her new-born son, the father having died a few months ago. He could tell that she was contemplating on lying to him. Hphphp. Her eyes were now brimming with tears at the very presence of her entire brood. She already felt the boy had been through too much hardship, and now… Feb 2, 2023 · Summary: A series of one-shots where Molly Weasley gets pranked by Harry and a variety of girls as punishment for treating Harry like a five-year-old, manipulating him, never paying attention to the signs of child abuse on him, being an overbearing tyrant, a fake mother figure, and a control freak. "What are you accusing my son of then?" Molly questioned, trying to be as calm as she could. " Albus states while Harry's eyes widen and his mouth opens. "Oh my! Lord Potter, look at you! You look hot!" said Hermione with a sly smile. It had all started at the Sorting. When Molly first met Harry at Kings Cross, she thought he was a boy from an orphanage who discovered he was something more. "She's still asleep. Not for Molly Weasley fans! May 9, 2020 · Molly had ignored Harry's bleeding cheek from where the ugly vase no one liked had smashed against the skin. Feb 2, 2023 · Summary: A series of one-shots where Molly Weasley gets pranked by Harry and a variety of girls as punishment for treating Harry like a five-year-old, manipulating him, never paying attention to the signs of child abuse on him, being an overbearing tyrant, a fake mother figure, and a control freak. AN:/ So this is an idea that came to me…well I don't remember exactly when, actually as I'm writing this AN it's actually several years since I first 'published' this, I'm currently reposting/hopefully fixing some of the horrendousness of the earliest chapters, because well it's pretty bad and It was certainly a change of pace. A month before your Mum died, she told me three truths about you, a truth about her, and one about me. Arthur sat at the head of the table with a very pleased looking Harry to his right. Ron smacked his fist down on the bedside table between their beds. While Harry Potter was being hauled away by his new sisters to the nearest high-end clothing stores for a day of torture, Bill Weasley was crossing the threshold of his childhood home. Mar 19, 2015 · Harry nodded, standing up to slice the cake in pieces. He was wondering whether he'd misjudged Harry Potter; I decided to let him worry. The Potter's, Remus and Sirius had been having some afternoon tea with biscuits when Molly had barged in through the floo network and had started talking about Ginny and a marriage contract. Harry stumbled and would have fallen had the wall not been behind him. " Ron merely shrugged his shoulders, unfazed by her statement as he plumped up one of the Sep 19, 2008 · Disclaimer they all belong to J. Harry Potter wasn't the Gryffindor golden-boy. " She whispered. Talking about the nightmares would come later. "Molly, it would be good if you could stop screaming and making demands. Even his loyal subordinate Remus Lupin was openly glaring at him. "Harry, don't be stupid! We're just as much to blame!" Hermione argued. It was a fact that he had been way to young to fight in the war. Ron smirked, knowing Harry caught on to his plan. As the feast began the doors to the great hall burst open it was Molly and she was stampeding towards Harry with Ginny still her wedding dress, taped to her back. Many conversations floated through the air over the table in the basement – Ron and Tonks were discussing which brooms were their favorite and why, Fred and George were still upstairs, putting away the Venomous Tentacula seeds they had managed to bargain Mundungus for, and it seemed that Harry couldn't find peace of mind or will to speak despite the rare cheeriness that had seemed to possess Nov 19, 2016 · Molly Weasley sighed and turned to her husband for support. Don't worry, my friend. Molly Weasley screamed, Ron shouted, and Harry ran. Molly Weasley had unexpectedly died in an accident. You won't have trouble with the Floo this time, I promise. i don'nt own any hp Slash SSHP Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Severus S. 'There are no other Harrys in the house, Arthur,' I reminded him with a smile. "Are you going to leave a piece for Ginny too?" Hermione glanced at Molly before taking a plate from Harry. I am the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter. " Molly thought for a minute when she saw a young lady leaving number three. Weasley were all staying the night with him, and that even though his godfather, Sirius, had wanted to, he had left on errands for Dumbledore. Hope you continue reading. "Answer that you little shit, just let them in then come back here incase Dudley or Petunia should want a cookie. "No, nothing's wrong," Harry said quietly. "Mind Harry Potter, safely invisible under the cloak that had been in his family for a very long time, put his lips to the snitch, and it opened with a click. "Boy!" Harry kept his flinch in check and hurried to Vernon's side, offering him the sugary treats that he'd made earlier in the day. "Dammit, Molly – how long have you been fucking Amos?" he shouted, advancing toward her and slamming his palms on the table. "Harry, are you frightened by the Floo?" She asked. Gryffendor- Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley. DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter "But Harry and Ginny would make a lovely couple. True to her word, Molly fed, motivated, and planned everything, often staying up until the wee hours of the morning with Kingsley revising his speeches. K. When Molly had started to scream as well, the boys had come tumbling quietly into the room. Disclaimer: Evidently I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters, locations, spells, etc. "Merlin's pants, Molly!" Kingsley finally exclaimed, his eyes heavy with exhaustion. Then it dawned on Molly. She had seen Fred's body fall out of the closet followed by Ginny and caused her to have a heart attack. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 "W-we wanted th-the Potter f-fortune. "No. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling. " Harry Potter a different life. Rowling. Harry didn't have to wait long for Madam Pomfrey, Professor Snape, and Professor Dumbledore to come to his bedside. She was born into the Prewett family and was sister to Fabian and Gideon Prewett, members of the original Order of the Phoenix. Mar 24, 2012 · 'Well, I ido/i know that Harry Potter is in Gryffindor, because the twins and Percy have already written to tell us,' I said. They walked silently until Molly asked, "What was the house number again?" "Oh I'm not sure. Molly knew that. The long-awaited rewrite of Taking Over. I watched you grow up into the person you are today. Harry's green eyes just shone at her. He was sat in a room without a window in front of a small table. When she eventually woke up, she was in Dobby's scrawny arms, listening to his shrieks of delight. " Harry almost jumped when the bell rang, but quickly looking to his uncle for orders. " Molly opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn't find the words. Harry James Potter sighed quietly to him self. Molly looked over at Harry who had gotten into the bed and pulled the covers up a little. The story it was in has been taken down for finishing and editing but I encourage you all to check out her website and other stories. Harry smiled back and allowed Molly to lead him to the living room, where she sat him down on the couch and slowly removed his shirt; as she did so, Molly heard the gasps of shock as Albus and Poppy saw the scars and half-healed bruises that littered his front, Harry immediately grew self-conscious and tried to grab the shirt back when Molly Molly's eyes welled up with tears as she pulled Roger into a bone crushing hug, sobbing as the sorrow of the day once again crashed into her. "I assumed you're anxious to get to the presents. "There's nothing to be afraid of Harry. 'Harry?' said Arthur. Her husband, James, was snoring softly in the bed next to her. " Albus said. May 14, 2017 · One-shot series focusing parent/child relationships between characters in Harry Potter. Was it six? Eight? Maybe four? I'm pretty sure it was an even number. Once Fleur broke the kiss, she fell to her knees crying. "Harry!" He smirked. Sirius slumped in a chair at the long table in the semi-clean kitchen at 12 Grimmuald Place. Harry's heart broke further when he saw that Bill was rolling his eyes and not kissing her back. "Mister Potter, could you expand on what you were saying there?" Minerva asked. "Mrs. He began to stroke her hair, heaving a deep sigh. After the death of his godfather, Harry snaps killing the man responsible and then murders his muggles relatives before making the choice to join the Death Eaters. the studs on his shoulders and forearm grew and sharpened. Begged Molly Weasley with an expression full of happiness. "Here, Sir. Molly attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Gryffindor House Jul 10, 2016 · "If you just tell Molly that I feel safest with you, I'm sure she'd understand. "Harry Potter, the Boy who Lived?" Molly states as she tries her hardest not to stutter over the name and the atrocious nickname. Molly remained in the bathroom with Harry, waiting for the next round of vomiting to begin. After ten minutes of sobbing, as Roger hugged her back just as tightly, she felt at peace once again. Harry growled and ruins carved into the outfit started secretly glowing. The sound of dogs barking was enough to wake Lily Potter from her sleep. "Molly, please take a seat," said Remus, who she hadn't noticed had been there. "Where is Ginny anyway?" Ron asked, only now noticing his sister's absence. " He purred. He looked down at the two deep red pinch marks on his arm. Harry was positive that Snape had noticed the bruises that had littered his body. Molly had at first tried to keep Harry from helping in the kitchen, as she felt the years of slave labor the Dursleys had put him through were more than enough for a lifetime of kitchen duty. "Potter fortune, pet? Care to elaborate?" Harry ran his hand gently through Molly's hair and tugged on it, tilting her face up to look at him. Molly felt like she had to experience with Harry what Lily couldn't; nag about eating too little, watch his grades, reprimand about chores, and fuss over his hair. Chapter 1: (4131 words) "Congratulations, Victoria Prewitt," smiled one of the medi-witches, "It's a boy. Molly found Harry, leaning over the toilet, emptying his stomach. May 28, 2015 · Molly, not picking up on this, continued with her list saying, "Healer Brown delivered Ron and you Ginny. A/Note, This is where things start to get a little odd, or at least a little more odd than the first chapter. Works; Bookmarks Molly opened her mouth, shut it and then opened it again. The backdoor opened to reveal Harry peeking out to see if Molly was in the area. "Can you yell at me like you yell at Fred Jun 4, 2024 · Molly tried to busy herself with trivial tasks—collecting plates, wiping the table—but she couldn't shake the feeling of Harry's eyes on her, following her every move with that same burning intensity. Harry was the star student of Slytherin House, best friends with Draco Malfoy and Daphne Greengrass. Hermione had still her wand on Ginny, while Harry had his on Molly. HMWSB "You've done what?" Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore demanded for the otherside of his desk. Watching Harry run away, Hermione saw that the seat of her friend's pants was dark with blood where Molly's welt hexes cut through the skin. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. Dec 2, 2012 · Hogwarts was nearly a total loss, though that hardly mattered to the celebratory mood that most people found their selves in now that the Death Eaters had been defeated and Voldemort lie dead at Harry Potter's feet. "I'm pleasuring you, Harry Potter's friend!!" he glawped. "Good night Mrs Weasley," he said. "Harry, you're awake!" Ron said humorously, glad they could get to presents now. " He smiled. Oh damn, Albus muttered. "It's not bad, we just didn't know how to tell you. " Harry stepped out and settled into an empty chair. " Jul 9, 2008 · Molly Raesly is a fanfiction author that has written 17 stories for Harry Potter. Name: Harrison James Potter. "Excuse me ma'am?" The lady smiled at her and said, "Yes? Can I help you?" "We're looking for a girl named Molly found Harry, leaning over the toilet, emptying his stomach. I've changed some things, of course – there will be no bashing here, for one, even if it may seem like there will be at first – and the writing is much better, but most main events are the same. Weasley, please, it was my fault. zr rh xr sf ro zj jy lr yc vp