Aita reddit pregnant. Also, throwaway as my ex follows my main.

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She actually forgave me, and she said it's because 1. Fortunately I was able to do damage control and have my 6 family members swear to secrecy that they would not tell anyone until 20 weeks. We are delighted but also terrified. I (28m) married my wife (23f), who we’ll call ‘Dani’, about a year ago and we were very lucky to get pregnant soon after. Once we got the good news, I started working extra hours in order to save more money for when the baby gets here. I (43f) and my wife (42f) have been together for 6 years now. We have a shared account for housing purchases but separate personal accounts. I was mad, but. Your SIL was very respectful in how she handle it and didn’t seem like the attention whxxx you tried to make her out to be. Step 3: brother needs a plan to move out. They’re not the source of your misfortune and even though you’re grieving, what you did was nasty. It was extremely embarrassing because everyone was looking and I was very pissed off. Seems she just assumed she wouldn't have to pay for it, since some sucker was going to move. Trailsya. I’m at the vet waiting room with my cat so I’m gonna rush this and edit the grammar later. It doesn’t suddenly turn women into assholes. I feel like they are going to cause so much additional heartbreak. This has been a really tough pregnancy ADMIN. This concern takes place at my mother's house. A safer space for all pregnant people. He makes about $45,000 more than I do. AITA for being bothered by my pregnant wife's behaviour. Weve been trying for a while and IVf was thankfully successful finally. You are not his only option, you’re just the cheapest one. You need to talk to someone impartial. These are her texts : when I think back on my pregnancy I think of all the ways you hurt me. I'll answer any other questions that might be needed in the comments. more replies. AITA for saying not again and not being happy for my daughters pregnancy. If nothing else OP should be teaching his daughter to have more self respect than to be with a boy who knocks her up and doesn’t provide for her AND wants to leach off her parents. Being pregnant doesn't give her a get out of jail free card for bratty behavior. This is like aita bingo. She asked me within 5 minutes (politely admittedly) if she could have my chair as she was going to have trouble standing the whole time. It sounds like your family has beaten you down for many years. If it was a regular pregnancy it probably wouldn't be obvious at 3 months, but with twins it's more difficult. Jane's husband (Charles); My husband 31M (Victor) Background - I don't like how Charles speaks to or treats Jane in general. NTA. Not divulging personal info isn't "asking people to pander to your delusions". If she felt unsafe asking a man then that's also an issue. My (31f) sister (27f) was married to A for 3 years. I’m super cautious about this pregnancy because it’s still super early and unfortunately my mother spilled the beans to my immediate family that I was pregnant. It doesn’t MAKE you selfish, it just gives you an excuse to toss out to cover your behavior. My BIL looked very embarrassed and my sister was very mad. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Last week, I can’t help as much as everyone expected, she gets angry and accuses me of ruining her entire pregnancy. You are better off concentrating only on yourself and your son. Mild antianxiety drugs or therapy, even meditation or yoga would help. AITA for suggesting my pregnant sister should put her baby up for adoption? Asshole. Unfortunately, that may mean your wife is left with less dense bones and teeth, because it took calcium directly from them rather than from fruit and milk. Just because she's pregnant doesn't mean you're also not tired. My husband and I stepped up so she could finish college, which she did. The baby will take from her body what it needs. She has asked me to not share the news with anyone until we get to about 12 weeks, when the pregnancy The mostly likely thing to kill a pregnant woman is her partner. Im all for announcing pregnancy whenever you want. At some point they should have told her to go back to her seat. My daughter got pregnant the second year into college, it was not a good time. I put the kid to bed every night and put him back to sleep if he gets up in the middle of the night. He will drag you down and not have a happy or positive pregnancy. Sister obviously sounds a self-centred person, probably because of mommy's coddling 🤷‍♀️. I’m on mobile and my grammar will probably be bad because after today I needed to to get drunk. My (30F) pregnant sister (34F) and her husband (42M) planned 2 weekend trips to visit me on the west coast - also as a pit stop to get to and from Hawaii. She consistently came up with new reasons not to have kids. In reading your explanation it’s completely understandable, but you had to know it wouldn’t go over well. AITA - pregnant wife with morning sickness, husband won't empty barf bowls. Totally up to you and your partner when, where, how, and why you tell them. I'm her youngest sister, 2. Together 4 years. It is the first time for both of us. HG can begin between 4 and 8 weeks of pregnancy. This… this isn’t normal. We had a high risk pregnancy and didn't tell anyone. I was reluctant to merge our accounts because I feel he can be controlling . just had my gender reveal - we are so excited that it’s a girl! immediately afterwards, my husband (24 y/o)’s twin sister, whose a committed virgin till marriage and not dating/barely ever dated, sat me down to let me know what girl names she has “reserved ADMIN MOD. She hasn't been taking the pregnancy well, has nausea in the evening and she is crying and complaining that I am not doing enough. r/AmItheAsshole. AITA for “revealing” my pregnancy at a wedding? Not the A-hole. I was "bragging" about my good pregnancy in front of my sister, who had a bad one. AITA for causing a scene when my sister (26) stole my pregnancy announcement? My sister Lila (28F) and I (34F) are both the children of a single mother. I (33m) have a 6 month pregnant wife (33f) and kid (1. "I'm pregnant!!!" She would say. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. My sister (Jane) is pregnant and this trip is their babymoon. Same thing with cravings. Especially since they weren’t the ones to tell you because they most likely didn’t want to hurt you. I also insulted her back, escalating everything instead of trying to calm her down or All have great friends and, of those in relationships, solid partners. Not the A-hole. Doctors tell pregnant women that if all they can keep down as ice cream, to eat ice cream. Asshole. The problem was John and Caroline only made enough for Jane and not Join the community of moral philosophers and share your dilemmas. He asked ,“AITA for refusing to make any more We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. NTA- your sisters a walking headache and your parents are enablers. Everyone was happy and even more when Emily told everyone that she was also trying for a baby. This comes during my husband's busy period at work, where he is working 80+ hours a week. The problem is at the moment she can not My (24f) boyfriend (24M) has 2 sisters Emily (30F) and Diane (32F). AITA for telling my SIL no cares that she’s pregnant. Severe nausea and vomiting may also start between 4 and 8 weeks of pregnancy and often goes away by weeks 14 to 16. It typically goes away by 16 to 18 weeks of pregnancy. Reply reply. They both knew of our pregnancy, and were very happy for us. As a woman who has been pregnant i agree with this. AITA for telling my pregnant wife being pregnant isn’t as bad as having cancer. By this point I was nearing 6 months pregnant. When I see the commercials now for pregnancy tests that work BEFORE you even miss your period, they make me cringe. Step 4: get a therapist. You said you had SIL in your thoughts but you really didn’t. About 40 minutes before the school would let us inside, a pregnant woman got next to me since somebody let her in line (I assume her partner). Pregnant wife being absolutely terrible and OP didn’t even want to move out, just wanted to stop catering to her cravings and to sleep in another room and there were still plenty of people saying OP should suck it up because this is the mother of his child and it’s only temporary and that he’s the asshole for not tolerating nine months of r/AmItheAsshole. While I was on the couch he came in front of me and started talking to my baby and referring to himself as daddy. AITA for making my pregnant wife cry by calling her less of a person? - Feb 07, 2023 This all boils down to my wife's father. This is the price you’ve paid for a peaceful pregnancy, don’t lose sight of the fact that it was worth it. No, the likely thing based on the information is that she's hyperanxious due to the pregnancy and is fixating on the dog. The pregnancy has been hard, she's high risk, that's why my mom is staying with us for the moment. Personally I didn't want the child, my work was offering potential Oct 11, 2021 · A Reddit post went viral this week after a member posted a story to the AmItheAsshole sub. Prior to their elopement, they were on and off for about 4 years. My sister is 15 and pregnant with a 31 yo man's kid. Yes, pregnancy is hard (and harder for some than others) but it's not an excuse to be rude and unreasonably demanding to people you love. throwaway-itried. Party-Writing4673. But I knew what she was going to say. We all got our food and his wife, Caroline, went and grabbed the plate that was for my wife. 1K comments. He was hoping to clear his conscience but the group of Internet sleuths helped him realize that he and his girlfriend were pregnant. Fast forward about a year and she meets a guy (he's 28) online and "falls in love". I think AITA because even though Kelly announcing her pregnancy was inappropriate and her demands are ridiculous, calling her out in front of everyone wasn't the best way to handle it either. McMenz_. The overwhelming opinion on AITA was that the babysitter shouldn't have let their own mother in. I work five days a week and wife works part time - two days with the kid and three days at work while the kid is in childcare. He came in to the relationship with 2 kids (11f, 8m) that he has full custody of. Diane announced her first pregnancy at mother day this year. My daughter works part time, and her fiancé is a chef full When my son was 10, I caught my wife cheating and got a divorce. AITA for thinking my mom is trying to force me into teen pregnancy? There is a long background for context, sorry for the large amount of text. My daughter is 23 (I'm dad btw). In Australia, we have safe work laws for pregnant people. This wasn't abnormal so I didn't think anything of it, until my sister said she had some exciting knews. That being said, you absolutely should have warned them/ gave them a head up. The flight attendants are at fault for not mediating. The fact that your mom refuses to believe you is bizarre. Maybe because sister is the golden child, given by how mom jumped to rescue baby sister in distress yet yelling at OP, the same reason she was accusing OP of. •. I was on bedrest. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. Banning him from the house is step 1. You should leave before you’re wrapped up in the situation , she’s already pulling the pregnancy card… Seriously, they are financially insecure, they both have records, their job prospects right now are completely dim and "you're happy for them. I had "morning" sickness all day every day for my entire pregnancy. AITA for not eating, despite being pregnant? My fiancé and I have been together for 6 years and I'm currently 8 months pregnant. I 23f am currently 8 months pregnant. AITA for leaving my pregnant wife alone? Not the A-hole. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. " I didn't mean to say it out loud, but COME ON. AITA for not letting my pregnant daughter move in with me? Not the A-hole. Both kids can be cling ons though and I'm not sure What I did say is that pregnant women's livers metabolise caffeine more slowly, so it hangs around in the body for longer, so you need a reduced dose to achieve the same effect. NTA OP. This means that I have to get up 14 votes, 38 comments. My spouse and I split the mortgage and put equal amounts into our down payment. You’ve actively been trying for a kid for 15 years, telling your daughter you are, getting pregnant, telling your daughter you’re pregnant, terminating the pregnancy and then kicking her out when she’s upset over the fact that you told her you were pregnant but then terminated the pregnancy. My wife/ her mother died back in 2021 and I’ve been really struggling staying on top of the bills and barely have been able to keep us afloat. If he knows you are serious about resorting to eviction, he will figure something out. You have friends and family who will help you. The wedding was in early December. Read the comments to see who is the asshole. Vote and comment on others' posts. His name is John (fake name). I am 8 weeks pregnant and have had really bad nausea and vomiting for the past 2 weeks of my pregnancy. 9K votes, 1. Absolutely great kids, though the youngest does have hyperactive ADHD. HelloCheese12. ADMIN MOD. 5m). Completely anecdotal, but every single woman in my family had a first term miscarriage before their first successful pregnancy. I have a six year old son that started living with me as his primary guardian when he was three and his mom went back to school. Waste-Independent-21. She knows about my problem with keeping my thoughts to myself and that I'm working on myself, and 3. We had been keeping it a secret and planned to tell people around this time, but a few months after my pregnancy my SIL26 found out she was pregnant, and then it just felt awkward to announce. My boyfriend (28) moved in with me because of it, it wasn’t expected but we’re making do. My f25 SiL f23 and BiL m30 moved in with us and she's 4 months pregnant and every time before she uses the bathroom She'd ask me to go in and clean the toilet for her cause she's always nauseaous and any unwanted sight like pee stains on the toilet could trigger her upset stomach. My oldest two (4f) (2m) are super excited to be having another sister. Yeah, the appointment was organized under the assumption that I was pregnant (I got an ultrasound), but literally one of the first things the nurse did when I got there was a pregnancy test "because if I haven't had a period in 2-3 months, I'm either pregnant or there's something else wrong. Tldr: I didn’t know sister was pregnant and made the first pregnancy announcement. The vulnerability during pregnancy is intense and primal, I never judge pregnant women for feeling insecure. I was also very quiet and well behaved while my sister was wild. Objective-Pen2383. I might be the asshole because I was talking too much about my pregnancy and my plans with our family when I know she didn't have the same kind of support from our family. She has 6 kids, between the ages 10-11 months. Also, throwaway as my ex follows my main. Last week we went to his sisters wedding, I’m not super close with most of his family but we grew up in the same town so I knew a lot of the people who were at the wedding. AITA for making my pregnant wife get up at 3am. My 2nd pregnancy was horrible as far as my hormones! My husband was the only person that understood. I live alone with my 20 year old daughter. Can’t come to any other conclusion than abuse. Some women will continue to have nausea and vomiting for their entire pregnancy. You have nothing to apologize for and be the "bigger person". Find out if you were wrong or right in an argument. I feel awful but things are what they are. true. In the same vein, morphine metabolism occurs faster in a pregnant woman, so women will need a higher dose than non-pregnant woman to achieve the same effect. AITA for being more excited for my daughter-in-law's pregnancy than my daughter's? Not the A-hole. I (16f) swap houses between my moms (35f) and dad's. I would snap one moment and cry the next. My wife (29F) is 3 months pregnant and I (35M) have been married 4 years and dating 2 years prior. There are 3 different fathers, she receives child support from 2 of them, and she is still with the 3rd one and they have been for 5 years. I45f have a 27 year old daughter. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have AITA for kicking my daughter out of my house for being pregnant. " We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. She should have booked another seat she wanted herself or not gone on the flight. Twin pregnancy is significantly higher risk and metabolic demand than a singleton pregnancy. She’s still in high school, doesn’t have a job, and is living our mom (who also doesn’t have a job either). I’m only telling you this because I want to reassure you that a better life is both possible and likely thanks to the decisions that you are making. 436K subscribers in the pregnant community. Women are single mums all the time. Throwaway, some details changed, mobile so formatting, etc. From what you have posted if you move with him he still won't help you or be happy. It's called revealed preference - you show what you want by what you choose to do, not by what you say you want. Her name is Sarah and she is pregnant. She gifted her mother a baby shoe and a positive pregnancy test. CommitteePrevious723. Their pregnancy announcement wasn’t about you. Refusing to get you a pregnancy test is abusive. That is not lost on me, I recognize AITA for screaming at my sister after announcing my pregnancy. Heal yourself, help your son. AITA For Telling My Daughter if She Keeps Her Pregnancy I’m Kicking Her Out. She just graduated and just got a job. Dani is in her third trimester now and on pregnancy leave. By this point we had already been invited to the wedding of a couple of friends, 'Jack' and 'Jill'. My doctor told my husband to hang in there. A few years ago my wife (not her mom) took her to get a birth control implant, and she was always happy on it. My other friend’s, Nick, wife saw. If a pregnant person cannot perform their normal duties, the company must find them a suitable alternative. She knows that I am concerned for her and she appreciates it, but she has assured me that she's fine and said that this pregnancy wasn't planned and her husband We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. AITA for telling my SIL I will disown her if she gets pregnant? Not the A-hole. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 6. You shouldn’t have to prove you’re not pregnant, she should take your word, and even in the face of a pregnancy test, she refuses. It is a major medical ordeal to gestate multiples at the same time. Go to AmItheAsshole. Not for not congratulating them but for insulting them. Things have been fine to a point, and I definitely appreciate them taking me in during my time of need. Her best bet is to show up pregnant at her wealthy parents and beg for AITA for crying and asking my boyfriend to leave over a burger? I (21F) recently found out I’m pregnant (woo…/s) getting to the 6 month mark, it’s a complicated pregnancy and I’m exhausted. Growing up, I was always closer to our mother since we were closer in age and had similar interests. I told him to get the fuck up and to stop touching me. First things first, I want to thank each and everyone of you who commented, voted, and gave their feedback and advice. eventually got over it and did not want to trwat him separately than his siblings at first. Me (37m) and my wife (33f) learned that she is about 8 weeks pregnant. They are both married and trying for a baby. I wished she'd say something else. AITA for not trying harder to let my ex know our son passed. Don't feel like you have to stay because they got you pregnant. My daughter can’t hold down a job, she quits or Boyfriend should be banned from stepping into the house. I (33f) live with my brother (32m) and his new wife (34f). Sorry for any lay out issues, I am on my phone. So my (29M) wife (29F) and I are expecting our first child in about a month, and I’d like to emphasize before getting into any of this that we are both very excited and love each other very much. AITA for kicking out my pregnant teenage step daughter over my cat. The writer of the post was a 26-year-old guy who goes by u/theomelette_. Thats a long story, the basics are it was My sister is 6 months pregnant and I’ve come to visit her and my mom for a couple of days. I'm a fifty-five year old woman and my son D [26m] and his wife J [30f] announced to me over thanksgiving that they are expecting their second child in six years. Both myself (F) and my partner (M) were 28 when I found out I was pregnant. I’m pregnant with my 2nd now and I left my cell phone in the fridge for some reason the other day. They shouldn't rehome the dog, but there should be help for her. Sister is upset due to complicated family dynamic. So I (35f) have been with my (45m) fiancé for 3 years now he has two kids a daughter (22) who’s a lovely girl and other daughter (19) who I’ll call Kim We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. On phone. 40 Weeks Pregnant & Reamed out by partner for spending $35. We have: a pregnant woman stealing food, man taking care of someone else's baby/pregnancy, super special food, throwaway account, and a weirdly involved parent taking the opposing side! Now we just need an obviously poorly behaving parent and their spoiled child and an extreme age gap relationship. As an early pregnancy there are SO MANY reasons why she might not want to divulge that info. " Doesn't anyone under 25 on AITA know about contraception? But on the question of whether Lizzie needs to contribute you are NTA. We currently have two children and a third on the way. NTA- pregnancy may screw with your hormones and make you somewhat irrational and more emotional but it doesn’t generally out and out change your personality. Pregnant and husbands single sister takes dibs on baby names. AITA for wanting to share our pregnancy news with my parents, without my wife. AITA for crying (of sadness) when my sister announced her pregnancy? : r/AmItheAsshole. Everyone went dead silent until I said "bruh. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. They both left. Her reasons may have been important to her, and ultimately they were more important than having kids (even if that was something she also wanted). Yeah, but pregnant women only asking women is the problem. funzies86. If they can't, the pregnant person must be paid their full wage for the remainder of their pregnancy. They were both friends with my husband at university, and I became close with them. OP shares how he cut off his sister who abused him and his wife, and refuses to help her financially. . There was a thread last week where a babysitter let her own mother in the house for like 15 minutes and the homeowner saw it in her ring doorbell and went off at the sitter and fired her. While women have been pregnant throughout all of history, it is only relatively recently that twin pregnancies weren't a likely death sentence for mother and children. At 9 weeks it’s no cake walk but it’s not impossible, some women don’t even know their pregnant , it’s just gonna keep getting kicked down the road. Domestic violence and cheating both hugely increase in odds when a woman gets pregnant. It's been totally disruptive to my life and I feel miserable. Backstory my cousin (33f) who I’ll call mary lost her husband (32m) and two of her three children (3f) and (9months male) in a car accident last week. Don't ask people if they're pregnant! Don't ask people why they're not drinking! Maybe they're on a new med! Maybe they're recovering from a drinking problem! Maybe they're on a diet! Maybe they've converted to a new religion! Maybe they had had miscarriages like OP did and weren't comfortable announcing a pregnancy yet! Sort of, but pregnancy brain makes you do things more like put the milk in the pantry instead of the fridge. UPDATE. I (27f) have been dating my boyfriend (28m) for a little over two years now and I’m 7 months pregnant. Nope. Wife (f29) and I (m27) are expecting our first baby, she's in her last trimester. She said she didn’t want the food that was made and wanted my wife’s food. AITA for hiding my pregnancy and showing up to SIL babyshower. Few-Extent-3804. The girl was sitting in the back of the bus, thus implying the pregnant woman had to pass several men in order to ask her for the seat. I tested all my childreb and 3 were mine, but my oldest 10yo son was not. Because of their unstable relationship, my sister never introduced him to our family until they were married. Lol, the daughter is just as bad. lw nh ri el wa ff tx yg zw vo