Dotnet test coverage percentage. Coverlet - Cross platform code coverage tool for .

It requires the . NET 6. Then, run the dotnet test command with the Coverlet options on the solution or project folder: You can also build and test with code coverage for a particular test project rather than for the whole repo with the /p:Coverage=true property: dotnet build /t:Test /p:Coverage=true. *?([0-9]{1,3})% to code coverage parsing in project setting. 6 statements were carried out. collector does not support threshold validation. Jun 4, 2024 · Azure DevOps Services. Coverage. Nov 21, 2020 · Coverlet returning 0 % coverage. Oct 24, 2018 · Azure DevOps build don't fail when coverage is below target with dotnet test 16 Schema for azurepipelines-coverage. Jan 18, 2022 · Because of this conceptual difference Line coverage percentage has a small difference. console. Line 02 shuts down any remaining background build services, just in case any keep a lock on the . displayName: 'Check build quality'. io SonarQube supports the following . Add this NuGet package in your test project: dotnet add package coverlet. Run unit tests collecting code coverage results. NET 5 unit tests in my local SonarQube instance (on Windows). If you want to disable the plugin, open the Plugins page of settings Ctrl Alt 0S, switch to the Installed tab and clear the checkbox next to dotCover. Must-share information (formatted with Markdown ): I am using SonarQube 8. Install a coverage report generator tool. But the ‘Code Mar 25, 2024 · Publish Code Coverage Results publishes code coverage results to Azure Pipelines or TFS, which were produced by a build in Cobertura or JaCoCo format. Additionally, a generic coverage format is also supported if you wish to use an unsupported tool (though you will have to convert its output to the generic format yourself). 0 (build 29455) PullRequest. Run the tests in the project in the current directory, and generate a code coverage file (Windows only): . You can also specify different formats from the command-line by either specifying it in the runsettings file or specifying it in a parameter. Coverlet. Run the tests in the project in the current directory, and log with detailed verbosity to the console: . yml to configure newly released code coverage metrics feature for PR's Sep 22, 2023 · 19. workflow_dispatch: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest. NET Core. The --collect:"Code Coverage" argument tells the test runner to collect code coverage data. xml file but if you use msbuild with /p:CollectCoverage=true you will have to add the package dotnet add package coverlet. SonarQube. This sample is written in C# and targets . dotCover. but there isn't any coverage report or at least I can't see it. So, add it with the NuGet package manager or with the CLI, running the command dotnet add package coverlet. Too bad for us. Console is a command-line tool. For example codecov. runsettings files. When you click on it, you will see the details of the code coverage. It’s unbelievable easy to use, comparing with OpenCover. It is possible to control build result with code coverage percentage result in both vNext build system and XAML build. To reach 80% you actually need to write some details. Here is how I run the tests: Jun 5, 2024 · This sample solution includes a class library that is unit tested by two xUnit test projects. OpenCover. Configuration via the TeamCity UI is supported for: For the . Install the coverlet. I can't figure out why it is not working. Generated. coverage file can be downloaded and analyzed in e. May 15, 2020 · Coverlet is a cross-platform code coverage framework for . donet. Sample prerequisites. Testing. Here is the whole command, for example: dotnet test Lib. For example, MSTest uses test-methods FQNs but NUnit uses properties of test attributes as test IDs. This is how we are generating code coverage for the entire solution using coverlet. dotnet add package coverlet. msbuild to the test project once. collector nuget package in your unit test projects and generate coverage reports with dotnet test --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage". pool: Aug 1, 2022 · Azure Devops pipeline started failing on self hosted agent on Check build quality task. Package: coverlet After those actions the . MiniCover is very nice and compact tool that can be put in place during your continuous integration or continuous delivery to measure code coverage on each build. vstest. Reference coverlet. net using dockerfile with sonar scanner Topics dockerfile static-analysis sonarqube dotnet-core ashley sonar-scanner ubuntu-container linux-container dhevalall Code Coverage Summary. Now add some parameters when running the test project: dotnet test /p:CollectCoverage=true. This summary can be posted as a Pull Request comment or included in Release Notes by other actions to give you an immediate insight into the health of your code without using a third-party site. net5, we were using coverlet. May 13, 2018 · Below is a simple example of one of my queries's main execute method (I left out the DI constructor but I'm sure you git the idea): The tests passes (and will also fail if I break the logic in the LINQ) or any other logic in the code. Apr 28, 2020 · There’s a separate command for getting coverage in . The blog Feb 11, 2019 · Keep checking for new version. However, running dotcover runs the test, passes it but says that none of it is covered. cobertura. Jun 6, 2019 · Recently I have similar problem as you and I am also using Azure DevOps for my case. The coverage. We have a Typescript project where we do this. Added pages job to my . Double-check your test project patterns: sonar. testProjectPattern=**. NET Test Coverage Analysis with Coverlet. This application has database layer. NET Core do not provide code coverage reports out of the box, even the code coverage support was provided only in dotnet core version 2. QualityChecks-task. And that’s all. * Not sure if coverlet results file is supported by Azure Nov 15, 2019 · The quality gate in SonarCloud does not pass because the coverage percentage is 0. However, it can be obtained quite easily. Set1: When A=8, B=4. Net process, so you can use it to produce code coverage numbers from e2e tests that aren't written in . x the only supported coverage tool is JetBrains dotCover. Test coverage reports are not generated by SonarQube itself. Use the command available on the coverlet docs to output the code coverage with the lcov format, to be With the help of GitLab CI/CD, you can collect the test coverage information of your favorite testing or coverage-analysis tool, and visualize this information inside the file diff view of your merge requests (MRs). \d+)?\"/. Jun 3, 2021 · You can verify that you’ve set everything up correctly in your test project by ensuring that you have at least one test in your project and then run the following command in your project: dotnet test / p: CollectCoverage = true / p: CoverletOutputFormat =opencover. NET Core, Ant, Maven , Gulp, Grunt, and Gradle provide the option to publish code coverage data to the pipeline. msbuild nuget package in our test project: Install-Package coverlet. 30%). I believe this should work with any . Net or even from manual testing, and merge the results with your unit tests, etc. Typically, all we need is open the project folder and run: dotCover. As already mentioned, Visual Studio Professional and Community Editions do not have built-in test coverage support. Adding coverlet. It can also capture code coverage from a running . For those who can’t run the dotnet command, add the following under the ItemGroup block in the . Just after the build step but before the scanner end step, ensure that your test step Jun 17, 2024 · dotCover is provided as a single bundled plugin for JetBrains Rider, which is added and enabled automatically during the IDE installation. . NET Core projects: cover-dotnet or just dotnet. Apr 23, 2019 · dotnet tool install --global dotnet-coverage. MsBuild, you need to add /p:CollectCoverage=true when executing tests or added as a Property in your project file <PropertyGroup><CollectCoverage>true</CollectCoverage></PropertyGroup> however there are also various other settings you need to tweak (such as output format and location) as well as some sonar In this article. coverage --recursive --output merged. NET Core 3. From the command prompt, create a new solution to encapsulate the class library and the two test projects. steps: Apr 29, 2020 · dotCover 2019. report --version 0. xml file. We have an api in . Net Core in many formats: json (default), lcov, opencover and cobertura. myge Dec 5, 2019 · I have setup a Pull Request Pipeline in Azure DevOps that will include a SonarQube Analyse. Test Framework: MSTest. This prevents it from injecting its own result directory. NET, with support for line, branch and method coverage. In this post, I'll use coverlet. There are several types of test coverage To analyze the code coverage of our application, first we need to install Coverlet’s MSBuild integration using the coverlet. coverage): dotnet-coverage merge *. This extension is shipped as part of Microsoft. . NET Core on all supported platforms Aug 22, 2021 · Code coverage, also called test coverage, tells you which parts of your code are executed by running the unit and integration tests. It would be better if there was a dotnet test Aug 8, 2023 · When I use dotnet test with the argument --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage;Format=cobertura" then it does count the generated code in the namespace System. Microsoft Code Coverage analysis is possible for both managed (CLR) and unmanaged (native) code. More here; Let's set-up our test application. dotnet test files (. exe dotnet --output=myRep. Pass your own directory in the -r parameter. Tests; **. - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2. NET runner and with NUnit version 3. yml file. dotnet-coverage Code Coverage. Configured Project in sonarqube, able to see Bugs, Code smells Jun 20, 2022 · I added a coverage percentage after my auomated tests execution : but my manager asked me how is it calculated based on the code only or the user interface ? Some websites mentioned that it's calcu Dec 12, 2021 · You can do from the command line, using Microsoft's dotnet-coverage and danielpalme dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool. Install a plugin for VSCode where I could see the code coverage in a nice way, and its name is coverage-gutters. Do the restore, build steps. NET framework 4. If everything was set up correctly, the output of the command will show you Jul 10, 2023 · Step 5: Open index file and you can view the Percentage of code covered in Unit Test cases. This will create a new solution file name XUnit. exe (version 2017 and later), dotCover might get 0% coverage because the process with tests is killed by test platform before dotCover has a chance to save a snapshot. Code coverage file is not generated (correctly) The easiest way to validate if the code coverage file is generated correctly, is by publishing it as an artifact. You add it as a reference to the test project and change the command collector type from Code Coverage to XPlat Code Coverage. For details, see Test Execution Parameters. I want to measure the Code Coverage of my XUnit-Tests in an ASP. Jun 17, 2019 · Azure DevOps - Builds not showing code coverage when using "dotnet test --collect:'Code Coverage'" 2 Azure DevOps The code coverage value (0%, 0 lines) is lower than the minimum value Feb 20, 2024 · This format can be viewed in the code coverage results window in Visual Studio Enterprise. Navigate to the test report page to view detailed information Feb 18, 2019 · Let's see how you can do that easily with . sonarqube directory. If you really want to do it though Jetbrains dotCover can merge test reports together to create a single report. msbuild to validate our code coverage but our solution has 50 csprojs and we were hitting a bug where some projects returned 0% of coverage, so we changed the package to coverlet. The result is this. Extensions. TestResults\<some-guid>\ folder. TeamCity supports . Add an explicit task to publish the test results. 5 statements were carried out. Test coverage reports and test execution reports are important metrics in assessing the quality of your code. Coverlet allows you to specify a coverage threshold below which it fails the build. To get the code coverage information open the test results window and click on the Jun 17, 2024 · Note that test frameworks identify tests in different ways. The artifacts, including test Jun 17, 2024 · ReportGenerator - Powerful code coverage visualization tool. In between, you perform the actual build and your tests. Statement coverage is equal to 5/7 times 100, or 71. (Or you can choose dotnet core template as below): In the test command of dotnet core task, add argument - --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage". Head to Azure devops, create pipeline using classic editor. Run report generator tool on the code coverage results generated by the tests. 9. Remember "XPlat Code Coverage" is friendly name and case sensitive. Test coverage is a metric that quantifies the proportion of a program’s source code exercised by a set of test cases. coverage, sonarqube. If there is no output file, please check if you did include /p:CollectCoverage=true --logger trx to the test command. NET test coverage tools: Visual Studio Code Coverage. 00%. There are multiple solutions, some are free such as coverlet, and some are paid such as dotCover. Sep 28, 2018 · Coverlet. Sep 30, 2021 · You'll need to use a code-analysis service that is able to analyse your code-coverage reports generated by dotnet test, ng test or similar. Built-in tasks such as Visual Studio Test , . Go to codecov. It is typically expressed as a percentage and is an important indicator of the effectiveness of testing in validating the software. Summar report UserController Line coverage screen shot If you see in the above screen shot Oct 12, 2022 · It sets the threshold for code coverage and then compares the actual values to determine if it passes. coverage: /sequenceCoverage=\"\d+(?:\. 61524. Test coverage reports describe the percentage of your code that has been tested by your test suite during a build. Microsoft. opencover. Jan 27, 2021 at 15:18. Text. Generate your coverage with your preferred tools, and then you can use dotnet-coverage to merge them all into a single file. For example: steps: - task: Test task. According to this, this and some other sources: I added jacoco to the list of plugins in pom. NET Core and Azure DevOps. Code coverage is an important quality metric and helps you measure the percentage of your project's code that is being tested. Set the filename for the Coverage Gutters from which to read the coverage results. This differs from test execution reports, which describe which tests within your test suite have been run during a build. Conclusion. SonarQube: Developer Edition Version 8. I am setting up an Azure DevOps pipeline for an ASP. Visual Studio. /cobertura--collect: Retrieve the coverage percentage. I'm getting no errors but in sonarcloud is saying 0 errors and 0% coverage. Sep 3, 2021 · The easiest way to do this is to run the dotnet package add command targeting the test project: dotnet add <TestProject. Code coverage is typically expressed as percent values, for example, 79% statements, 53% branches, 74% functions, 78% lines. Aug 11, 2021 · arguments: '--configuration $(buildConfiguration) --collect "Code coverage"'. Select the assemblies for which you want to collect code coverage information and then re-run the unit tests. UnitTests. g. NET Code Coverage. The Tooling for . Apr 20, 2022 · 0. collector. In vNext build, you need to add the PowerShell step in the build definition, and run one PowerShell script to determine whether the build failed or succeed. Jun 29, 2021 · In this case, our project is a dotnet core project. Give your project a name TestCoverageDemo. CodeCoverage. We are using SonarQube 6. Coverlet documentation reflect the current repository state of the features, not the released ones. On this page. If you use a test framework other than NUnit, you can configure Apr 15, 2024 · You can then run the tests and compute the code coverage with the following command: PowerShell. The dotnet test command generates the coverage reports as coverage. Apr 4, 2021 · Sacamoto. Also, toward the top of the sonar-runner output (within the first 20 or so lines), you should see some lines like this: Jan 30, 2023 · Code coverage showing always 0%. Feb 8, 2021 · Note: If you run dotnet test --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage" you can get a coverage. After the build job, SonarQube contains the Analyse results, but not the coverage information. gitlab-ci. Publish the code coverage port in a certain format. dotnet test --results-directory"test-results"--collect:"Code Coverage" dotnet test --results-directory"test-results"--collect:"Code Coverage;Format=cobertura". Try this instead: sonar. 1 Application and I have the following YAML definition test segment) for building, testing and code coverage. Dec 29, 2020 · The first thing to do to add code coverage reports to our project is to install Coverlet, a NuGet package, whose documentation can be accessed on GitHub. Nov 4, 2021 · This allows GitLab to show the covered lines directly into the merge request, but, since the dotnet test command doesn’t print it to stdout, the total coverage percentage is still missing Feb 28, 2022 · dotnet test -c Debug-r . Coverage in the UnitTestingCodeCoverage directory. 0% (for both new as existing code). Check the changelog to understand if the Apr 29, 2022 · Instruct . To reach ±50% of coverage you just need to write any test which just calls stuff w/o any insight, 100% coverage i see as marketing for open source and ±80% is a number i personally came to while trying to estimate the minimum requirement. Jul 23, 2018 · Description dotnet test --collect "Code coverage" should show coverage info for each module on console Steps to reproduce dotnet new mstest dotnet add package spekt. 1 and earlier) dotCover console runner: Double-click this file and find the option Code Coverage option on the left of the dialog. Step 1 - Change directory into your unit testing sub folder (same as the unit-testing . The following tabs will be added: Mar 14, 2023 · Steps to configure automatic unit testing and code coverage report generation in ASP. Building the sample Mar 21, 2019 · 4. dotnet test XML coverage files (. In the logs I can see the following warning: WARN: Could not import Jul 30, 2021 · Cobertura report provides line coverage information as 'line-rate' attribute. For example, the dotnet command-line use dotnet test --collect:"Code Coverage;Format=Cobertura". 10. Test execution reports tell you which tests have been run and their results. NET Code Coverage Badge will be generated and the percentage printet to the workflow log. 6%). To enable coverage reporting, you need to make the following changes: In the scanner begin step, add the appropriate parameter to specify the location of the coverage report file that will be produced. Apr 5, 2022 · 1. pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest. 1. msbuild to every test project in your solution. 2. For details, see test execution parameters. The following is a screenshot of the pipeline Summary view with these results shown: Azure Pipeline showing Unit Test and Code Coverage results. displayName: 'Publish code coverage'. First, you need to install the NuGet package coverlet. Apr 14, 2021 · SonarQube test coverage . Tests/Lib. You must add Coverlet. Jun 10, 2022 · For a slightly simpler solution that doesn't require the report generator, you can get coverlet to also output in the opencover format which already includes the total coverage as a percentage. Add the projects to the root of the solution. To ensure that quality for your project improves over time (or at the least, doesn't regress), new code being brought into the system must be well tested. Since you are using Springboot, you need to add the task: Publish code coverage results task before the Build Quality Checks task. 1 and earlier: When covering "dotnet test", "dotnet vstest" or vstest. BuildQualityChecks. If you have dotUltimate license, you can analyze coverage of unit tests (that is the degree to which the code of your solution is covered by unit tests) with JetBrains dotCover. At the end I went up with the custom runsettings file that excludes the test assemblies manually and includes only those having our company name. The dotCover command-line tool lets you: Control execution of any test runner (MSTest, NUnit, xUnit, MSpec, and so on) and record coverage of executed tests in coverage snapshots. NET Core Test Explorer to add --collect: "XPlat Code Coverage" to the dotnet test call to collect coverage results when the tests are run. xml files in the <TestProjectDir>. Attribute 'line-rate' is defined at different levels: for entire report - coverage root element; for particular assembly - package element; for particular class - class element and etc. NET, improving code quality and test coverage throughout your . The testing frameworks by themselves won't give you code coverage unless you are running the tests with Visual Studio Enterprise. Added Total. properties file I'm referencing these files as May 31, 2020 · And we used the reportgenerator to merge those results as one file to calculate the total coverage percentage, and echo the result. Apr 9, 2024 · Last modified: 09 April 2024. SonarQube itself does not calculate coverage. Check this blog for the details of the PowerShell script: http To verify the percentage of statement coverage for each scenario, we are using source code to generate two distinct situations based on input values. narote (Nitin Sitaram Arote) January 30, 2023, 10:56am 1. In the sonar-project. NET 5. After you have done this (and run the test for the first time), you should be able to enable Coverage Gutters Mar 14, 2023 · The overall Unit Test results pass/fail percentages and Code Coverage percentages will also be displayed on the main Summary view for the pipeline build results. When I use dotnet test with the argument --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage;Format=opencover" then it does not count the generated code. It contains value in range from 0 to 1 (1 means 100%). It supports also merging and converting code coverage reports. xml file is succesfully generated after test execution for each unit test project. Jul 3, 2018 · First, we calculate the test coverage and output a coverage. A GitHub Action that reads Cobertura format code coverage files from your test suite and outputs a text or markdown summary. NET Framework. The corresponding article, use code coverage for unit testing details the usage of C#, xUnit, coverlet, and ReportGenerator. SonarCloud itself does not calculate coverage. 7. This tool can be used to collect code coverage in non-test scenarios (for example, for a simple console application). Code coverage information will be collected and is available. Jul 24, 2023 · The image shows the pipeline status, a link to the full test report, and information about the code coverage percentage (83. BuildQualityChecks@6. Workaround (only for dotCover 2019. Jan 19, 2022 · dotnet test --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage" 上記のコマンドが成功すれば、以下のファイルパスにカバレッジの結果が記載されたXMLファイルを出力します。 {テストプロジェクトのファイルパス}\TestResults\{guid}\coverage. Install OpenCover NUGet component using NuGet interface. Coverlet is a cross platform code coverage framework for . msbuild. Now check what format the output file is. For example, we want to get coverage of tests in some project. coverage. First, you need to compute the code coverage when you run the tests. I'm generating code coverage reports using Coverlet. It works with . dotnet test --collect "Code Coverage". NET Core in Visual Studio 2015 is preview 2 and code coverage does not work so far. Notes: In this example, we run the command from the Apr 11, 2023 · I'm trying to setup a pipeline that runs sonarscanner, unit tests with code coverage. Copy. Since coverlet works only with dotnet sdk style projects, i have converted the xunit test to dotnet sdk style cs project. With Coverlet. Both static and dynamic instrumentation are supported. I want to show test coverage for my . Install coverlet, which gives me the code coverage for . Trying to show code coverage % and Unit Test count in Sonarqube Portal. 2 as the target framework and click Create. ReportGenerator で HTML ファイルを出力 Jul 4, 2019 · U nlike other application frameworks . Tests. Coverlet - Cross platform code coverage tool for . csproj file: 1. visualstudio. If you copy-paste this, be sure to rename the <MyProject> and adjust tje gist-filename, gist-id and gist-auth-token to your configuration. NET Framework on Windows and . However, if you want coverage data also gathered for the tests themselves, you can add /p Nov 25, 2022 · Coverlet has the Threshold option that we can set to a minimum percentage and it will fail the tests if our code coverage is below this percentage: dotnet test -p :CollectCoverage = true -p :CoverletOutputFormat = opencover -p :CoverletOutput = TestResults -p :SkipAutoProps = true -p :Threshold = 80 Nov 12, 2013 · 1. 4. testProjectPattern=*Tests;*UnitTests. dotCover is only available in Rider for the owners of Jun 21, 2020 · In the meantime, you can use coverlet. steps: - task: mspremier. 0 SDK. csproj --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage". Since the test command doesn’t produce any output concerning the total coverage percentage, Mar 18, 2024 · Configuring . displayName: "dotnet global test tool install". NET code coverage using NCover, PartCover, and dotCover coverage engines. Developers claim they have unit test cases for every function or class they write. coverlet. However - we would really like to be able to see the results directly in Azure Pipelines. This allows you to enforce a minimum coverage percent on all changes to your project. test: stage: test. Test coverage reports tell you what percentage of your code is covered by your test cases. Code coverage for both front end code (JavaScript) & back end code (java) shows 0%. 6 days ago · On the overview page, you can see the percentage of the code coverage. Apr 17, 2024 · Microsoft code coverage. Thankfully, there is an open-source solution called coverlet. I will write step-by-step configuration for use with NUnit tests within Visual Studion 2015 Professional. Unmanaged (native) code coverage is disabled in the extension by default. Turn off automatic publishing the test results from the DotNetCoreCLI@2 test command. The steps we perform are: Build the solution in release configuration. I'm trying to use the coverlet tool in dotnet test to recieve coverage for my xunit test. NET, supporting code lines, branch, and method coverage. net core projects. You can use it to collect code coverage for C++ and C# code. 117 2 9. 1-beta-01 --source https://www. Mar 27, 2016 · 4. This is how I solved it. html --reportType=HTML -- test. inputs: Dec 20, 2022 · The test project is a xUnit project and when you create an xUnit project, a package called coverlet is automatically installed. NET Core on all supported platforms. Merge coverage snapshots with the merge command, for example, to combine snapshots of unit tests that use different testing frameworks. The pipeline details after a run showing the test passed and the code coverage. For more details about the coverage, you can download the coverage file and open it in Visual Studio. NET Core application. cspoj> package coverlet. CodeCoverage NuGet package. collector, our problem now is that coverlet. Net core runtime and VS version, and also on CI servers (I've tested . inputs: command: 'custom'. yml. Using the dotnet sln command: dotnet new sln -n XUnit. Coverlet open cover is creating XML file that is actually confirming that there is a percentage covered. Code coverage for . xml): Jul 7, 2021 · 1. RegularExpressions. The pipeline build, test and analyse the . In its simplest form, your yaml file might look like the below. MiniCover (35%) is more generous and give more percentage than OpenCover (33. Net 5) Install (run as admin) dotnet tool install -g dotnet-coverage dotnet tool install -g dotnet-reportgenerator Apr 28, 2024 · Let's have a look at how to generate code coverage in . - task: PublishCodeCoverageResults@1. csproj file) and run the following dotnet command. This allows you to see which lines are covered by tests, and which lines still require coverage, before the MR is merged. We can now see this in pipeline results: This . 0. Then select . The above command will automatically fail the build if the line, branch or method coverage of any of the instrumented modules falls below 80%. I have to say that I hate using . Dec 30, 2017 · I need to see code coverage report for a java maven project in Gitlab. Create a new console Application using . NET applications. By default, coverage is only provided for the library being tested. ; In your CI script, navigate to the directory containing your solution file. collector with dotnet add package. Statements are, broadly speaking, control structures like if and for as well as Test coverage parameters. the xunit test executes UI Automation tests using a tool called Rapise. msbuild in each test project in your solution. io. When developers raise pull requests Mar 27, 2024 · dotnet test --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage". xml. NET Core with VS Code and XUnit Overview. script: - dotnet test Project --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage;Format=cobertura Apr 11, 2020 · For some reason Microsoft thinks that scanning the test assemblies is a good default. NET CLI. bu no xo su pm bz ry yp bv up