I've taken all the first and second year advanced math courses. Acceptance Megathread. Waterloo honours math or utsc cs. 1. in terms of costs, a couple things: first year residence & meal plans are overpriced, i don't think res is bad but it's certainly expensive. If there is a Waterloo math major you'd be happy with other than data science, I would recommend Waterloo, since the co-op board is so great, it'll set you up fantastically for post graduation. Was in the same position as many of you guys just a year ago. The book recommended for the course is really good for understanding and doing I'm taking both this term. " Actually, you have an advantage. 138 contains proofs while 128 doesn't. As for your other core first term courses (1 CS and MATH 135 I believe): MATH 135 is about proofs. ca/1. •. UofT: Engineering is a more versatile degree. PMath 464 of course. The first calculus course you take (MATH 137) will use Calculus, Early Transcendentals by Stewart. I just want to say that we understand it's difficult for you guys to be doing your 1A term online or mostly online. Their research department in Pure Math is more prestigious globally. I would say go to waterloo for math/computer science because most of the friends i had in go job offers and now work in silicon valley. Instead, in high school I took all 3 maths, and for my first year course at Waterloo, I chose CS115! I believe that math majors are allowed to take CS courses up to CS246, which is object oriented programming (so basically first 3 semesters you can take same courses as CS students. An additional purpose would be to get a rough idea of My guess would be proportionally math majors go to a bunch of different careers, less people malding for faang. Recommended for everyone including non-scientists and physics majors (I was a physics major). EDIT: Added course code. The only requirement for those electives is that you need to take two Haha, don't take that guy seriously. But I am interested in AI and Software Development which I think are primarily better taught in CS courses. People have gotten in with low 90s but good ecs. Math (applied for CS but was denied and given math as an alternate offer) University of McMaster: Computer Science. Waterloo installs 'nap tubes' for students without housing. Waterloo for graduate studies in math. Specific questions and comments: "I feel like my lack of exposure to proofs is kind of a big disadvantage. I decided to apply to Canadian Universities like UofT and Waterloo because I am interested in receiving Canadian Permanent Waterloo is a great school. But beyond that is impossible to my knowledge). SCI 206 is an interesting course. (Please tell me if I am wrong) 4B mathie here. If you want to apply for cs it will likely decrease your odds. So for them getting a higher mark is way easier. I'd say decent chance. Math 124 all the way. Computer engineering is one of the most competitive programs. Those things usually take 1-2 years. Saucedd. jdkeagle72. POST is the killer. While I would say level of education is comparable, getting into a top tier grad school from U of T I would say is slightly easier than from Waterloo. Mathematical studies is probably the easiest. It’s a lot more similar to high school calculus than 127, which gets a little more complicated as it goes. If your talking about an approved graphing calculator, then it's probably Texas instrument T-#, which basically has a monopoly for schools as they are really If you really want to guarantee a entry knowing a professor you have done research with and having them supervise you and vouch for you. Big N hire SWE most of the time, so it's very likely for math student did not have big N interns. Smith- especially if you take advantage of networking opportunities. CS/BBA is a full CS degree @ Waterloo and BBA @ Laurier, it takes 52 credits instead of 40 so u stay an extra 2 study terms. So I just got my midterm back for Math 137 and I received 53% on it. 3. I say it’s really really good. Your real life experience/general comments from current or past students of this program would be very valuable. However, at U of T you can choose to make a course credit CM doesn’t give you a better AI background than CS. 124 just covers everything from high school (vectors, basic derivatives, optimization & curve sketching), as well as very basic integrals. ago. Waterloo Laurier is a very good program and you would have gaurenteed res there rather than a lottery. 22 seems like it could be too many. If you did not get accepted, you can keep Thanks. g. 4 pure calc courses with like 20 courses with extremely heavy calc in them. 4. Personally i would root for waterloo math as it is a very versatile program. You can look up the degree requirements for comp math to see if you'd be interested in the courses The advanced section students seem to be weaker at U of T this year, but they are highly variable from year to year. You have less incorrect material to un-learn. CHEM 120 is also nice if you did well in high school chem. A math/bba (DD) with no extracurriculars is better than a mathie with no extracurriculars. I also didn’t realize how much math a CS degree in UWaterloo required. I came from 0 coding experience and 1B and 2A were quite painful. Math Phys is pretty difficult I think. It's the best option that is not Waterloo. Although, I didn’t make the smart decision to drop out of math 135 when my marks dropped after the midterm, I stayed in all of my courses and ended up failing both math 135 and 137, (literally ended 135 with a 39% so When I transferred, they looked at your CS average first, then math average, then overall average, then your responses on the form you fill out to transfer. Submit an online application. The ones im really debating over are Computer Science and ENGL 108P is pretty fun too if you like Harry Potter. Math Fin: Takes MATH 247, 248, 247 and PMATH 351, 450, 451 along with STAT 330. But a mathie who does finance, does finance extracurriculars (find some Kaggle competition or the like) is better than a DD who has done the bare min finance courses (me) DD generally tries to minimize repetition of courses. Besides, Waterloo co-op students pretty much dominate a lot of firms. In your degree, you'll take 40 courses, which means that the other 30 are left as math courses. "even the general courses are hard. MATH 137, learning from the midterm experience. dont do it. Algebraic geometry is known as the easiest undergraduate subject. To be taken this spring 21, not planning to major in anything, so just want to take easy math courses to meet program requirements. Reading this post has me going down memory lane because I experienced this (almost) exact scenario 3 years ago. When it's full everyone moves forward; the person at front pops out, like just a mechanical pencil!' said Glenn Weppler enthusiastically, 'AND we're burying them to insulate them. 2. As of right now, Waterloo Math seems to be my top choice out of all my offers. For my program mathematics, from day one, it seemed that the University heavily invested in the math faculty. The program is mostly designed to be combined with something else (Stats is a good choice) since it's pretty broad and you don't really specialize in much. Overall they're the same difficulty as the 1st year advanced courses, but individual courses vary a lot depending on the prof. in 2A rn, math 235 seemed to be the most difficult lin alg course until now, and 137 the hardest calc course. Almost everything taught in this course gives you a very strong basis for future courses and a (somewhat) good basis for your co-op. Generally, in other universities, there is math department under science or arts but in Waterloo, we have a dedicated faculty so there were branches of mathematics I have never heard before such as combinatorics and optimization. Waterloo cons: Coop is extremely stressful and competitive, Worse social life and mental state. That is not allowed. I am looking for your inputs for a program in Waterloo Mathematics/Business Administration with specialization of Information Technology Management from second year. Math/BBA. If you want theory and a job at the end it's they way to go m8. Should be a very easy transition. First, to be eligible for transfer, you should meet below criterias: Taking (or have taken) CS 136/146+136L (or equivalent) Meet the minimum admission requirements. Thing is each term you learn more about how you study and work best and as long and you keep up with things it’s completely manageable to pass your courses. If you want to go for data science, you can also do that. But the average CS major doesn't take any AI courses (I don 100% waterloo, their math program is much better. Hello, I am a grade 12 Ontario high school student who's looking to apply for Waterloo Math, but I'm confused at how they look at my mark and math contest results. take something you enjoy. SCI 206 is a fun course. I want to go into research, but I have plenty of friends who want to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I am quite impressed by UWaterloo Co-op program and I know that it provides better job opportunities. If you want to be in a business program, then don't go with program 3. Math needs low 90s but good competition score (Euclid). Also supposedly all language 101 courses are pretty easy, so if you want to pick up a new language, you can go for that too. Also the physics side is so much less organized than math that it takes a toll. Does your teacher not have a preparation program set up? They should be coaching you through to prepare. You may also want to pick up a copy of his textbook for the course. Rest are light. For example, Math 247 with Alexandru Nica was bullshit easy, but Math 245 with Stephen New was among the hardest classes I've taken at Waterloo. Lastly, students in non-coop programs are off for the summer and while that won't affect Waterloo works jobs too much, it will have a significant impact on the demand for jobs off of Waterloo works. Math Department Comparison between UWaterloo and UofT. If you're passionate about math, then choose Waterloo for the education and try to get internships during your summers. Hey everyone, first time posting here on reddit so apologies if I’m not following any rules. Math 128 focus’s on newer topics (integration. Admissions. I have two options : UWaterloo Mathematics Honours and CarletonU Computer Science. CompMath is not competitive to get into after high school. Some years it goes up a bit, but if it goes up, you'll also need a higher average to successfully transfer. See if you can find the PDF online. Imo SFU CS would be better especially if you’re wanting to become a software developer. I’m also a bit more interested in math than cs but of course We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Chem would also be hard. You can also use the first rule to figure out f (1/2); a common trick is choosing x to be a value so that you get f (c) on both sides of the equation, which tells you something about f (c) without needing to relate to other values. This course teaches you how to think like a CS student. UWaterloo Math Admission Questions. I’m in Waterloo honours math and I never took cs in high school. Very high. They not only have videos at low-level mathematics, they also have videos working through problems that require proof (read: problems that you might find in maths competitions) and have a whole playlist of just problem solving, and developing that. Easiest one was probably Intro calc (MATH 137), considering most of it is high school material. Math 137. Honours Math Employment Prospects. You will still get a great job with UT CS. Yes it's good. In CS you can take CM courses but it doesn't work the other way around. I am a first-year student at Waterloo Math, I graduated last year with a 97% average and applied generally for computer science programs. You also have he option of doing a certificate or diploma program in data science, programming, or some other more employable area of math. Incoming MMath student. Blake Madill just started teaching at Waterloo this year and he is extremely good at teaching. but yes uw based kids do get one extra coop term. If you want to actually take CS courses then it's probably better to do CS if that's your end goal. Hey everyone! I have read on waterloo's website that taking courses outside school can be harmful for a student's application. I got in with a 93% in Alberta with really average ecs so I think you have a good chance. 'When your sleepy you just crawl in one end. This isn't a normal way to be taking courses, or teaching them. Is there anything else than the past tests on the official website…. you probably won't make enough money during co-op to cover tuition and living costs during the first few terms (since you have back to back school terms agreed dude i feel this is somehow worse than math 137 imo ;-; Swear the lectures cover like 20% of what’s on the assignments lol. 43K subscribers in the OntarioUniversities community. (This is according to an instructor on piazza. I want to major in pmath/co and what drove me here was a) living away from home, b) the fact that math was a faculty, and c) the pmath and co programs are really really good. Extremely high. Make use of the open courseware: https://open. Here, that means solving "x = 1-x" which has one solution x = 1/2. try to take 127 in the winter and 128 in summer or fall) they test much easier if it’s not your strong suit :) Math 127 is high school calc review. Feels less like a major and more like a double major. Math 237 takes about 3 hours per assignment. Pure math is a lot about proving things. Not in Waterloo co-op, but in all my co-op positions, Waterloo co-op students were always the majority, and UofT PEY students were usually second. If you really don't want to study math and you much prefers studying Computer Science, then I recommend taking CS elsewhere. Extra curriculars will be important when you fill out your AIF that goes with your application, so make sure to note those when you write your AIF. 22 seems like quite a lot to have been active in. UBC CS is competitive, but a reasonable number get it. vision108. For me, MATH 136 hasn't been great. Drop the best math major according to you and why you think it’s the best. Reply. , club exec, DECA championship, MUN Chair, sports nationals). The average goes down not because students are less bright, but because university courses are fucking hard. Also, if you don't like your program you shouldn't have a problem switching to an FUCK MATH 135. Typically, it only goes 2-2. There’s also some higher level (university) resources at https://open. As the title states, if I decide to pursue my study at Waterloo, I will need to get a loan to pay the tuition fees. math. I got into Waterloo math without computer science, I didn’t apply to computer science though. With the rounds of acceptances that came out today/in the near future, this thread is specifically for those who got accepted to UW to discuss different issues and celebrate the hard work and efforts of those who have already been admitted to their desired programs. Waterloo has great Co-op programs that can make or break getting a job at graduations. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Have heard similar things about other courses. Like any other high school student, I'm not 100% if a program like this right for. i’m based at waterloo and was accepted with a 94% average. If it can store data, ie: that you are able to put in answers/cheat. bird courses are an absolute drag if it ends up being something you have absolutely no interest in. I have (in a sense) just been accepted into the pure mathematics MMath degree at Waterloo coming from McGill. First, there is the online thing where the assignments for them (where the class average is around 90) are worth way more. These courses are a lot more theoretical with a lot more proof writing and in general go into a lot more depth. regardless of where you are based, if you drop into single degree bba, you lose out on guaranteed coop and you now need to reapply to laurier coop at the beginning of second year just like everyone else. i’m taking MATH 245 w/o doing math 146 (i got a 96 in math 136). This obviously came as a major shock to me since I've been scoring 95 and above consistently in all of my assignments. The course notes are terrible, and help from the professors haven't helped either. Math 237 is significantly easier and less time consuming. University of Waterloo: Computer Engineering with Coop. I noticed that the Mathematical Finance major is a combination of actuarial science, statistics and pure math courses so I intend to declare it as my major. on the contrary, 237 IMO is the easiest calc course and 135 the easiest alg course. Greetings fellow Geese Warriors, I am a recent transfer to the University of Toronto from the University of Waterloo, and while many believe Math 145 to be the most difficult of first year undergraduate mathematics courses in North America, the many are wrong. Are you not in a club at school? If not, start one! 10 votes, 19 comments. But I mean it doesn’t hurt to try applying. I got accepted into both programs and they both have co-op. I have a friend who is actually in Waterloo Math and says that if you want to transfer to CS it is extremely competitive. I got in with similar stats. UTM CS - Pretty easy to get in tbh, mid 80s. sun_tzu_vs_srs. If you're passionate about business, then go to another school as business isn't as renowned here. Not really, we stay for coop lol. I don't know much about Waterloo from a non-math-research perspective, so I was hoping to get some idea of what the school is like! Is Waterloo a nice city? EE is the hardest by far. This course is the first PROPER introduction to CS. For example if you want to do software dev, you can do so. That is the nature of the program. Engineering depends on the discipline. George Campus: Computer Science. If you are interested in math look into the applied mathematics course at queens! I recently got into queens smith and waterloo math laurier bba. Every other school made up the rest of the positions, like Ryerson. The regular math section students at U of T are stronger than Waterloo's. . I really feel like my understanding of the core concepts of this course is good. Taught by the one and only Dan Wolczuk. I’m doing that contest (the one for grade 10) in February. Radiant_Humor_6618 • 1 yr. Personally, I have studied some first Waterloo math courses on my own, and I have participated in an international, 2-weekl engineering summer camp last year. As a broad statement, I would say there are more Tier 1 research professors at U of T, so getting a letter of rec from one of Combining this with rule 1, you can find out f (1). don't take "bird" courses that are shilled by people on here. Similar deal with Math/Business vs. I would imagine Mechanical would be up there due to the physics. Pmath =co >mf ~cs. I've taken both 138 and 128 (its cause I didn't get over 60 in 138 to go onto 237, and I elected to take 128 and get over 70 to move on). Math Fin requires a lot pure math courses. The marking system doesn't make any sense. Wanna know some EASY math courses of level 200, 300 or 400, especially online. A large number of people from our school are also on co-op then, many with more experience and knowledge. What Waterloo really has over other universities is a culture of math -- if you meet a random person, there's a reasonable chance they're in math. This course is actually shit. On the 138 material, you are expected to know proofs, and it took up almost 40% of exams/assignments. 16 votes, 27 comments. They're both excellent schools and you won't go wrong with either. Laurier pros: Less competitive inside, People are more social, Nicer facilities, Better mental state, I got a scholarship already 😁😁. Run. 5 credits, and labs are 0. Grade-wise, the regular sections at U of T are curved less than the regular sections at Waterloo. Not even a student at Waterloo (yet). ca/. It's hard to give advice without knowing what they are though. If you want a taste of Waterloo math I can send you the MATH 135 textbook, it gives a nice intro to the kind of math you would face throughout the degree. It's the best option period if you're not going to be in co-op. Completed ACTSC 231, MATH 237, CO 250/370, STAT 371/371, CS 330 and the other required math courses like MATH 235. ADMIN MOD. All my friends in math are more interested in act sci, finance, data stuff (which faang has ig) WTF is big n. Hi, I am a grade 12 student who wants to go into a math-related program, and Waterloo Math is at the top of my list. Currently, my top 6 marks are (including English): Consolidating the next 10 comments you will get: UofT CS if you want to study CS. Yeah it is probably the hardest out of the introductory calculus courses in terms of just workload and the depth (138>137>237). I wouldn't worry much about it. CE splits away from EE after 2A, so they only have 3 calc courses and way less math application courses. Loo Math has a threshold, and with a 95, and an average AIF you would be above that threshold. Take them on the off term (ex. They could put in 1/3 of the effort and get a far higher mark. • 9 yr. I'm a first year Math student. Hello. Hi guys, I'm an instructor for Math 137. double degree student in the math/bba double degree program at waterloo and laurier. 7. You can see the clear cut differences. UofT ENG and UofT ENG - Depends on the program. Waterloo pros: Better coop, Better reputation. Academics. That program is a math program with some additional business courses. Most people I know participated in a handful of clubs and activities outside of HS, and then had maybe a few ECs they excelled at (e. The earliest you can apply is in your 1B term, during which most math students will be taking CS 136. It will be way easier if you talk to your professors (who you did your research projects with) prior and they are willing to take you. However, if you're only interested in data sci/CS, go to UBC all the way, since the chances of In most first year math and cs classes, the average hovers somewhere around 65-70. Ranges from low 90s to high 90s. I'm taking both courses. 25 credits, so you either need to do 10 courses, or like 6 science courses (each with a lab) and one non-science course. Between your other two options, the BBA portion is identical, so it really just comes down to comparing the math portions. Point is ML/AI surely does require math as well as cs. MATH 245. Computational math is more of like a general math major + a computing technology option. I've seen some statistics about 1B math employment rates and it really is quite low which scares me a Highschool math is follow the steps produce a result. I'm a UofT student though so I really can't speak on Loo. ) But it’s the basics and I personally found it easier than 127. There are lots of different fields of pure math, you already mentioned analysis but there are also fields like abstract algebra etc etc. Then again if you're better at proofs I can see how math 235 can be easier. I’m in his AMATH/PMATH 331 class but he’s mentioned that he teaches Math 135 as well. ) Basically the highest weight is given to CS average, so as long as you get 90+ in 136 you should be fine. Before you get deadset on something as cancerous as analysis maybe try some uni level math. " This is very true, hence why we created an assessment for students to help them decide. You would study math which is a door safe with mid 90s. If you want to study math you should take it because their math program is phenomenal, but if you want to study CS take your U of T offer. The amazing undergraduate co-op program is at least 50% of UW's strength, and its entire competitive advantage. Math and Engineering in Waterloo is known worldwide and one of the toughest programs. I predict that I will need around 150 thousand Canadian dollars on loan to cover the 5-year tuition fees. I can't really offer much advice on Planning specifically, but I can answer a couple of these questions. 5 hours, and those are glorious: physics demos all night! The unis/programs Ive been admitted to are the following: University of Toronto St. consideration starting at high 80s to low 90s. 138 and 128 are essentially the same, except one part: Proofs. ask me anything cuz i was in the same position as a lot of you last year and this subreddit helped me out Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community. The most attractive part of Waterloo is different co-ops to explore different jobs and the various math specializations available to students. The course notes were well structured, but maybe not as well as CS135. Laurier cons: I can't spell their name, Not as well known. uwaterloo. Doesn't directly answer your question but I did Math 136 online and Math 235 (lin alg 2) in-person (both with Conrad) and I found the Math 235 tests to be a lot easier (some questions were just writing down definitions of proofs, and most were computational) whereas the online Math 136 exams were mostly proofs. I don't have any specific advice like a movie to watch, but do cut yourself some slack. Questions about Mathematical Finance major. You will take some CS in the UW math program (maybe 3-6 courses) but you won't be allowed to enroll in algorithms, operating systems or anything 4th year. University of Waterloo should change their name to University of Coop, because that's what If you don't know where to start, any undergraduate textbook is good. I think the ranking or rating of all majors and classes are subjective. Send help pls. However, my parents aren't very convinced that a math program would have good job prospects even with coop at UW lmao. After 2A you don't have access to the CS major courses anymore. Older brother is in UofT engineering (but in a different discipline) Waterloo: Co-op program (according to my brother, over 80% of first year engineering students couldn’t find a summer job) Math Finance FTW. Some get programming jobs, a lot get business or finance jobs, etc. applied (and was accepted) to ivey hba, laurier bba + finmath, UW honours math and math/farm. It's easy to find people to talk about content with, there's a ton of research opportunities and such for undergrads. I want to pursue a career in actuarial science or statistics, but I also want to learn about pure math itself. You can take courses as a CM major that would give you a better AI background than the average CS major. My original idea was to go to Waterloo because of how “prestigious” the co-op program is. SCI 206/201/238 are pretty easy from what I've heard too. Good luck bro/girl. It is quite hard. But they only care if you bring a programmable calculator. Each normal course is 0. You just need to maintain a certain average to declare it as your major. Easy bird courses. The class itself is a 3 hour lecture on Thursday nights. Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship programmes. no fixed criterion or right answer, just wanna know what everyone thinks! CFM takes some finance courses from UW arts faculty and the core CS courses + a few electives. Math 235 takes about 6 hours per assignment. I liked Francine Vinette when I had her for MATH237. MembersOnline. hq ip rd zw ux ai bt qj as sb