本出版物は次の形で引用され得るのが望ましい。UNESCO. It finds that between 2015 and 2021: „ Early childhood: The percentage of children one year The newly released UNESCO World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development: Global Report 2021/2022 analyses the state of media freedom, pluralism, independence, and safety of journalists over the past five years. copyright@unesco. Education Data Release – September 2023. Guided by the UNESCO Strategy on education for health and UNESCO embraces the momentum of global youth action on climate change. The Behind the numbers: Ending school violence and bullying publication, is being released at the world’s largest gathering of education and skills Ministers, the 2019 Education World Forum taking place in London (UK) today. The first was widely recognized as one of the most important documents available on engineering, and raised considerable public interest. The statistical tables list 209 countries and territories, all of which are UNESCO member States or associate members. While examples of stubborn exclusion remain, the report tells a positive story at the global level for girls’ access For the institutions concerned, revenues have dropped compared to 201980% 43% 50% ! 104,000UNESCO Museums around the world in the face of COVID-19, 2021 5 Update of the situation facing museums With the contributions of Member States, the survey has helped refine our overall knowledge of the museum sector worlwide. The digital revolution holds immeasurable potential but, just as warnings have Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report) Established in 2002, the GEM Report is an editorially independent report, hosted and published by UNESCO. A recent UNESCO report revealed that more than 30% of the world’s students have been victims of bullying, with devastating, immediate, mid- and long-term consequences on academic achievement, school dropout, and physical and mental health. Where do students go to study? Where do they come from? UIS data on the mobility of students shed light on the shifting demand for higher education, particularly in the developing world. Since wars begin in the minds of men and women, it is in the minds of men and women that peace must be built. UNESCO is the only United Nations agency with a mandate in higher education and works with countries to ensure high quality The UNESCO Science Report comprises the contributions of an independent team of experts, each writing about the country or region from which they hail. Goal 8 on sustainable economic growth, in particular, targets the creation of decent jobs, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, youth employment, as well as growth through diversification and a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors. Published in June 2021, the seventh report in the series State of the Education Report for India 2022 Artificial Intelligence in Education HERE, THERE EVERYWHEREAND AIUNESCO Education Sector Education is UNESCO’s top priority because it is a basic human right and the foundation on which to build peace and drive sustainable development. Equitable access to water resources, to safe and affordable water supply and sanitation services, and to the multiple GRALE 4 (2019) About the report. Climate change is the most important topic the world needs to address in the coming decade. 2024 Gender Report. Cover photo: VectorMine/Shutterstock. The collective activities of human beings have altered the earth’s ecosystems so that our very survival seems in danger because of The World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development series analyses trends in media freedom, pluralism, independence, and the safety of journalists. 14-20 Port Royal Street. Global Education Monitoring Report Summary 2020: Inclusion and education: All means all. In the 2022 Report, UNESCO is one out of only four UN entities which “meet” the requirements in terms of environmental governance. STATE OF THE OCEAN REPORT 2022 - PILOT EDITION / 65 meet the objectives of the Ocean Decade. The 2022 UNESCO World Report on Languages: Towards a Global Assessment for Linguistic Sep 19, 2023 · New UNESCO data shows that the global number of out-of-school children has risen by 6 million since 2021 and now totals 250 million. The UNESCO Global Geoparks Council consists of twelve ordinary members who have voting rights. 9. Any commercialization of its publications by UNESCO is for cost recovery of nominal actual costs for printing or copying content on paper or CDs, and distribution. In line with its mandate, the 2020 GEM Report assesses progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) on education and its ten targets, as well as other related education targets in the SDG agenda. Lists and designations. Mar 22, 2024 · The United Nations World Water Development Report 2024, published by UNESCO on behalf of UN-Water, highlights that tensions over water are exacerbating conflicts worldwide. It also reviews what these benchmark values mean for the probability of achieving SDG 4 by 2030. Assistant Director-General for Education at UNESCO, Stefania Giannini, said the findings released from Apr 7, 2022 · The Faure report, Learning to Be, in 1972, and the Delors report, Learning: The Treasure Within, in 1996, are key references in the debate on learning. org or UNESCO Publishing, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP France. It also includes projections for 2023 where available (Headquarters). Download the report. +1 876 630 5300. United Nations House, 3rd Floor. 2020. Mar 22, 2023 · Between two and three billion people worldwide experience water shortages. The ratio is particularly high in sub-Saharan Africa – 56 pupils per teacher – and Southern Asia – 38. The United Nations World Water Development Report 2017. The Global Report, published every four years since 2014, provides a macro-level perspective that informs UNESCO Member States, international organizations, civil society groups Educatonal outcomes are lower for children who are bulliedBehind the numbers: Ending school violence and bullying 34 School violence can cause physical injuries and harm. 2023. 2022. 2nd UNESCO Engineering Report (2021) 1st UNESCO Engineering Report (2010) UNESCO has published two landmark reports on Engineering, a decade apart. UNESCO/D. UNESCO Digital Library. The restrictions could either prohibit them from attending school or sitting an exam, limiting them to attend adult or UNESCO believes early childhood care and education (ECCE) that is truly inclusive is much more than just preparation for primary school. Thandiwe Muriu/Institute. Analysis of 211 education systems for the PEER website shows that regulations tend to focus on registration, approval or licensing (98%), teacher certification (93%), infrastructure (80%) and pupil/teacher ratios (74%). Sub-Saharan Africa is especially affected, with an estimated need for Inclusion and education. The Organization is the only United Nations agency with a mandate to UNESCO’s mission statement for the period 2022-2029 is designed to facilitate international cooperation and collaboration, harnessing the Organization’s unique comparative advantage to address the challenges and seize the opportunities facing the world today. The UIS has been reporting education data since its founding in 1999. The World in 2030 survey was operationalised during a time of great global change and anx- iety as the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic – which continue to transform our societies – were emerging. UNESCO supports developing countries using museums’ potential to foster Council members. It can be the foundation for emotional wellbeing and learning throughout life and one of the best investments a country can make as it promotes holistic development, gender equality and social cohesion. UNESCO UNESCO Director-General's Report on the Safety of Journalists and the Danger of Impunity 2022 UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) Lifelong learning is key to overcoming global challenges and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Si desean más información, solicítenla a: Global Education Monitoring Report team UNESCO, 7, place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP, Francia Correo electrónico: UNESCO Kingston. 1% of students report being injured at school by another student. This includes a demand for seven out of ten teachers at the secondary level and a need to replace over half of the existing teachers leaving the profession. The report argues that this potential remains . The figures, compiled by the Global Education Monitoring Report and the UNSCO Institute for Statistics, reveal that education progress continues to stagnate globally. War in Ukraine. This publication is the annual flagship report of UNESCO New Delhi and it is based on extensive El Informe GEM esta financiado por un grupo de gobiernos, organizaciones multilaterales y fundaciones privadas y facilitado y apoyado por la UNESCO. In China, high-quality lesson recordings delivered to 100 million rural students improved student outcomes by 32% and reduced urban–rural earning gaps by 38%. Report of the International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO (IBC) on the ethical issues of neurotechnology. This publication can be referenced as: UNESCO. 2 please see report “Global Progress Report on Sustainable Development Goal 16 Indicators: A Wake-Up Call for Snapshots 2019. Authors endeavour to make use of the most recent data available – many of which are provided by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Nov 6, 2023 · Violence and bullying in schools deprive millions of children and adolescents of their fundamental right to education. Comprehensive sexuality education - or the many other ways this may be referred to - is a curriculum-based process of teaching and learning about the cognitive, emotional, physical and social aspects of sexuality. The report also addresses inclusion in education, drawing attention to all those excluded from education, because The findings from the report, released by UNESCO, UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN Women and the WHO, are being released in the lead up to the Generation Equality Forum, at which UNESCO will announce a set of concrete commitments on girls' education. The 2015 Global Monitoring Report – Education for All 2000-2015: Achievements and Challenges – provides a complete assessment of progress since 2000 towards the target date for reaching the Dakar Framework’s goals. com. Getting every school climate-ready How countries are integrating climate change issues in educationThe Global Education 2030 Agenda UNESCO, as the United Nations’ specialized agency for education, is entrusted to lead and coordinate the Education 2030 Agenda, which is part of a global movement to eradicate poverty through 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. 2021 年由联合国教 科文组织(7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France)首次出版。. Intangible Culture Heritage (ICH) May 16, 2023 · UNESCO's first-ever global standard on AI ethics – the ‘Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence’ – was adopted by all 193 Member States in November 2021. The African Film Industry: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities for Growth contains strategic recommendations to help the sector achieve its estimated potential to create over 20 million jobs and contribute US$ 20 billion to the continent’s combined GDP. These shortages will worsen in the coming decades, especially in cities, if international cooperation in this area is not boosted, warn UNESCO and UN-Water in the latest edition of the UN World Water Development Report. In 2019 UNESCO Director–General convened an independent International Commission to work under the leadership of the President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, H. The report provides recommendations on how to address gender equality considerations in AI principles. Since then, UNESCO has developed several initiatives on glaciers around the world, particularly in the Andean region and in Central Asia (see list at end of report). Dec 12, 2023 · In response to this, UNESCO, in collaboration with UNHCR, has launched two reports on refugee inclusion. It emphasises the need for a "human-centered vision” where digital technology serves as a tool rather than taking precedence. It analyses progress made towards achieving the goals sets out in the Continental Education Strategy for Africa 2016-2025 and Sustainable Development Goal 4, and also outlines ongoing efforts and Higher education. Apr 12, 2022 · 12 April 2022. Empowerment through knowledge, skills and values to protect the planet. Last update:21 June 2023. Last update:27 July 2023. It covers topics such as inclusion, quality, technology, and policy, and provides recommendations for improving education systems and outcomes. This page is regularly updated with resources from UNESCO reports and monitoring tools. Global Education Monitoring Report – Gender Report: Deepening the debate on those still left behind. To guide the proper use of the tools in education and research, this Guidance proposes a human-agent and age At UNESCO, inclusive and transformative education starts with healthy, happy and safe learners. These individuals are appointed by the Director-General of UNESCO based on recommendations from the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) and Member States. ISBN 978-92-3-100201-4 Suggested citation: WWAP (United Nations World Water Assessment Programme). UNESCO, prior permission shall be requested from: publication. The Report sounds the alarm on the worrying decline of press freedom levels around the world: data and original analysis State of the Education Report for India 2021 NO TEACHER, NO CLASSUNESCO Education Sector Education is UNESCO’s top priority because it is a basic human right and the foundation on which to build peace and drive sustainable development. In Europe and North America there are only 15 pupils per teacher on average. In Europe, 23 out of 49 countries do not address sexual orientation and gender identity explicitly in their curricula. Scientists then understand better what has been done and how their own work relates to it. Wastewater: The Untapped Resource. Oct 26, 2023 · Today Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO’s Director-General, unveiled a report arguing that the continent has all it takes to become one of the next global fashion leaders, if public decision-makers offer greater support to all those who work in the sector and play a role in the fashion ecosystem. And it need not be advanced to be effective. Feb 7, 2024 · Culture. For more information, please contact: Global Education Monitoring Report team, UNESCO, 7, place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP, France Email: The 2023 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report shows the progress made since 2015 against all SDG 4 targets based largely on the data of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), which is the custodian agency for 10 of the 12 global indicators. 引述本出版物,请标明:UNESCO. Corporate author. Bonazzi. Released ahead of the 2023 Global Refugee Forum (GRF) these reports build on UNESCO's 2019 GRF pledge to strengthen national education systems for the comprehensive inclusion of refugees at all levels. 14 June 2024. 2017. Jan 22, 2019 · A new UNESCO report confirms that school violence and bullying are major problems worldwide. Global Education Monitoring Report Summary 2023: Technology in education: A tool on whose terms? Paris, UNESCO. President Sahle-Work Zewde, and develop a global report on the Futures of Education. This press kit shows the emergency measures deployed by UNESCO, as well as presents the next steps of our work in Ukraine, especially in preparation for the country's recovery. 26 July 2023. Just 41 countries worldwide recognize sign language as an official language. In almost one-third of countries, fewer than 5 per cent of adults aged 15 and above participate in education and learning programmes, according to GRALE 4. While some fundamental features of the engineers’ mission a) OBPS user access has grown three-fold in the last four years, b) number of users by country 2017-2022. The 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report has just released a call for technology only to be used in class when it supports learning outcomes, and this includes the use of smartphones. The Global Education Monitoring Report is an independent annual publication. Jul 26, 2023 · UNESCO ’s report on technology in education urges countries to carefully consider how technology is used in schools. Oct 4, 2022 · According to a new UNESCO data, each primary teacher in these countries has an average of 52 pupils per class at primary level, while the global average is 26. UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme Tweet. As the custodian agency for SDG 4, the UIS Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. Jose Matheus/Shutterstock. Adults with disabilities, older adults, refugees and migrants, minority groups and other disadvantaged segments of society are particularly under-represented [email protected] UNESCO Publishing, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP France. Paris, UNESCO. To explore the data select a country from the menu, or click on the map. UNESCO’s theme in 2017 was ‘Teaching in freedom, empowering teachers’, focusing on the professors, teachers, researchers and others who provide educational services to students at institutions of higher learning. Use our interactive map to find out more about UNESCO's work in all fields, in every region of the world. The 2016 Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report) is both masterful and disquieting. Paving pathways for inclusion: Towards 原版报告标题为:UNESCO report: museums around the world in the face of COVID-19。. These countries are located in three different regions. Education for sustainable development (ESD) is UNESCO’s education sector response to the urgent and dramatic challenges the planet faces. Additionally, the Council includes four ex officio members who do not vote, including Sep 13, 2023 · 13/09/2023. The Report also includes a set of maps and a section on UNESCO’s strategic networks reflecting the Organization’s various fields of competence. Source: Google Analytics. The report recommends an urgent, sweeping reform of education globally to repair past injustices and enhance our capacity to act together for a more sustainable future. Explore the publications and resources of the GEM Report on this webpage. PIRLS data suggest that globally, 28. It takes stock of whether the world achieved the EFA goals and stakeholders upheld their commitments. The pandemic affected more than 1. E. To preserve peace, States must boost international cooperation and transboundary agreements. It contributes to peace and security by promoting international cooperation in education, sciences, culture, communication and information. k The UN Sustainability Management Strategy The Strategy for Sustainability Management in the United Nations System 2020-2030. New education data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) released this week track country progress towards Sustainable Development Goal objectives for education (SDG 4). most report their data to the UIS using standard questionnaires issued by the UIS itself. Jun 14, 2024 · The UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report 2021/2 on ‘Non-state actors in education: Who chooses? Who loses?’, found that more than 350 million children and youth worldwide are educated in the non-state sector and ‘governments financially support non-state schools in 171 out of 204 countries’. According to our monitoring tool, worldwide, 2% of countries restrict the right to education of married, pregnant and parenting girls and women in their legal framework. It establishes that education is at the heart of sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Sep 7, 2023 · Based on a humanistic vision, the Guidance proposes key steps to the regulation of GenAI tool, including mandating the protection of data privacy, and setting an age limit for the independent conversations with GenAI platforms. This is a big report: comprehensive, in-depth and perspicacious. Last update:20 April 2023. Midway to the deadline for the 2030 education targets, the 2024 Gender Report due out on Girls in ICT day (25 April) assesses the progress made towards achieving gender parity across all levels of education. Thus, UNESCO continues not only to report on the progress9 in the adoption and implementation of access to information guarantees worldwide, but also to promote capacity development efforts. This first Global Report on Teachers stresses the urgency of this challenge and calls for immediate action. Yet despite the boom in demand, the overall enrollment ratio is 42% with large differences between countries and regions. Mar 20, 2020 · UNESCO’s education response to COVID-19. The GEM Report is funded by a group of governments, multilateral agencies and private foundations and facilitated and supported by UNESCO. 22 March 2023. As the results are released and we move into a new decade, much of the world remains in the grips of this global crisis. 10. UNESCO uses education, science, culture, communication and information to foster mutual understanding and respect for our planet. com Designed by UNESCO ED /P LS /Y LS /2 02 2/ 04Towards a common definition of micro-credentials 3 Acknowledgements The report was drafted by Emeritus Professor Beverley Oliver, Principal Consultant EduBrief, formerly Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education at Deakin University. This year, approximately 213,750 learners from 475 schools (270 primary and 205 secondary) in five regions (Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, West Urban Unguja, South Unguja, North Unguja and South Pemba) benefited from UNESCO supported interventions through training of teachers and dissemination of relevant materials. Because children and young people who receive a good quality education are more likely to be healthy, and likewise those who are healthy are better able to learn and complete their education. Jul 26, 2023 · Only when they clearly support learning. UNESCO’s functions for the period covered by the Medium-Term Strategy (2022 During the early 1960s, UNESCO supported the compilation and assemblage of data of the first worldwide inventory of existing ice and snow masses67. fr es ru ar zh. There is no profit motive. This framework was adopted by all 193 Member States. 9 For the status of progress on SDG 16. The 2023 GEM Report on Technology in education: A tool on whose terms? addresses the use of technology in education around the world through the lenses of relevance, equity, scalability and sustainability. We work to strengthen the intellectual and moral solidarity of humankind and bring out the best in our The present report shares the main findings from experts’ contributions to UNESCO’s Dialogue on Gender Equality and AI, as well as additional research and analysis conducted by an external consultant, Jennifer Breslin1. Original title: UNESCO Science Report: towards 2030 – Executive Summary The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this May 4, 2007 · Out-of-school children and educational gaps cost the global economy $10,000 billion a year. Mar 22, 2024 · The 2024 edition of the United Nations World Water Development Report highlights how developing and maintaining water security and equitable access to water services is essential to ensuring peace and prosperity for all . It aims to equip children and young people with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that empowers them to realize their health The report tracks GHG emissions as well as data related to water and waste management, air pollution, biodiversity, environmental governance and procurement. UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. N FOR NOSE State of the Education Report for India 2019 Children with DisabilitiesUNESCO Education Sector Education is UNESCO’s top priority because it is a basic human right and the foundation on which to build peace and drive sustainable development. As 24 February 2024 marked two year since the beginning of the war, UNESCO summarizes its actions in the fields of culture, education, communication and information. UNESCO provides the global community with reliable data, statistics and research in its fields of expertise. While these sites represent less than 1% of the world’s oceans, they host at least 21% of the world’s blue carbon ecosystem Oct 2, 2021 · New Delhi, 5 October 2021: Today, on the occasion of World Teacher’s Day, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched its 2021 State of the Education Report (SOER) for India: “No Teacher, No Class” . There are around 254 million students enrolled in universities around the world. 原版本 : ©2021 联合国教科文组织 整部出版物所使用的名称和所呈现的资料不意味联合国教科文组织对任何国家 The World Report of Languages presents the outcomes of work carried out by UNESCO since 2016 working in cooperation with the UNESCO World Atlas of Languages scientific group, which includes a number of the world’s leading scholars in the subject area. 26 October 2023. It is a human right for all throughout life. It is also an unnerving report. Tweet. programme and The report refers to 2022 data, as calculated in UNESCO’s 2022 Environmental Inventory within the framework of the UN Greening the Blue initiative. The 2021 SDG 4 Data Digest presents the idea behind benchmark setting in education and the steps taken since 2017 to fulfil this commitment, including the selection of SDG 4 benchmark indicators. World Heritage marine sites fighting climate change. Education transforms lives and is at the heart of UNESCO’s mission to build peace, eradicate poverty and drive sustainable development. UNESCO promotes knowledge sharing and the free flow of ideas to accelerate mutual understanding and a more In the United States, analysis of over 2 million students found that learning gaps widened when instruction was exclusively remote. For 46 countries, education data are collected by the UIS via the UIS/OECD/Eurostat (UOE) questionnaires. After the historic disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, most schools are back open worldwide but education is still in recovery assessing the damage done and lessons learned. The protection of human rights and dignity is the cornerstone of the Recommendation The Report also benefited considerably from the advice and support of individuals, Divisions and Units within UNESCO’s Education Sector, the International Institute for Educational Planning, the International Bureau of Education, and the UNESCO Institute for Education, Acknowledgements6 0 0 2 E d u c a ti o n f o r A ll G lo b a l M o n it o Feb 18, 2023 · The report, jointly conducted by UNESCO and the African Union, is the first in what will become a regular stocktaking of education in Africa. Museums are also increasingly present in the social sphere, acting as platforms for debate and discussion, tackling complex societal issues and encouraging public participation. The Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report) is the global public good that serves this purpose. 2023年《全球教育监测报告》摘要:技术运用于教育:谁来做主?巴黎,UNESCO。 May 11, 2023 · UNESCO’s work in the Culture Sector has an impact on poverty reduction and growth in many ways that align strongly with SDG targets. Building on the findings of this global research and thematic reflection, the Report presents new guidelines and recommendations, rooted in culture, to ensure that the cities of tomorrow are safe The United Nations World Water Development Report 2022: groundwater: making the invisible visible book. It argues that education systems should always ensure that learners’ interests are placed at the center and that digital technologies are Overall responsibility for the views and opinions expressed in the Report is taken by its Director. UNESCO produced the first-ever global standard on AI ethics – the ‘Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence ’ in November 2021. UNESCO, UNIDROIT, UNODC, INTERPOL, WCO and CINOA call upon professionals and the public involved in The GEM Report is a comprehensive and authoritative source of information and analysis on the progress and challenges of global education. Some 25% of teachers in 48 education systems report a high need for professional development on teaching students with special needs. Jamaica. Established in 2002, the GEM Report is an editorially independent report, hosted and published by UNESCO. Regulations are least likely to focus on quality or equity: 67% regulate fee setting, 55% prevent selective student Feb 26, 2024 · The world faces a critical shortage of teachers, hindering the achievement of SDG 4 and the Education 2030 agenda. UNESCO Director-General's Report on the Safety of Journalists and the Danger of Impunity 2022 UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) Lifelong learning is key to overcoming global challenges and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. As of 12 June 2024, UNESCO has verified damage to 412 sites since 24 February 2022 – 137 religious sites, 201 buildings of historical and/or artistic interest, 31 museums, 27 monuments, 15 libraries, 1 archive. Read more in The protection of human rights and dignity is the cornerstone of the Recommendation, based on the advancement of fundamental principles such as UNESCO's action around the world. Exposing a projected deficit of 44 million primary and secondary education teachers by 2030, the report examines the Global Flow of Tertiary-Level Students. 5 billion students and youth with the most vulnerable learners were Feb 22, 2024 · The global report on teachers reveals an urgent need for 44 million primary and secondary teachers worldwide by 2030. At the 2015 World Education Forum, it received a mandate from 160 governments to monitor and report on: The implementation of national World Teachers’ Day 2017 World Teachers’ Day has been celebrated around the world since 1994 on 5 October. Museums can play a leading role in bolstering the creative economy locally and regionally. As water stress increases, so do the risks of local or regional conflict. Speaking to UN News, UNESCO’s Manos Antoninis also warned of the danger of data leaks in Jun 15, 2023 · "Call by UNESCO and partners concerning the risk of illicit trafficking of Ukrainian cultural property" In times of armed conflict, measures to protect cultural heritage should be reinforced, notably in the framework of the UNESCO 1970 Convention against illicit trafficking of cultural property. du mi vt yg wh nc ay yj uk pa