Rad140 gains reddit. Rad140 will most likely require PCT at 10mg.

It has tons of scientific studies. Talking about sources is allowed and welcomed as long as its NOT PROHIBITED. Weight pre-RAD140 - 77kg (lean around 10-12% BF) Weight end of RAD140 cycle - 79. You should've cut on-cycle, since RAD would've made you gain muscle and strength while in a caloric deficit. In a preclinical rodent model assessing the efficacy of RAD140 in comparison to exogenous Testosterone Propionate, RAD140 significantly outperformed Testosterone in myotrophic/androgenic selectivity. I lost some muscle hardness. Free Test: 62. These are the real gains. Otherwise ur leaving gains you could have had while inflicting the same damage from pct. About a 8-10lbs lean muscle gains. Eat, eat and eat! I’m on my first SARM cycle, rad-140 @ 10 mg. Apr 9, 2024 · RAD 140 VS LGD 4033 – Half-Life. Sure why not you already admitted you still have noob gains to get. Diet is a surplus of at least +500 cal/day. Im currently running 10mg for 9 days with no noticeable increase. Rad140 whole sale prices are high so it's often underdosed or fake. Basically the stronger compound, or more volume of liquid will win the race. 6 weeks into 15mg RAD140/10mg mk677 ed Started 250lbs, recomped to 256lbs. Muscle, I can see now in week 5 very easily. S23 is way stronger than RAD, but you can not take S23 without injecting testosterone. Meaning if someone changes their diet, you won’t likely see the drastic results until 2. Your physique changes about 2. Side notes: for my next cycle I want to document a lot more of the changes such as muscle size and strength measurements. Archived post. Reply Tldr; positive effects from a week of rad 140 *10lbs gain *95lbs bench press to 165lbs *Overall insane strength increase *Muscle definition increased. The real benefit of MK2866 that you find over Rad-140 is in bone formation and strengthening. The only issue I would have is that if you've never run RAD-140 or LGD4033 by themselves you won't be able to attribute gains or We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It’s a GH secretagogue and works on a different pathway. I initially set out to cut and had my calories on a deficit for the first 4 weeks, and then went to maintenance for the remaining 4 weeks as my appetite A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. Going to run an 8 week cycle. I am 37 14% bf 155lbs and have had an extremely difficult time putting on muscle. Rad 140 How much muscle gain to expect? I will be running 10mg ed for 8 weeks. Background: 25 years natural bodybuilding (obviously not after this) Height - 5' 7”. There are studies. No Broscience, No misinformation. RAD140 has similar anabolic effects to LGD-4033. Edit: The goal is to lose 8 more pounds of fat, start a rad cycle, then recomp to replace the lost fat with muscle mass. Its different for everyone. Hey guys, Posting this here to open up debate between what many consider to be the strongest and most popular SARM, RAD-140, and a classic in the prohormone family, 1-Andro. 6kg muscle mass and 79kg total. Stacking sarms is stupid imo. Lost most of my love handles, probably went 15%bf to 12. On the plus side, no insomnia, increased aggression, lethargy, hair loss, libido drop, etc. Use enclomiphene citrate next cycle alongiside l-carnitine ,long jack and fenugreek . While on rad-140. 25 enclo ED from week 2-8, +2 weeks with no rad. Just isn’t. Ending a cut in 8 or so weeks. So far absolutely no noticeable effects from the Rad. Anavar at 30-50mg per day is equal to RAD at 20mg per day…. 6. It will help with appetite, sleep, recovery and obviously growth. Sep 25, 2019 · RAD-140 Cycle for Maximum Lean Mass Gains. Andarine S-4 – 50mg per day, 25mg in the a. Is it best to take both at the same time ? Or maybe run the rad 1st and start mk677 after 8 weeks of rad. Negative effects *Joint pain *Suppression symptoms *Possible hair thinning. Please don't believe those people telling you they have gained 20lbs or so on 6 week cycles. Please correct me if the thought process is incorrect. LGD 4033 is better for endurance and bulking. You will get suppressed in both ways, but with a 1000 calories deficit you will probably feel like shit earlier in the cycle than if you would be in a surplus. Rad140 gains are more subtle than test, you’re going to have to use the extra strength gains from rad140 to build muscle. What gains could I expect while bulking at 500calorie surplus for 10weeks? would a gain of 30kg in bench (95kg->125kg be possible?) 3kg increase / week? RAD140 is very potent at low dosages and exhibited a mean weight gain of more than 10% in 28 days at only 0. 10mg LGD is like 20mg Anavar/rad140 they say. RAD 140 is considerably more expensive than Ostarine per mg. Rad-140 isn’t as powerful as Anavar when it comes to quality muscle gains. If you wanted to you could add in MK677 and use it to bridge you into another cycle. Naturally the only way to increase that is by adding more food. I see nothing wrong with that stack as long as you run a test base and PCT properly since it will be suppressive if you have legit SARMs. 99 (15mg/mL – 30 mL) *Prices taken from Sports Technology Labs. with sarms however it all depends if you get shut down or not so do your bloodwork a week after cycle How much can I expect to increase my bench in 8 weeks. Diet, sleep, workout in check. If you built new mass, you can keep it indefinitely as long as your caloric & protein intake remains sufficient to support it, and you continue to provide stimulus to the muscle with training. You could try taking MK677 which is what a lot of people do to try and keep some of their gains. It's a lot harder to hold on to your gains off-cycle when you cut. You don't need to start enclo this early. Trans4m-Club. It would be better if somebody who’s been on it personally answered that part. 5 -> 181. Also to control all the free radicals to reduce your potential negative side effects as well as give your liver even more support I can’t recommend 1,200mg of NAC enough. This is why you see many people stacking the two together so they can back up the strength gains from Rad-140 with increased bone density thy will support their newfound gains post-cycle for years to come. 52 3 pills 3x a day and tudca at 600mg with the sarms. Big-Struggle1687 • 6 mo. Hope this helps, have a good blasting! When I ran a cycle of RAD-140, notable gains observed during the initial month. Hello there! This is my first cycle and Im curious when yall have found the strength/size gains. 99 (25mg/mL – 30 mL) Rad 140: $59. Strength on compounds went up about 25%. Lifting for 7+ years seriously. I’d say 90-95%. Or. 5mg LGD 4033 for 8 weeks. Improved muscle endurance and some strength comes first, but the second month is when you'll see the most gains. However, there was a significant decrease in testosterone levels encountered, comparable to levels half that of an 80 year old man. Use Liv. It won’t matter what sarm you use for mass retention. Bump! Would also like to know, never ran RAD140. The sarms will still aid in gaining muscle though. • 3 yr. 25mg ED in the second week. 5%. I’m thinking of starting my first SARM cycle. But once you add something like Rad, Test, 677, etc that bypasses those signals from your body and lets your body grow a little more regardless. Expected gains from rad 140 Hey guys, Wanted to ask what the expected gains in lean muscle if I take rad 140 at 10mg a day for 8 weeks with a base of 1 year and a good diet and good sleep any advice would be great as well as taking enclomiphene citrate. Rad 140 muscle gain and weight loss. How can i avoid ripping my patella tendon, which has tendinothapy while playing organized basketball, and lifting for leg strength gains. Rad-140? Nope. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) (800-1200mg/day) – Liver. RAD140: Low Dosing vs. Wasn't worth it in my opinion, strength gains and muscle density were great whilst on it though. 5 weeks after you alter whatever you’re doing. Don't get the short cycle, real gains come after around 3 to 4 weeks Rad140 is a lot better than anavar for performance and keepable gains in my opinion but anavar will give you awesome pumps and you’ll look very good while you are on it. Electronic-Pea9618 Rad-140 at 20 mgs a day for 12 weeks stacked with mk677 @25mgs at night b4 bed eat tons of protein (quality) and decent amount of carbs. Is this mainly water weight or muscle? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 5 Dosing: Week 1 @5 mg Week 2 @7. 3. 250-500 side effects are going to be relatively similar. I felt a lot stronger and just knowing I can move the weight helped a lot with my confidence. 3 inch. Now, as for Rad-140, it’s strong, one of the I did gain some definition that had been stubborn until then. If you start eating like shit, you wont reap the negatives until 2. Running rad now at 13. Week 5-7 are the best in most cases. Thought I’d share my results from 8 weeks of 10mg of Rad140 for 8 weeks. No noticeable mental or physical gains or loss. Hard Gainer Mass Advice. It is also one of the best SARMs for increasing strength. The strength and endurance gains I have been experiencing have been ridiculous. Its natural to lose some gains when coming off cycle. I love both compounds, they almost do the same thing but S23 is a bit better in regards to drying out and muscle building. I did 8-10mg for 8-9 weeks gained 7-10 lbs about the same body fat. Below are the results: Lift. Diet and Training regimen are a big thing. Strength gains are better with rad140. 0) Total Test: 286 (Range: 250-1100) I also tracked some lifts that i was focusing on to improve my strength. Diet, Training, Genetic Response, Source So after my first sarms cycle of LGD+OSTA (which i thought to be a failure), i wanted to try RAD140, and i also threw in some mk-677. So if you were going to do a total of 25mg of both compounds, just pick one and stack with MK677. I’ve been reserching SARM’s for a few months and I decided that I want to start with eather RAD140 or Ostarine. RAD140 2WEEK TRANSFORMATION INSANE!! RAD140 2WEEK INSANE TRANSFORMATION!! I been on rad140 , LGD 4033 and MK677 for 15 days now and I’ve seen a significant improvement in my strength and stamina like very significant changes. I would cut down natural and than put in rad-140 to make lean gains instead of wasting it on cutting. Jan 1, 2024 · During any RAD 140 cycle, one should take the following supplements as on-cycle-therapy to mitigate side effects: Fish Oil (up to 6 capsules a day) OR Krill Oil (up to 3 capsules a day) – Cholesterol. Getting as much feedback and research as I can before deciding to hop on an 8 week cycle. Pros of RAD-140: -Strength gains. Going to use Enclo during week 3-4 and as pct. Man that sucks. 8 kg muscle mass. Slight weight gain 4-5lbs, most likely water retention. Sarms are the same deal. Cardarine GW-501516 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a. Starting bench went from 225 for 8 reps to 275 for 7 reps. and 25mg 4-6 hours later. Use it or lose it, but it can and should be permanent if you continue to work and eat right. And absolutely do not run nolva until you know you need it. On the other side of the coin, Ligandrol enjoys a half-life between 24 to 36 hours. Didn't notice any sides throughout the cycle and starting bw was 208, ending bw was 225. Thinking of either. Thoughts on side effects, dosing, results, etc. Rad has higher bio availability produced more strength and suppression while being hard was very mild in terms of bounce back i felt like a god over night. No noticeable sides, blood test after enclo is out of system. Post cycle eat a lot of food and a shit load of protein everyday, train enough to maintain the tissue, sleep as much as you can every night for recovery and growth. You absolutely need estrogen conversion and anavar absolutely wrecks your hair even if you have perfect hair genetics. 5 (Range: 35. Have rad 140 and mk677. 10mg is the right dose! Follow your intuition when you’re hungry. I was hungry AF for the first maybe 3 weeks before my hunger leveled out. Personally I just did my first rad140 cycle about 8-9 weeks ago and I have kept almost all strength gains. If you've been working out all of those 5 days it is very possible that a pound or two could Rad 140 and MK677. For weeks 1-4 I dosed at 10mg/day Rad-140 sourced from Venogen. Go read the r/ steroids first cycle wiki. Ditch the OTC PCT and use clomid or nolva ASAP if you still feel suppressed. A Keto diet is the most muscle sparing way to do it through. m. 1 mg/kg in a preclinical primate model . Because of the antagonist activity, it may reduce androgenic side effects such as benign prostate hypertrophy from other AAS. (What weeks). Biggest selling point for LGD4 over RAD140, for me, is human trials. Despite only being a partial agonist of the androgen receptor, RAD 140 is still quite suppressive and at higher dosages, PCT is most definitely needed. Stenabolic SR-9009 – 30mg per day, 5mg split doses 2-3 hours apart. 5 weeks later. I plan to do an 8-week cycle, I’m currently 5 days into it We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I was reading mk677 helps keep your gains. 5 mg/day dosed first thing in the morning (5:00). Feb 20, 2023 · Ostarine: $49. grafficsak. Im doing a total of 8 weeks. Wondering how good this would be to bounce back and minimize fat gain on a lean bulk of 250 surplus calories. Start of Cycle Weight (Pounds) End of Cycle Weight (Pounds) Squat. It has some neuroprotective traits in the brain. Science based discussion on harm… We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Did 10mg ED for the first week then went up to 15 mg for the second week and currently been on 20mg for the past 2 weeks. To understand the pros and cons. First Rad-140 cycle 4 week update. I think they affect everyone differently. For one Anavar was created in 1960. Rad will spike your liver enzymes up, wouldn't drink at all on it, it spiked my liver up almost to the 500 mark, took around 3 weeks for them to come down, f#ck knows what damage i would of caused if I drank alcohol. depends on what you running, lgd gives yous more mass, so you will look smaller after a cycle because of water retention, if you running rad it will give you dry gains, so most if it will be stay, if you do everything rignt. Male, 6”6’, 215, 40 yrs old. That’s definitely something I can tell. Hi guys ! I’m currently 4 and a half weeks in on my rad 140 cycle first 2 weeks at 10mg then upped to 20mg ED for the remainder of the cycle (8 weeks total) not much noticeable strength increase at the minute except maybe abit for bench and squat. -Broke through plateaus by at least 40lbs more on the bar. . • 6 yr. 8-12lbs of lean muscle gains is possible on longer cycles like 10-12 weeks. Just wondering if I’ll be able to retain my muscle and strength or even gain strength while in a deficit on rad140. 2. 9. Apr 14, 2024 · RAD 140 is a SARM known for providing the user with some of the best dry gains out there. Before i started my weight was 72kg in total and 56. I focus on medium weight and slow controlled reps to failure for about 8-10 sets on each machine I use for whatever muscle I’m training that day , I’ve been eating Either do lgd by itself or stack rad and mk677. These are my working sets. All of them have the same gain to loose ratio except Lgd cuz it’s mostly water. It’s not like sarms where you are suppressed. My current bench is 225 pounds/100 kilo. Rsd140 is probably better for aggression and strength. Most reasons to lose motivation is because their tests levels get shut down coming off doing gear and pct takes time to kick it back to natural levels so between that period is most crucial to maintain motivation and working out, eating healthy, etc. They make no sense without estrogen conversion. Competitive-Address5. Front squat 275 for 2 reps to 275 for 6 reps. In 2021, the first-in-human Phase 1 study involving Testolone found preliminary evidence that RAD 140 offers “target engagement” of metastatic breast cancer (mBC) tissue. And if so, what would you say is more effective for bulky strength gains. Bro you are growing so much right now at this age, never worth taking ANY PEDs never ever worth. 10 years before that not tracking food or weights so progress was shite. Personally, Im doing and have done both. Looking to gain as much muscle as possible with the least amount of side effects. Cycle length, pct recommendations and dosage information welcome too. During my cycle everything went well, and it was going much better than the last cycle, at the end i hit 60. More protein than when ure off cycle rad will pack the muscle on with a swiftness while recomping, shredding fat and the mk will help with fat loss and keeping ure muscles hydrated and help u sleep like a baby it's the best in my opinion First SARM cycle - RAD 140 results here’s the before and after 174. I’ve seen guys make that jump naturally in shorter time frame. So you missed an opportunity to recomp your body. Gained 18lb so far on RAD140 & MK677. 6'10"/m/24yo for reference. At 17 I grew many inches and got to 6’1. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Test is better for long term muscle gains. My first sarm cycle, 71kg -> 74kg ( 5,9 height). If you bench press is 100lbs and you run rad I can definitely see it getting to 130lbs in one 8 week cycle. TRT is the best PCT protocol, so if you start pinning before your RAD cycle is up, you should feel less suppressed at about 4-6 weeks. I have been training 4-5x/week for the last two years with little progress. You won’t lose much of anything if You use Mk after. I will be posting before and after, just want to know your guys weight gain? Archived post. Stay at 10 mg no need to increase. Even though I was still able to lift the same, recovery was shit. This is my second ever cycle; the last cycle I did was over a year ago running just Ostiraine. It's all about Calories In vs Calories Out. 20mg/day is stronger than 300mg test/week or things like that. They are full of shit. Rad is better than test for performance enhancement or feeling like Superman but has a lot more side effects. The best thing to do is just keep eating and training hard. Reply. 1. Just use test alongside it at 200-500mg and keep on the test long after cycle 20-24 weeks. So here's the results: WEEK 1: Overall not much that is noticeable. 10mg Rad 140 for 8 weeks. Rad140 will most likely require PCT at 10mg. As far as TRT goes I’ve never been on it personally. RAD 140 + ENCLO Cycle Advice. Granted the first year was a lot of recomp and getting used to weights after being pretty inactive for a couple of years. So I’m about 5 & a half weeks into my RAD140 cycle, I gained about 10lb within the first 4 weeks on rad, arms got half a inch bigger, started taking MK677 after week 4 and gained 8 more lb and my bicep measurement went up another . Genetics come into play. Start test 3-4 weeks before hand. concluded that RAD 140 shows strong “antitumor activity” and has efficacy as an oral mBC treatment. High Dosing. WolfmanBTBAM. -Endurance for lifts went up. Subreddit for discussion about Rad140. Everyone recommends 500 test for first gear cycle. I was curious on yall's thoughts/ experiences with RAD140 dosing. The only thing about eating that sugar and fat is that it will probably put you into too big of a caloric surplus, which will make you gain more fat than desirable. 5kg (leaner than 10-12% BF) Rad140 is meant to be too. 5kg (leaner than 10-12% BF) For me, strength gains dipped massively after coming off to the rate they were at before I started taking Rad. I’ve made gains but I could have done it all naturally, I think it’s dumb taking rad 140 as a 19 or 20 year old. 0-155. I have been taking RAD 10mg ED and started Enclo 6. LGD 4033 and mk677 is a sweet combo. Jan 13, 2021 · I just wanted to give an update on my experience with my first PED cycle of RAD140 and the testosterone suppression + PCT (3 weeks in and feeling great). Everyone is different and my 2nd RAD cycle took my testosterone down to 264ng, but the only suppression I felt, was lethargy during my workouts. The purported benefits of RAD 140 are: RAD140 vs Ostarine Hi guys, I’m 18 years old and have been working out everyday for 3 years. 2K subscribers in the rad140 community. You aren’t realising how harsh the pct is. Cut out drinking, the stress on the liver int worth it and make the most of out of your gains. Anecdotal evidence by users of RAD140 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Does that mean RAD-140 doesn’t work? No First Sarms cycle. See table for bloods and bodyscan either side of cycle. Science based discussion on harm reduction, and how to make the most of Rad140. Going to do about 10 or maybe 15mg a day of it. [deleted] • 1 yr. Pumps & muscles rock hard from week 3 onwards. New studies show that RAD 140 has a half-life of sixty hours, which means that it takes about two and a half days for concentrations in the blood to fall below 50%. Went up to 20mg of rad and 5mg of YK twice a day from week three to finish. Share. I had trouble with repping weights over 5 reps per time. • 1 yr. Rad or s-23. This would be my first time using PEDs. Abs most visible in the gym, bench went from 265-300. Not really at all, and I don’t mean rat studies that don’t correlate. I kept the same routine and diet afterwards too. Preach bro, I took it recently @19 and I’m doing PCT rn. Im a ex college football player thats 6’1 and weighed around 275lbs so I’ve been big for a while, I’ve currently been on a big calorie deficit (around 1500 calories a day) my target weight is to get down to 220-230lbs but still maintain my muscle mass and weight I push when lifting. Im 5'11" stick to a strict well balanced diet high in protien. Just wanted to post a 4 week update of my first rad-140 cycle. Or maybe even at week 4 start taking the mk677 so there is overlap. Currently doing just that, with close to maintainence eating, my DB press went from 120x6 at the bottom of a hard hard cut to 140s for an east 8 in less than three weeks. True and to add what to he said above me. I’ve seen people on this post say they lost all their gains. RAD-140 vs 1-Andro effectiveness and gains. Rad doesn't really start working for 3-4 weeks, so you should run it for at least 8. ago. My cycle last year was around week 3 but I was also 30 pounds lighter last cycle. Testolone RAD-140 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a. Muscles still look almost the same just not as full and pumped. As long as your calories and protein are in check, you'll gain muscle and sarms will help you do it faster. The study by LoRusso et al. You won’t loose any gains. For weeks 5, 6, 7 and I took tamxifene 20 20 10 10. High Protein and Fat (no seed oils), low carbs. Also, 12 weeks is extreme for RAD, especially if you don't have a real PCT on hand. If RAD 140 came in the same mg values per ml as Ostarine (above), it would cost just under $100 (at 25 mg/ml), compared to Ostarine’s $50. Rad 140 vs LGD 4033 for first cycle. It also acts as an antagonist in prostate and other androgenic sensitive tissue such as the skin. Citrus Bergamong (500mg in the morning, 500mg at night) – Cholesterol. My friend did the ADMIN MOD. Personally i still get ridiculous strength gains even on recomp. -Muscles felt denser and popped more. rad 140 8 weeks 10mg ed first 6 weeks, 15mg ed last 2 weeks. All questions and cycle reports encouraged here Go to PCTexpress and purchase a real PCT like nolva or clomid. 5 mg Weeks 3-8 @10 mg Source: US Gains Lifting Split: NSUNS 6 day squat Strength gains: Squat 260x2 -> 295 x2 Bench 170x2 -> 200 x2 OHP 125 x 1 -> 140 x2 Jan 13, 2021 · I just wanted to give an update on my experience with my first PED cycle of RAD140 and the testosterone suppression + PCT (3 weeks in and feeling great). I personally find the best dosage for me is 25-30mg. I’m doing an 8 week cycle of 10mg rad-140, 20 mk-677, 10mg Cardarine, and 10mg enclo. 7. This means that you’ll only have to take these two SARMs . horny asf week 3 & 4. LGD mass gained seems to be mostly water weight, while RAD-140 is dry muscle gain and you get stronger this lift heavier. 10mg RAD-140, 5mg LGD, 20mg MK677 has been consistent through entire cycle. And it makes sense it doesn’t. 4 weeks won't do shit, depending on source and if they have the dosage right and it's rad, 5mg will give small gains in 8 weeks. IMO these questions are pointless because too many variables. If you respond well you might get ok gains. Now it's week 4 and I noticed changes in my body composition but barely made any strength gains (5lbs increase on squat, 5 on bench). Usually you can get away with a mini pct on sarms, especially if you run enclo alongside them. My last 2 cycles of rad were 20mg daily and the strength gains were incredible. I’m on day 5 and it most certainly kicked in today. Some people claim there are diminishing returns while running it over 20mg, while others claim it is dose dependent and that 25-30mg shows a dramatic increase in gains. Take the number of mg multiply by 100 subtract your weight and then divide by your height. Purchased from Narrow Labs, liquid, first SARM cycle. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Relevant info –. I always hear things like rad140 is best sarm for gaining strength and you can see ridiculous gains on it. Hope my results/recording benefits someone. Strength gains were noticeably different around middle of week 2(4-5 strength workouts a week) and major difference week 4. Training 6 days per week, as hard as I possibly can. ht lu jz vh jv pe rg rv op bj